Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/140

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68 Trrmc 1x.—l’OS'l`~OF1·`ICE DEPARTMENT. .,85g,* Sec. 409. In all cases of fine, penalty, forfeiture, or disability,. or rdbilitjninglfigragg allaged liability for any sum_ of money by way of damages or otherwrse, j*2”*l*’°”· ’“'d f°"' un er any provision of law in relation to the officers, employes. opera- EP"; ..._ tions, or business of the postal serv1ce, the Postmaster-General may 8 June, 1872, c. rescribe such general rules and modes of proceeding as shall appear to 335. ¤·316,V·17.P· be expedient. for the government of the Sixth Auditor. in ascertainmg 325 the fact in each case in which the Auditor shall certify to him that the interests of the Department probably require the exercise of his powers over fines, penalties, forfeitures. and liabilities; and upon_the fact bemg ascertained, the Auditor may, with the written consent of the Postmaster-General, mitigate or remit such fine, penalty, or forfeiture, remove such disability, or compromise, release, or dnscharge such claim for such sum of money and damages. and on such terms as the Aud1tor shall deem just and ex dient. _ _ Dischargeoijndg- Sec. 410. The Fostmaster-General may discharge from imprisonment ¥“€“?‘l°b“”’°i’°m an * rson confined in jail on any judgment in a civil case, obtained in EjP behalf) of the Department, if it be made to appear that the defendant has f3Y2?_1§_;‘324j no property of any description. I 0d_ l ‘ _ _ ·h H Subsequent 6R_ bac. 411. 'lhe release_prov1ded fol' by the p1ec mg section s a not gutjgn gn same bar a subsequent execution against the property of the defendant on the i¤<1s¤¤·¢¤t· same judgment. 8 June, 1872, c. 335, s. 314, v. 17, p. 324. Restrictionvppn Sec. 412. No erson employed in the Post-Oflice Department shall °“‘Pl°?;* l"““g‘"‘ become interested) in any contract for carrying the mail, or act as agent,

 m °°“` with·or without compensation., for any contractor or person odering to

— `¥-——— -———— become a contractor. in any business l)Cfol'0 the Departn1ent; and any B3? *;“Q;» `}8f$· °· person so offending shall be immediately dismissed from office, and shall 2S6g’’p` be liable to pay so much money as would have been realized from sand contract, to be recovered in an action of debt. for the use of the Post- Oflice De artment. Repopts e£Ppstr Sec. lf)3. The Postmaster-General shall make the following annual mW6F- *€¤€¤* · re rts to Con ress: {Sw ss 195. 196-1 g Jung, 1872, Q_ First. A repgdrt of all contraets for carrying the mail made within the 335,s.8,v.17,p. 285. preceding year, giving in each case the name of the contractor; the date and duration of the contract; the routes embraced therein, with the length of each; the time of arrival and departure at the ends of each route; the mode of transportation; and the price to be paid, together with a copy of the recorded abstracts of all proposals for carrying the mail, as rovided by section three thousand nine hundred and forty- eight, Title “Tm: Posnn SERVICE.`, Second. A report of all land and water mails established or ordered within the preceding year, other than those let to contract at the annual letting, giving in each case the route or water-course on which the mail is estab ished; the name of the person employed to transport it; the made of transportation; the price to be paid; and the duration of the or er or contract. Third. A report of all allowances made to contractors within the preceding year above the sums originally stipulated in their res ctive contracts. and the reasons for the same, and of all orders made idizreby additionalexpense is incurred on any route beyond the original contract price, giving in each case the route; the name of the contractor; the origina service provided for by the contract; the original price; the additional service required; and the additional allowance therefor. Fourth. A report of all curtailments of expenses effected within the prgceding year, giving in each case the same particulars as in the precet mg report. Fifth. A report of the finances of the Department for the preceding year, showing the amount of balance due the Department at the beginning of the year; the amount of stage which accrued within the year; the amount of engagements andoliabilities; and the amount actually paid during the yea1·_for carrying the mail, showing how much of the amount was for carrying the mail in preceding years.