Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/856

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816 CONVENTION-—THE REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. JUNE 25, 1870. of or charged with the crimes spe- 6 acusadas de los crimenes enumecified in the following article, com- rados en el articulo que sigue, comitted within the jurisdiction of metidos dentro de la jurisdiccion de one of the contracting parties, una de las partes contratantes i que shall seek an asylum or be found hayan buscado asilo o se encuentren within the territories of the other: dentro del territorio de la otra: Proof &c. Provided, That this shall only be Bien entendido que esto solo tendra done upon such evidence of crimi- lugar cuando la criminalidad se evinality as, according to the laws of dencie de tal manera que segun las the place where the fugitive or per- leyes del pais donde se encuentre son so charged shall be found, would la persona fugitiva 6 acusada, seria justify his or her apprehension and lejitimamente arrestada i enjuiciacommitment for trial, if the crime da, si en el se hubiese cometido el had been there committed. crimen. Amicus II. Anrroono II. Crimes; Persons shall be delivered up, Seran entregadas las personas who shall have been convicted of condenadas 6 acusadas, con arreor be charged, according to the glo zi lo dispuesto en esta convenprovisions of this convention, with cion, de alguno de los crimenes any of the following crimes:-— siguientes:——- . murder; 1. Murder, comprehcnding assas- l°. El homicidio voluntario, insination, parricide, infanticide, and cluyendo el asesinato, el parricidio, poisoning. el infanticidio i el envenenamiento. _rape, mon, 2. The crimes of rape, arson, pi- 2°. Los crimines de rapto, incen- ¥“”°Y»&°·i racy, and mutiny on board a ship, dio, pirateria i motin a bordo de whenever the crew, or part thereof, una embarcacion, cuando la tripulaby fraud or violence against the cion 6 porcion de ella, con fraude 6 commander, have taken possession violencia contra el comandante, han of the vessel. tomado posesion del buque. burglary and 3. The crime of burglary, defined 3°. E1 crimen de allanamiento, en- "°bb°'Yi to be the action of breaking and tendiendose por esto el acto de desentering by night into the house of cerrajar 6 forzal é introducirse a casa another with the intent to commit de otro durante la noche para comefelony; and the crime of robbery, teralgun crimen; iel crimen de robo, defined to be the action of feloni- definiendolo el acto de tomar de la ously and forcibly taking from the persona de otro con fuerza é intenperson of another, goods or money, sion criminal, efectos 6 moneda, por by violence or putting him in fear. medic de violencia 6 intimidacion. forgery; 4. The crime of forgery, by which 4°. El crimen de falsificacion, con is understood the utterance of que se entiende, introducir ia sabienforged papers, the counterfeiting das 6 poner en circulaciou papeles of public, sovereign, or government falsicados, falsear documentos pub- · acts. licos del soberano 6 del gobierno. counterfeiting; 5. The fabrication or circulation 5°. La fabricaciondcirculacion de of counterfeit money, either coin monedas falsaaoacunadaode papel, or paper, of public bonds, bank de bonos publicos,billetes de bancoi notes, and obligations, and in gen- obligaciones, i generalmente de cuaeral of all titles of instruments of lesquier titulos, 6 instrumento de credit, the counterfeiting of seals, crédito, la falsificacion de sellos, idics, stamps, and marks of State cur"ios,.troque1es i marcas del cstado and public administrations and the i de administraciones publicas i su utterance thereof venta 6 circulacion. embcgzlcment 6. The embezzlement of public 6°. La apropiacionopeculado, de zf’“m‘°°m°°”· moneys, committed within the ju- caudales publicos, cometida dentro risdicticn of either party, by pub- de la jurisdiccion de cualquiera de lic onicers or depositors. las partes, por oficiales publicos 6 depositarios.