Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1264

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1 192 uvosx. Section. ’ _ Section. CHILDREN, CIG.AB.S—Cont1nued. _ citizenship of those born of citizens out of manufacturers, penalty on, for carrying United States ___________________ 1 993, 2172 , on business without paying special of aliens who have declared intention of 1 tax ...--.·..··-·-...·.--·-~--. 3242 naturalization ____ _ _______________ 2168 statement, bond, records, books, &c.-3387—3390 gf naturalized persons __________________ 2172l’€COI'd of by COHBCIOPS .. 3389 of eglered soldiers, who deemed such under penalty for \'iQlationS Qi laws ... 3456 laws relating to freedmen ... 2037 for not keeping up sign ... 3388 half-pa and allowance to those of persons for omissions and offenses where no spedrying in militia service of United cific penalty is provided . 3456, 3457 States ______________________,,__, , . 1656 tax on, to be paid by .. 3394 of privateersmen, money pledged for sup- stamps fof f32t1I1C .._ .. . 3395 port ef, in certain cases __,____,,,.. 4759 penalties for buying, without stamps, or reincrease of pensions to widows on account moving, or packing in boxes with of ______________,__.,,,_.. . 4703 , fraudu ent stamps .. 3397 pensions to, tern} of ________,,._,__., 4706 absence of proper stamp, notice, and eviwhen abandoned by mothers ,.,,... 4702 (181106 of HOD-p8.ym€nt of tax 3398 in administration of pension laws, chil- manufactured on shares, commission, &c - . 3399 dren born before marriage deemed selling, &c., without properly boxing and legitimate if acknowledged by their stamping .. 3400 fathers ..,.,... 4704 manufactured after July 20, 1868 .. 3403 limitation as to commencement of, not to falsely representing)as made prior to 3401 apply to ... 4709 purchasing, &c., not randed or stamped., 3404 when to begin .. 4709, 4710 uying, &c., not stamped or branded, from none to those of persons engaged in late manufacturer w o has not paid tax. . 3405 rebellion .. 4716 taxes on, extended to those produced any- when to receive accrued 4718 where in the United States . 3448 of pensioners, when unclaimed . 4719 makers of, to be registered ,,...,. 3244 of certain Missouri State militiamen .,... 4722 abandoned, condemned, &c., not to be sold half-pay to, under former acts, continued- 4725 for price not equal to tax, but may to continue until sixteen . 4726 be destroyed ... 3369 not to exceed what rate .. 4727 sold or removed without being stamped, of naval officers 4729 may be assessed within two years _ , , 3371 of soldiers of Mexican war .. 4731 peddlers of ... 3381-3384 of soldiers, &c., of war of 1812 and Indian exportation of, without payment of tax 3385 wars .. 4732 drawback on, exported ...,,_,_,_______ __ _ 3386 on pension-rolls continued .. 4733 internal-revenue officers not to be interested of revolutionary soldiers not allowed after in manufacture of ______ _ ___________ 3168 April 2, 1862, when 4742 records to be kept by _ _ _ , _____________ _ 3389 CHINA, (See consular Courts, (holy T o-ade.) dealers in materials used for, to make salary of minister to .. 1675 sworn statement to, when demanded_ 339; secretary, &c,, of legation __________,___ 1680 how to be packed ,,_,,_.,_,_,,,__,_,___,, 3392 interpreters at consulates in .. 1692 label on boxes .. . 3393 'iorm of oaths for Christian witnesses in _ _ _ 4117 imported, duties on ,,_____________ p, 469, 2504 subjects of, not to be transported in Ameri- internal-revenue tax to be paid in addican vessels as coolies ,,____._..._ 2158-2161 tion .,,,,____,,,_,,___,_,,,, 2804, 3402 voluntary emigration of subjects of ,,..,... 2162 to be stam ed and boxed ,_.,_,_,_,__ , , 3402 route-agents on steamers carrying mails to not acked) and stamped, as required by and from, may be appointed 4022 iaw, penalty ..,,,..,.,____,,,__, 2804, 3403 postal agents authorized in ... 4023 cigar boxes, fraudulently gtgnjpgd, Selling judicial authority of United States minister from, or having in possession ... 3376 and consu s in .. 4083-4109 stamps on emptied, te be dest,-(wed _____ 3406 marshal for consular courts in 4111 1 giving away, accepting, selling,. buying, rent of prisons for convicts in .,.,,.,.. 4121 gr using empty, stamped, P€na1tv· _ _ 3406 at Shanghai ... 4122 number of cigars in, labels __________ 13392 339:; hire of constables at other ports ... 4122CINCINNATI, ’ keepers and care of offenders in ... 4122 port of delivery for collection-rlistrict of CHIPPEWA INDIANS, New Orleans .. 2568 in Michigan, unoccupied lands of, open to CIRCUIT COURTS, homestead entry ...,.,, 2313 Organization of ... 605-628 selection of homesteads for minor chil- Jurisdiction of 629-657 dren .. 2314 , List of circuits . 604 former bona-Bde settlers on lands of 2315 2 Sessions of 658-672 selections of land heretofore made by 2316allotment of justices 'of Supreme Court to sales heretofore made, confirmed 2316 , circuits ______________ _ __________ _ _ _ 606 CIGARS, , established, one for three districts in Alacigarettes and cheroots held to be . 3387 1 bama, one for eastern district of Arinspectors of, appointment, bond, fees. -3151, 3152 kansas, one for southern district of may be transferred or suspended by super- Mississippi, and one for each district visor of internal revenue ... 3163 in every other State .. I 608 may enter building where articles liable to by what judges held .. i i i . t i 609 tax are made .. 3177 how often to be attended by j,,,,m.€S`{,}`g{,§ rules for inspection of, may be made by 33 preme Court ___,.,,...,,.,, C 610 Commissioner . 96 ; cases m, ti-iable b each nd · · ``````'` retail dealers, licenses to ...---- P- 624, Fl- 8» 3:244 •T¤d8'6§ Of: distiriction betgxigritjddgsepzgtl 611 sale cf, by ---·-·— ; --·-··--·--··--····-- §-*92 ]_U8U('€ 38 11S8d in statutes ______ _ ____ 505 manufacturers, special tax on . 3244 appointment, Salary, Oath _____________ 607, 712