Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1106

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1034 Trrms: Lx1x.—INSURRE(J‘T1ON. the case, to require a bond to be executed by the master or the owner of the vessel, in a penalty e ual to the value of the cargo, and with sureties to the satisfaction of sucill collector, that the cargo shall be delivered at the destination for which it is cleared or permitted, and that no part thereof shall be used in affording aid or comfort to any person or parties in insurrection against the authority of the United States. Liam upon con- Sec. 5322. In all eases wherein any vessel, or other property, is cond°m“°d "°*’“l’· demned in any proceeding by virtue of any laws relating to insurrection 3 Mar., 1863, c. or rebellion, the court renc ering judfgment of condemnation shall, not- 9°» V- I2- P- 762- withstanding such condemnation an before awardin such vessel, or The Hampmnj other property, or the proceeds thereof, to the Unitedgtates, or to an Wall., 372. informer, first provide for the payment, out of the [proceeds of such vessel, or other property, of any bona-iide claims which s all be filed byan y loyal citizen of the United States, or of any foreign state or power at peace and amity with the United States, intervening in such proceeding, and which shall be duly established by evidence as a valid claim against such vessel, or other property, under the laws of the United States or of any State thereof not declared to be in insurrection. No such claim shall be allowed in any case where the claimant has knowingly participated in the illegal use of such ship, vessel, or other property. This section shall extend to such claims only as might have been enforced speéificall y against such vessel, or other roperty, in any State not declared to be in insurrection, wherein such cllxiim arose.