Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1269

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IN DF Y “1 197 cLEnxs-cumin eu. "°°"°"· , ,, or nimacz C0ur2s—U0ntinue·d. °I‘EB‘K°‘C°"*i¤¤*>d- uw ° ' duties in prize-cage,} _____ _ 46+4 °ffH°““° °f R·¤P1‘¤§¤nt¤tive¤-C0;;;•.|_ ccmpensation ,_____ _ _ 4699 dws Ofv f‘“` U"$m¤<'¥'1[]%S from journals _ _ yy IH billlkfllptcy cases_ ___ 4992.5000, 508% cposltmusv gw-; U! Uilllfcsivd-uIm·|_fm pmglty for r€c€i\ i iIl l f  » , fuses {0 be foryvm·d<··l to, &4· .,. 126, 127 Executlve clerks m Pr€Sid9m · - - g 0 runsnut petmonq, &r·., for private of Suprcmi Court, how appointed 677 prin€i;;m?§;(gn;rtA’! ( llmm ```````` wm ms (msi i ity 0 for acts of d t. · __ ,, , ‘¤*., < Uhté on wqniui- ¤» ?a~·e €l¤?0¤y, sew., of rcccgdsmgf on '"` 7 m WEEE ‘{fag>e;~;‘e.;;;)1.m;,;ei2;; ‘ r ‘ 1 ‘‘·· ’"“" cou o a. peas _ _ _ 679 ki t ; h ‘ > n w ver- ..t-°€‘€§L££‘L3§§$"§iaa;.;e;‘ 1,; :.1 1 ‘········ "*‘· M ·<wf- é- { Y —Y(-Yt—? - {T'?. .?'<??'£?¤=»==~¤~¤ h i t 1 & P €m€ i‘0\1Ff, to ll<;Q3;€:1§};;?K·§ti011 in In-ads of depart- A‘ Q · '‘`'``‘`‘ ‘. 1 *3 1:93 -·. . .. sm O?1£2¥‘£;€‘Z2I1?$§3§;;(£,”££$§;€°£(f°‘m*· 22 *··’¤**··S*¤·*·¤ ····· ·¤r·*~ *»<> ¤·»·¤<»··»¤ H0 ··~·· ` to be mgistm_S’in ch8 · -  % 5o;1)1s¤ag1<§l \ oluntcer $111iem . 4837 where to reside and keep office . 1872 S;:;!?? mmm committee- (SW feeswnd costs allowed to __________ 1883 CLOTHING ‘ ·········-· — --·-··--· · -·~-· 52 in 'as ungton T ~ '|; ________ _ p; · ‘ . .

f  €;§&;y   khé§; 10 H  Igkcaf, wuth \*mwIwrs_  

l(JIlO OW Xg ______ _________. 2634 hh "";'f‘ ··· ;:·· —

    ,            pum mem for spm mg url mug. hy; .231,  

!`€0€1\’S pay unti they take special of qgldipni not { { » ., | { y’ ·' ·— Oath 9W_; · · , 0 Mmm, >urterwl,&•-,_ 1,24}, at Boston; how appointed, n { ``'` {' > , · , - 37*8 compmmn of .T'T’. TY TT`. 2530 %If§“;H‘.Z’$}'§({’€.,’L2$.LiZ1L;;{:,e;¤;.‘If ‘‘‘‘‘ {$3* at New Y0Yk§ pumbcr, appointment, and gratuitous issues of, to soldiers »:I:;>P1nn·{» W I at P§9{]°§€{‘Sl$t'°“ ········· - ·~~·-—·-· 253% 2]*5had¢·0nmgionns<1iseuse» _.,__________ mm.; in Depigigngg '‘ * ‘*•*·· · ·ié¥i 2§3 d9dU(‘U;)\TS Slld 8uOWH.ll(‘9S fur uvurdrgwu . . -··---·--- - --·----- », · am un ruwn ,,,_______ _ ___________ ; 3v2z1g3i2E3GBé -----·-·---- - --------- - - balances to so|<liers’ credit __________ _ _ _ _ . . . -—-·-—---· · ----·-------- 6 prisoner disch el f I Tg - * I Qg;*%ggt·¤¤ ¤f ----—---------·-·-.·- 166 m be :¤m?S€J1 KH`. T`.`.'. Y? _ F"""` W, U ---- · ·------·- . .. .. 16" ll"' · i B Q.`"` mmpomrily €mPl0Y€d, 001'¤P€¤S¤·ti0¤ M.168, 24é B OY19E1f;: S?;?;?,. . . jr;`. . J 1650

¥£Pg~§5;;;;?f 0;é§.f6; ékk . ... purchases of, not to exceed necessities of

’ TV BS . 7 * _________ _ _________ _ _ ··; extra, when not to be employed ,,,,,,__ 171 gen 5b9M` ·--`.```W2 chief to supervise d Cesgf y b td' tesNt y gall, poem? on- U . .`..'`' H ```` 39]] , u 1 su o ma m svy u1-eau { * ·'I , & _ 319.42] 425 . ml report -»----- , --------... wwvs , ’ ° r°"S`° W ° 1411,14:;; g;E>gs£;1giclerks}&%p€grgment, &c . 130for séugen? of Naval Academ{* .,__, 1527 1 erepo ongress ... pro; so sale f d , tt 1 , Dzgqftment of State ... é3;16g-169, 201 covered imD0T:g£¤$;P_It?_ _ _ _ 3818 !`°?·¤}1!`Y ---------.. . J16 235-242 lost b marines, at' { _ _ 727 3689 re2;1§tionsJa§ to engaging in C€I't&1£h provgdons con<·ernI;F1;)Fd;$:;;:s(1dr¥)..3718-37*22 esan usmess ... ..‘.. umgg-;g&_ tm ,1 ,. ·t; vornpensation of temporary .. 168; 242 1 P of yedr {lf) . . 3732

(‘hl€f, of Internal Revenue Bureau  320 seamen, vessels shall carry for winter use 4572

01 W s.r , : ..., 167-169, 213 to be forfeited for desertion . 4590

 ;1§t1es of eh1ef clerk ..,...    :€posaI of, when forfeited by deewrtinnx . 4604

Bvy . . ... yvhen entitled to bounty-land .. 2425, 2427 5 of stdam-vessels, exam t from duty ... 2798 in ng!—ystrd% inay be isgontirézethe. imported, vglere stored; ... 2958 o ers m avy pay o ..p. x .. , 1me or un mg vesse s exten er 2881 of P08i-Oiice .. . 393 ‘ for government use in District of (`olumbiu, shall not, be concerned in contracts for inspection, &c., of ,,,,,. 3711-3713 carrying mail .. 3850 depots of, may be established for Navy . . . . 1552 allowances for, to postmusters, 8:0.3859, 3860, · WEAKGSVOH, pay of, in Navy ,,, 1569 3863itional toacamen, &c. doing dut ue. l5"0 in railway post-offices, salaries, &c 4025 coal-lands, who may make entry cf. . . . 2347 of Justice 351 } limit of, which individuals may enter _ _ _ 2347 0; 'Ig1(;erior ,.,..,,,,,,.. .. 440 y price, how regulated ,,_,_______________ 2347 0 griculture ,,,.,.. ...522 523 I persons opening mines m have refgmn ·· in General Lend Omce, not to purchase, , of entry ,..,,_,__ ______ 2348 &c., public lands ... t . . 452 { qeruun associations may enter 640 acres, , 2343 in Pension Office may be detailed tom- I hmnt of time for rresenting claims for . . . 2349 vestigate frauds, &c .. 474, 4744 only 0nc ent1?· a Iowed m same person.. 2350 of House of Bséprosontatives, oath of . . . 30 e ]1mlC of tlmB or proof and payment . 2350 to make roll o Representatives-elect 31-33 confhcpug clzums for, how determined . . 2351 aagagy of .. gg Commizromsré of égeneral Lund Odicc to n o ,,,..,,.,,., . .. , , egaggments bz, to Congress 60, 61, 70, 72 rights ggsrr to March 3, 1873, not vertise or stationery .. . . - . PM ---·- ·--..-· . , 2 may contract for stationery in parts . 68 0081-011, HOU carried on steam pamengeramcles of home manufacture to be pllf- V6¤¤€lB ·----·---.--.-. . 4472 chased by ____________ _ __,,,,..., .. 69 { how backed and marked for shnpment; ,- 44,5