Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/91

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F ORTY—SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. IL Ch. 87, 88, 90. 1872. 51 CHAP. LXXXVII. —An Act to chan e the L °' Seneca, State of Illizzoisio the Oil:yai>_T”J;/lmblbi lllbisbifratmnal Bank if Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oangress assembled, That the First National Bank First National of Seneca, now located at Seneca, La Salle county, State of Illinois, is B’%“k.°f S*>¤°°¤» T hereby authorized to change its location to the city of Morris, county of ;“i,};]$,°l;’i$g’ca_ Grundy, and State aforesaid. Whenever the stockholders, representing tion.g three-fourths of the capital of said bank, at a meeting called for that pur- Proceedings. pose, determine to make such change, the president and cashier shall execute a certificate under the corporate seal of the bank specifying such determination, and shall cause the same to be recorded in the office of the comptroller of the currency, and thereupon such change of location shall be effected, and the operations of discount and deposit shall be carried on in the city of Morris. Sec. 2. That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as in Obligations and any manner to release the said bank from any liability, or alfect any d“;l;jf°f€;‘§ bank action or proceeding in law, in which the said bank be a party or inter- no °° ` ested; and when such change shall have been determined upon as aforesaid, notice thereofQ and of such change, shall be published in at least one weekly newspaper in each of the counties of Grundy and La Salle, in the State of lllinois, for not less than four successive weeks. Sec. 3. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after npcs;-benw its passage. *= ° °°*· Approved, April 5, 1872. CHAP. LXXXVIII.—An Act for the Relief of Sn_g`erers by Fire at Chicago. April 5, 1872. Be it enacted by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That on all goods, wares, and Goods, &c., sent merchandise which may be sent from places without the limits of the f,?'}; `gigmui *;*6 United States as gratuitous contributions to the relief of sufferers by the thelrihefuggegug" nre which occurred at Chicago, Illinois, October seventh, eighth, and ferers by me ninth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, shall, when imported and con- g;‘§g§gtf£°·f:;8 sgiged to the proper authority at Chicago for distribution, be admitted free of duty_ 0 ut . Sno? 2. That there shall be allowed and paid, under such regulations b Dgiwbgckfigh as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, on all materials, except igsorglgztigs one lumber, imported to be and actually used in buildings erected on the certain building site of buildings burned by said fire, a drawback of the import duties paid m“°ml”· on the same: Provided, That said materials shall have been imported Proviso. and used during the term of one year from and after the passage of this act. Sec. 3. That the commissioner of internal revenue is hereby author- ,Th° CQmmiS· , . Sl0!19l` Of1l'lt€1'!1B.l 1zed to suspend the collection of such taxes as may have been assessed, revenue mm, or as may have accrued, prior to the ninth of October, eighteen hundred suspend thelcolj and seventy-one, in the first collection district of the State of Illinois, against any person residing or doing business and owning property in thefiyst collection that portion of the city of Chicago recently destroyed by fire, and who, in district of 111i— the opinion of said commissioner, has suffered material loss by such tire : m"' Provided, That such suspension shall notbe continued after the close of Pr<>vis<>· the next regular session of Congress. Approved, April 5, 1872. CHAP. XC. -—An Act defining the Rights of Part Owners ry' Vessels in certain Cases. APYU 9, 1872·__ Be it enacted by the Senate and House ey" Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That any person or persons or Owigzghi of PW- . . rs of a vesbody corporate having more than one-half ownership of any vessel shall Sa, to mmm, the have the same power to remove a captain, who is also part owner of such captain. vessel, as such majority owners now have to remove a captain not an