Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/861

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CONVENTION-—AUSTRO—HLINGARIAN MONARCHY. JULY 11, 1870. 821 Convention between the United States of America andthe Austro-Ifungarian July 11 1870. llhnarehy. Rights, <§·c., of Oonsuls. Signed July 11, 1870; Ratijied "`"“"’1'__' December 19, 1870 ; Rattfcatiom exchanged June 26, 1871 ; Proclaimeol June 29, 1871. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. Wnannns a convention between the United States of America and his Pr¢¤¤¤b!¢- Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, &c., and Apostolic King of Hungary, concerning the rights, privileges, immunities, and duties of consuls of either country residing in the other, was concluded and signed at Washington by their respective plenipotentiaries, on the eleventh day of July, 1870; which convention, being in the English and German languages, is word for word as follows :-— The President of the United Seine Majestaet der Kaiser von Contracting States of America and his Majesty Oesterreich, Koenig von Boehmen, p“"‘°°• the Emperor of Austria, King of etc., und apostolischer Koenig von Bohemia, &c., and Apostolic King Ungarn; und der Praesideut der of Hungary, animated by the de- Vereinigten Staaten von Nordsire to define, in a comprehensive America. von dem Wunsche durchand precise manner, the reciprocal drungen, die gegeuseitigen Rechte, rights, privileges, and immunities of Vorrechte und Freiheiten der Genethe consuls-general, consuls, vice- ral-Consuln, Consuln, Vice-Consuln consuls, and consular agents, their und Consular-Agenten, der Kanzchancellors and secretaries, of the ler oder Sekretaere, so wie die Funk- United States of America, and of tionen derselben un die Oblicgenthe Austro-Hungarian monarchy, heiten, welchen sie beziehungsand to determine their duties and weise in der oesterreiohisclrungaritheir respective sphere of action, schen Monarchie und in den Verhave agreed upon the conclusion of einigten Staaten Nord-Amerika’s a consular convention, and for that unterworfen sein sollen, in der purpose have appointed their re- moeglichsten Ausdehnung und spective Plenipotentiaries, namely: Klarheit festzustelleu, haben den the President of the United States Abschluss einer .Consular-Convenof America, Hamilton Fish, Secre- tion beschlossen und zu diesem tary of State of the United States; Ende zu Ihren Bevollmaechtigten and his Majesty the Emperor of ernannt, naemlich: Seine Kaiser- Austria, Apostolic King of Hun- liche und Koeniglich-Apostolische gary, Charles, Baron von Lederer, Majestaet: den Herm Carl Frei- Knight of the Imperial and Royal herrn von Lederer, Ritter d. k. u. k. Order of Leopold, and his Majesty’s Leopold Ordens und Allerhoechst Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Ihren ausserordentlichen Gesand- Plenipotentiary in the United States ten und bevollmaechtigten Minister of America; who, after communicat- bei den V ereinigten Staaten Nording to each other their full powers, Amerika’s; Der Praesident der Verfound in good and due form, have einigten Staaten den Staats-Sekre agreed upon the following articles: taer der Vereinigten Staaten Ham1l- ton Fish, welche nach Austausoh ihrer in guter und gehoeriger Form befundenen Vollmachten ueber nachstehende Artikel uebereingekommen sind:-