Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1312

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1 lNDP]X. Section.Section. DIBGHARGE—Contin11e<l. DISLOYAL _ _ {0,-m O; _______________ _ ________,_,,_ 1427 not to he paid claims existing prior to April report of men entitled to . 1429 13, 1861_ ,. ., . , . 3480 pay for re-enlisting in Navy after re- rp cannot maintain suits m Court of Claims. . 1072, ceivmg. . . Z ._ 2 L . load _ _ _ 1073 of seamen, provisions relating to .. 4049-4053 burden of proof as to loyalty m suits in penalty for neglect of duty relative t0, by Court of Clnrmn ----------------.--. 1074 consular officers ... 1736 . DQSIIBBALB, without fault, wages to be paid on .. 4527 111 Army, recoverv of advance security on ... Z . 4534 officer, dismissed by court-martial not to gnanngri of _________ , ,_____ , ,,._,,., 4549 be ]'€St0l’€d, &C ... - 1228 account to be rendered by master on 4550 [ dismissed by President may demand certificate to be given by master on . 4551 l trial . . 1230 form of ... p. 896, of ter 4612 - not tobe dismissed except by President rules to he observed on, for settlement. . 4552 or on sentence of court·martial.p. 239, master to give certificate of character art. 90, 1342 ou 4553 punishment by, for cowardice ... p. 239, proceedings before shipping commission- ’ art. 100, 1342 ers in relation to ... 4555 I for unbecominp conduct . . .p. 236, art. 61, 1342 when consular officers may require .. 4580 by sentence o court-martial not to be penalty for neglect of consular officer to executed in time of peace until condemand extra wages on 4581 ‘ firmed by President. -p. 240, art. 106, 1342 on sale of vessel in foreign country .. 4582 1 nor by division courts-martial until in (asc of wreck, &c., of vessel .. 4583 confirmed by general commanding, disposal of extra wages received on, by p. 240, art. 107, 1342 consular officer . ... 4584 4 execution of sentence of, by courts-marfees to be paid for .. 4592 j tial may be sus nded until pleasure who shall pay ... 4593 ; of President is £:0wn-p. 240, art. 111, 1342 penalty for taking illegal . 4595 ; in Navy, tables of, C, D p. 896, after 4612 officers, not to be dismissed except by deduction of wages in payment of, table , President or sentence of court—mar- E .. p. 892, of ter 4612 I tial .. ,-.p. 282, art. 36, 1642 in bankruptcy, provisions concerning (see nor in time of peaxe except by court- Bankruptcy) 5108-5120 N martial only ..,,_,,,_,__,,, 1229 register not to decide upon order of . 4999 dismissed by court-martial, or resigning fsulure of wife to appear for examination toescape dismissal nottobe restored- 1441 a bar to .. . 5088 by President may demand trial- . .p. 282, when estate settled by trustees, how art. 37, 1624 gmntcd ... 5103 sentence of, to be confirmed by Pregident, in case of partnership .. 5121 p. 284, art. 53, 1624 none to be granted to corporation ... 5122 DISOBEDIENCE, penalt for fraudulent agreement for--,. 5131 of orders in Arm ___________ p_ 232, arg, 21, 1324 DISCDL{N'E, in Navy, punishment for p. 276, art. 4, 1624 in militia, system of, to be observed ... 1637 , of regulations of Secretary Navy p. 277, reports of particulars relating to 1635 4 art. 8, 1624 returns of brigade-inspector . 1640 DISOBDEBLY CONDUCT, DISCLAIMER, in Army, uuishment for p. 234, art. 54, 1342 right of patentee, &c., to make ... 4917 DISQUALFFICATION (go hom omce), costs not recoverable in default of enter- of Secretary of Treasury, First Comptroller, ing, at writ Office before suit . 4922 g First Auditor, Treasurer, or hegister DISCON£l.‘I1•{ U OE, _ _ of Treasury, when interested in comof prosecution of distillers for defraudmg, merce, or purchasers of public lands &c., not allowed without permission, public securities ...,..,,,,__,,._,__ , 243 &C ·-----· - —----··-·-·-·-----·--—-- 3230 of 0H10B!' jh Army for taking money on mug- DISQOUNT AND EXCHANGE, _ tering troops ... p. 230, art. 6, 1342 national. banks mh; do b\1B1I1€SS lll (599 AG- _ tO!' k¤0Wingly making false muster ______ lwrml Bunkv -----------·---------· 5136 l p- 231, nrt. 14, 1342 D1SCQVERY, _ _ _ of Congressmen and government; officers, 1n su1ts, when not to be used m criminal · for receiving, &c., consideration for proceedings, dm., against party --,.- 860 l procuring contract, office, &c ._,,,__ 1781 hill of, to obtain evidence by p8·rt¥_p8ying of persons offerin consideration to procure premium to purchaser of pub ic land. 2376 contract, office, &c ,,.,,,..__,,_____ 1781 DISCRIMINATING DUTIES, _ of Confgressmen receiving consideration on articles imported m certam foreign vos- at ter election for official services sels ... 2502 Q vote, &c .. 3 1781 no part of, allowed to_be drawback . ,.. 3027 g heads of departments, and officers for repeymgnent appropmatxon to refund Certain. { ceivin , &c., pay in matters in which _ 726, 3689 1 _ United States is partv .. 1782 tonne? or nmpost, may be suspende , &c., I of dnsbursing officers carrving on trade in y Preeulent ---------~------------ 4228 l funds, debts, or property of United Prussian vessels exempted from ... 4229, 4230 . States, or of State . - 1788 Spanish vexels exempted from ., . 4231 of deserters from military or naval- Brazil steamships carrying mail exempt failing to return . . 1996 1997 from port charges, M: .. 42i2 . of revenue officers for unlawfully dieolosing ’ p);51;Ae§E c0N•1•1tA¤TED IN SERV- { of pmoperpfions of manufacturers ___,__,, 3167 mas r or l l' ‘ who to hare pension for ... 4693, 4694 l matter K iitflxfng mil 3800