Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1333

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" • IL DEX. 1 26 1 Section. In- FI·f>‘1'¤·1·4 KEN, Fonmcu coms, S'" vrhgicnhtlcd to bounty-land .. 2425-2427 how eggmatad in payment: of consular fees. 1722 . .` t f i _ _ · manufscturp of, porm1ttcd apd1stillcry only [ $$5: offapgglzggmstgg sby- Ei; z36B , for <*¤¤¤¤¤<>¤ of rpms ~... 3266 rector of the Mamma proglsimgd by éor Nagy E' may be purchased . 3727 Secretary of Tresourv3564 G-81 N B, of undswrling .. 3565 °¤ Veiggaln thick “'P·¤th€f, &<‘·, d&)éFr Spmysggvillar dollar and }1BXiC8.ll-;l;)iiJl: {6

~·———-------·····- P- ¤' rec Pedt ° , _________ ··

under Way --·-—------------------- - . 4233 to be recoineiii , _ Tix_ ______ 3566 ¤°t under WW ----—---------------.. . . . 4233 not a legal tender ..__,,________ _ _________ 3534 £ gm€65mal-mam, &<· . 4233 false makin? counterfeiting, &c _,________ 5457 ‘ I p¤s¤·ing,¤ein,&.,a’fa1 r ad of S°¤°*€» °m°°!'¤ arb *¤·‘¤"i<€¤—-_ ------------ 52 <·0umerf¢§ted,c&c .,.. _ _ j 5457

8£IilgllB8, officers und snlnmes ru .. 53 fmniqulently xputilagng, dinginishiug, &c _- 5459

, ma. mg, passing c., wit out authority, ¤¤¤·b¢r of words ¤¤ --·---.---.--. 854 my mms, kw., for purpose of current IORAGE (for Army), mouev, in resemblance of .. 5461

~¤o~;¤¤cofof.inh1;jind . ‘ 1=‘0R1=imN cgnmumncn, (see I'&·m·[,g_)

o w om um1s .. , regu ation o vemels in 4306-4310 on what c0nd1t1’0ns  : 2 .. 1272 I vessels engaged in, on northern, &c., fronpurchnsos not to cxcgcd necesmes of year- 3732 tiers (see Xorlhern, Northmstem, and to mouutqi compames of militia when in .\'orlhu·cslem Frrmliers).2793, 3111-3118, 4318

 servxcc 3 ...   . .{   .   ... . .. 1653 FOREIGN DIPLOKATIC OFFICERS

mas ers employmen 0 y uartarmas- ‘ (in United States), te;’s Department . ., -. -1 1137 jurisdiction of courts over ... 563, 687, 688 not to deal m public property on pmvatc exclusive in United States ccurts(repea1ed) 711

 géount ..,..   .  . . . - . .  .i . 1137 , mini¤t»grsa.¤d servants of, not to be arrested

REI AFF o orergm e cr- nn n cases . 4063,4064 han;.) , 1 penalty for assgulting ...--. 4062 tu be by Secretary of State, &c. . . M powers of, over dmputes among seamen, how papers reiggng (0, and number to be I executed -..-... 4079-4081 in 3798 enforcement of awards of, in dittepgm-cs

r:§.I1EGIA1gQE,     bc-itween captains and crews of ves-

0 na ra nz Cl mens, nsavow .---. g se s ,,,,_,____________ _ ____________ 15 FOREI%% WE YIg.‘H CONTIGU- arrest of, on application of, of doserting sea- { S UNTB E ‘ man ...--.-.-..--...-. 5280 (Sec Britiah Provinces, C;ana¢h1, Mambo, deposit with, of register and papers of for- .\’0r;;em, Nmitheadern and Norlhwexb g eign vessel on entry ...- 4209 ern onlkra. P exceptnon as to certain .,.,.,___________ 4210 provisions applying to commerce with con- ’ return, finc., of Izpem, on production of tiguous countries 3095-3129 c canmce, c ,_____ 421 1 vcsels in, on r;0rtherr;, &<·., frcntic-gs, gms- 5 FOREI(;N HYDROGBAPHIC SUR- ter purc xasing oreign mcrc an {se f E to report, &c - 3111 ¤ a.§>r0printions for gublishing .,-,.________ 3554; equipments of, liable to entry and duty, Fo EIQN MAIL ERVICE, failing to report, &c .,...-.. 3114 proviswns relating to ...,_,,__ _ ____ 4006.49];; refurnd of certain duties, on, &c., of vos- · rates of pc}smge .---.. 3912 se s in .. . ---... 115 contracts or ..-.--.---... 400" master, when and to whom to present mail to be carried in steamships, except. . . 400é duplicate manifests, dw .-.---... 3116 . pay for carrying -.-.-...-,...,. , _ , , 4009 entry for goods taken or delivered at in- . fines 0n contractors .--...-.-..- 4010 termediate ports by vessels in ... 3117 stipulations in contract ...-_.._,,,, _ 4011 in departing for ports where 110 cue¤t0m- [ thnéugh Vnited States ..---.-... 4012 house, hr w to obtain c canmce, ¤ 0 enses against, in transitu ... 4013 &c ... ) -.--. 3118 § payment of postggc orylcttors bf consuls. 40l4 steam-tugu iufvhexn not required to ra· ‘ ramsgf gostrufs l¥ ; foI'Blgl'l \'€SSE s ..-.-... 4015 port am c ear .---. . ‘ * pens: y or 1 ego y oa ·m;z, <· 4016 masters of vessels on departing from ports g letters uot to be carrneawn vessels unless where no custom-house, what to do · recewed from p0st·0fHces except. .3987, 3993 on arrival at port of destination . 3122 FOREIGE MERCHANDEIBE, (Sao Im{>0r- declaration to be made to a?0m£a.n¥ in- 17h0n} (,'1;xt0mx Duma, Entry of Jer-

  • ' c f x rerc un use rom z· mm asv.
try? adgacent to ['niu-ed _ manifest of, by yisgglq in ggzsgig-tmde be-

States ____________________________ _ 856 ween nexg png IB nc .: --. 2 . consular ofl‘i¢·ers not to grant certificate for penalty for tmnsgcgtnng, by vessels ur coastmerchandise which has paused other} 1Hé;!`?-(:6 V avvcion 5`€m0t€ d1StT\Ct8 consulates .,,..,_.,,,..,,.,,,.._ 171 , 1 wx ou mam es an perm1 ...-... . . entry of merchandise destined for export to forfcnturo of, &c., when .. - .. 4356, 4360 British provinces under treaty pro- transportation gfhucross gew Jersey, Deals.- ·'.i s ______________________,, ,_,- ware, an ary an ... I i FonE}¢;§0;u,L or EX('}HAl$GE, penalgy fg; failure po {eport such mer- jurisr ict'0n of. it · urts 0 suits m c an me on umva .. ., : r. faror of ascsgxee gf? 629 j Fureegn Cam.) FOREIGN-BUILT VESSEL! i S wrecked and repaired in Uniueu Sums may Provision; concorumz .’ . 4q62—4{:{·> be reg{gt,3rg(]_ _ ________________ _ ____ 4136 Dgplomghc 0$c9rs ,.,___ 167--!a,5x