Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1437

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INDEX. 1365 Section. S ti n.

   1;]veuue)—Ooutinued. 1 S'.I€rA1IPS_  IgiiV6D\1B)—COHt1DHOd. H 0

(11g1TB- on mu . ‘ ax—pa1 ontmu . mbe prepared by Commissioner, kept and distilled spirits found in casks of five alld solili bydcollcctors .. 3395 gorggr more without stamps to be forso un er istmiut . ... 3369 ei ,,,,,._,,,,__,_,,,,,,_,_,____ 3289 chancg/gs in form, &c&0f, may be made by On feréucnted liquors, to be prepared by mmixioner, c .. 3445, 3446 ommissiouer &c , . 3341 fmuciulent use of, and other offenses re- to belobtaiued by brewer from collector of ating to .. 3397 istrict. ... 3342 absence of, notice and evidence that tax mode of affixing and canceling . 3342 b;1a.smr11§dbe)e11 paidfn . ... 3398 absence of, ncgice and evidence that tax to A x y actua ma er w ere ma- is not pai 3352 terial gs fugzgshed byhone party and }·cmovz‘;l or defacinggexflcept liy the owner 3353 manu actu y auot er ... 3399 crm 0 , &c., may c amge ... 3445 to be affixed to imported cigags .. 2804, 3402 bottling fe{n1e11l;ed liquor? from un- 011 emptied cigar-boxes to be estroyedn 3406 stampe pac ages; pena ty . 3354 penalty for purchasing cigars not stamped, making, selling, or using false beenstamps &n ____,_,,___,.,,,,_,,,_,, , ,,i,,,, 3404 or dies or permitting same, how pun- Spocisl taxes to be paid by (see Special ished . ... . 3346 Taxes) ,... 3237 sour malt liqgxors. removal of, in <,·ertain Commissioner to procure .., 3238 cases wit out .. 3347 to be kept conspicuously in place of busi- to be used by brewers who sell at retail. . 348 ness _______,,,,,,,..,..,.,,... 3239 On tggacco ang snmgf, taxes to be pasd 3368 by brewers _______,__,,,,,,. p. 622, ol. 1 3244 to prepare by ommissioner an so by manufacturers of still, &c .p. 623, cl. 2; 3244 by collectors, &C ... 3369 by rectifiers of distilled spirits. p. 623, 01. 3, 3g44 manufactured ogcognmxsion or shares, by 33 0 b dealers in distilled ]iquors.p. 623, c .4, 3 44 w 0m, to u Xe ... 7 hu melt liquors ________,__, p. 623, el.5, 3244 remogying, unlawfully, selling without, 3272 in leaf-tobacco p. 623, cl. 6, 3244 G ...- by retail dealers in leaf-tobmco . . .p. 624, absence of, notice to all persons and evicl. 7, 3244 dence of the norgpayment of tax b d 1mbwco ____,,.. p. 624, cl. 8, 3244 removing, wit 0ut, c . . by mzhsxfgegnrers of tobacco. .p. 624, Y1. 9, affixigg false endl fraugulent, &e., or 3375 gf cigars _________________ p. 624, e . 10, s mp prcvwus y use .. by peddymy of tobacco ______ p, 625, C1, 11, 3244 fraudulent use of ... 3376 on gpgcijc object; __________,,.,_... 3418—3437 imported, by whom to be aifixed ... h kg ________________________ _ _34l8-3422 for export . onoé;] ghggkg exempt ________________ 3420 estimating tax on, sold without stamp. . . 3371 uustamped, not to be admitted in evi- penalty for purchasing without . 3366 dence, &c . ,,,...,.,,., 3421 orms, &c., of, may be changed ,, 3445, 3446 cancelmtion of ______________________ 3423, 3424 Spoiled, destroyed, provisions for refund or sale of ____,___________,__,_______,____ 3425 issue of new stemps ___,___,_____ 3315, 3426 gpgilgdy &(·_, allowance {0; ______________ 3426 permanent appropnatnon for same.p. 725, 3689 may be furnished for sale to certain ofh- STAMPS (Postage), cus _________________ _ _____________ 3427 . fractional currency receivable for ... 3574 regulations for the safekeeping, &c., prepayment required in ------------- 3896, 3897 of __________________ _ ______________ 3428 1 pr¢;{)xgsions C(;Ié('€‘;l11Dg ... 3914—gg25 forging. &c., on checks papers &c .. 3429 to prepar , c . 14 on medicines, perfumefy, cosufetics, &c., stamped enveképee to be prepared ... 3915 playing-cardg _________________ , ____ 3419 I 5pec13]t:r?d 0 )(;1a,], for gxecuhvg depart- 3915 rf les enumerated in Schedule A 3419 “ men new ... 0n8th5in1e A ___,,__,, , ..__.. p. 678, of ler 3437 postal cards I ,_.,,.., t _,,..,,..,_,,, 3916 penalties for violation of law 31¢;;1t;1‘§2 3430 _ for unlawfntgly interc¢=ip;1;1§, pt;galt,y,__ t _______________ _ ________ y ’ lll] rovemen in, may op .. assessgneuts of unpaid taxes payable by. . ,3437 to he kept for sale at all Post.-offices; post- Tsx-paid; faxes on distilled spirits to be master accounjsablc or . 3918 paid by _______________,_ _ ______ 3287, 3295 may be gold at 3, duxrount, to agents ,__,,, 3919 how to be engraved and issued .. 3312 not to be sold for more than face value . . 3920 how gallons stand on ,,__,_,,__.,,,..., 3313 to be defamed uf; mailing-office ,,._,.,,,, 3921 how to be used by collector of intemal 1 record of, recewed by postmaster to be 3842 ... 3313 ‘ kept T . ncwhhfghhgty of collector for books 2214 pea;_lgIf;>g· ;m;’v:1r;€. ggé .-.-.--- ééé:3 gg? restaihpihé of of; 5515 for neggctihg to aeqounf for .. 4053 officer usiag, issuirfg, ¢}r permitting use of, 3316 * forégsmmlgglgibforgng, and other offen- 'll :1 t or . .. _ ----- . ·—-·-··-········· ' for ;1§11ledyspirits .. 332041322 for forgmg, &c., forexgn stamps ... 5465 im f em t in * STANDING MUTE, t»0beeffaced,&c.,att e0 PYE f . . (asks &c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _________ _ _ _ 3324 entry Of plea, for pr1s0ne!‘_uFon arfalgnméflt. 1032 changing ’ &c_, gn Cask _________________ 3326 before ArmiyQ.§0[1rt·m3rt;3 _ _ p, 239, arf, 89, 1342 · · Z · 7 & __________ _ ______ 3328 STATE BA _ f)<1rll:1;t;;;·f):ti:>v;1j1€:w*er(;ty-five-cent stamp pot to use "national" 111 1131116 of _... . . 5243 for ugh package ___________________ 3330 mtemgl-revenuedmx on cpcxzfaazré ...,. ?4h1, 3412 to be destroyed before sale of forfeited to apply to ev1 ences 0 in_e ness ao · · h 1875 ch. 161) after 3412 gpuitg ____ __ _______________________ 3334 qf; Marc y , · · , & ,., ther mternal-revenue taxes on .. 3407-3417 Come?}?!? fri?,- . . .21445, 3446 hogv may become national banks .. 5154, 5155