Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1254

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1 182 INDEX. Section. _ Section. BANKR,UpTcY.C0ntgn`,e(1_ i BANKS AND BANKEBS—C0nt»1n\1ed. register—Continued. internabrevenue taxes on, other than of_ contempt before. how punished --------- 5006 i ¤¤¤¤¤¤i btmkc ----- _ ---—-------·· 340·-3+17 may act for each other ,______,,________ 5007 what banks and bm1kcrs1ncl11dedthere1n- 3407 to adjourn contested issues into court. - . 5009 1 rates and amount of 3408 to certify points for opinion of iudce 5010 when payable . _ , ... 3409 petitioners oaths may be taken before. . . * capital of those ltoleiansttpg ébecpiuing na iona , w a e o or axmay issue warrant in involuntary bank- 5019 ation .6 . im] 1*11 tcv . . ...,._ on cxruula 1011 _________________ , ____ , to presideyat first meeting of creditors. . . 5033 to eapply to certain evidences of indebtassignees to be chosen in presence of 5034 ness .. act of 1845, oh. 167, of m- 3412 to appoint assignee, when .. 5034 returns by 3414-3416 may fill vacancy, when . 5034 tang or stamps on checks of .. I . 3418 to approve bond of assignee, when .. 5036 Jurisdiction of sluts by or`ag:·unst those to make assignment ot bankrupt’s es- 5044 pstablished under Lmted Stapig 629 tate .._.,.,,,,,,.,...,,,,,,,,_____ _ awa ,_______,,____ _ ______ , , r, , to approve temporary investments .. 5060 suspension of payment by, an act olmbankproof of debts before, where taken . . .5076-5078 1 ruptcy 5021 before commissioner subject to revision ‘ national banks, (See National Banker.) by ________________________________ 5076 , organigation and power . r ... 5133-5156 claimants’ oath may be taken before 5079 1 obtaining and issuing exrculating notes . . 5157- proof to be satisfactory to ... 5080 1 _ _ 5l89 may deliver original papers after proof. . 5082 T TQRUIMIQH of b11S1¤€§B . -_ ... 5l90·52l9 may postpone proof of claim, when . 5083 diwolution and receivership . 5220-5243 to ma e and certify list of debts allowed . . 5085 organization of State, as national banks. . 5l54, to maketfist of creditors entitled to div- O2 1_ bl f h h ld I iden ...,...,.,.,. 51 18 i ity o s are o ers in suc 1 ease,. · to send notice of dividend to creditors. . . 5102 certain provisions as to taxation of bank- {ccs of ,_,,,,,____,_,,,,,__,,,.. 5124 i ers and State banks, to apply to . 3417 how and by whom paid ... 5008, 5124 BABGES (passenger), traveling and incidental expenses of, how in tow of steamers; provision for security allowed and paid .. 5125 of life 0n .. 4492 penagy upon, for receiving illegal fees, 5012 BARBACKS; is be wd c permanent, or . rmy not to construe justices of Supreme Court may reduce until estimates submitted ...,.,. 1136 fees of . 5127 ; BATTALIONS, sale of unincumbered property, how made. 5062 * in State militia, companies of ... 1630 of disputed property, how ordered .. 5063 1 commander of . . .— , ,,,,,,._ 1631 action for recovery, when maintained- . 5063 I companies of grenadiers, light infantry, or of uncollectible assets, how authorized.. 5064 , ritlemen in ..,,,,.,,,,,.,__ 1632 of (perishable property, when ordered 5065 1 of engineers in Army, (See Eregirwers.) re emption from mortgages and other composition of ,, 1094, 1154 liens, or sale of property subject to, plompafrges arid enlisted men of .. 1155 assi ee 5066 I ow officerec ..,,,,,,, , ,,_,,_______ 1156 schedules togble filed by debtor .,.. 5014-5017 duties of ,_,__,,_______________________ 1157 may be amended .. 5020 , officers of, not to be ordered on dutv becopies to be furnished assigneom .,,.. 4998 yond line of profession except bv spein case of involuntary proceedings 5030, 5031 cial order of President ._,., , 1158 swearing falsely to, avoids discharge 5110 may be transferred from one corps to an- 1;]-ugtgeg, when and how gppginted, ______ 5103 other _____________________________ 1153 conveyance of property to .. 5103 detail of enlisted men from, for signal proceedings by . 5103 duty __,,,_,_,,,_,,____________ 1196 discharge of bankrupt under 5103 promotions in, after examination 1206 resumption of proceedings in bankruptcy, after {cu;-mm ygayg ggrvicg ___________ 1207 W 9B --··-··-—---·--··—-·—-—-·---- NO3 Sllpefiutendentand commandantof cadets Union Pacific Railway Company not tohave local rank of colonel and lieu- ?l1b]€Ct· to pFOV1E10X1S of bahkrllpt 2 6 d tfngngicglgpgl of ___________ _ _______ 1311) aw ... 5‘ 5 ’ etai o 0 cern rom to Su finteud €0livoluntary bankruptcy, who may apply struction, &c., ofylightelheouses ... 4604 for adjudication in ...,,,,__ 5014 * BATTERIES, petition and adjudication ... 5014 ot artillery, number to regiment .. 1099 schedule and invg1*1[()ry to be annexed_ _ _ 5014 qgmpggitign of _______ _ ___________________ 1100 schedule of debts .. 5015 light artillerv to u. regiment ... . . 1101 inventory of property_ .. 5016 BAYOU SAINT JOHN - . _ _ - · oath to schedules and inventory 5017 port of delivery in Louisiana. .. 2568 2569 oath of allegiance by petitioner . 5018 vessels bound for what to do I • l _ · _ l , 2570 warrant to marshal and publication . 5019 to unlade at, aitei making report, - · _ i · 2571 service of notice to creditors ,_,_ 5019 departing from {O,. foreign pomjgé, amendment of schedules and inventory. . 5020 cleared . y 2575 BANKS AND BANKERS, 3AY]>gRT, FL ````'`'```'``' ` not to 1133 vvord "1rmt,i()ng]" in title ofport, of dglivgry in Florida _____________ 2562, 2563 firm .. 5243 . merchandise for where entered 2819 bankers and others receiving public money i BEACONS, l I I ° Oo`` l pn dgiposit, loan, or for use, from pnb— none t.o_ be erected until cession of jurisdic- 1;: officers unlawfully, deemed guilty _ tion over site to United States .. 466l <· vihbeulemeut --.-... . 5497 l when cession deemed sufficient ... 4602