Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/184

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112 Trrm: xm.-rua .mo1o1ARY.—on. 7. 2 Mae, 1833, c- any of the revenues thereof. or to enforce the right of citizens of the 57·”· 2· ‘·4· P· 632 United States to vote in the several States. 13 July 1866, c. 184, s. 67, v. 14, p. 171. 28 Feb., 1871, c. 99, s. 15, v. 16, p. 438. 31 May, 1870, c. 114, v. 16, p. 140. Suits to recover Thirteenth. Of all suits to recover possession of any office, except that °m°¤¤· _ of elector of President or Vice-President, Representative or Delegate in 31 May, 1870, c. Congress, or nreuiber of a State legislature, authorized by law to be 114, s. 23, v. 16, p. brought, wherein it appears that the sole question touching the title to 1*6- suchhofiice arises out of the denial of the right to vote to any citizen offering to vote, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servguide: frozzdeei, Epat fspteh juizsdietion gba1E exaend only se 1:41- las te e ermine e rig s o e par ies o suc office · reason o the < enia of the right guaranteed b_y the Constitution of the United States. and securedby any law to enforce the right of citizens of the United States to vote in all the States. {S·r§20l0-1 Suit forremoyal Fourteenth. Of all proceedings by the writ of quo warranto pros- 2;£?la$°”t2°h‘;K'£ ecuted by any district attorney, for the removal from office of any person teEu,,m’;“€ndm€n, holding office, except as a member of Congress or of a State legislature, YE contrary to the plrovisions of the third section of the fourteenth article of 1121; l‘j,Yx_ 1% ·g· amendment of the Constitution of the United States. [Hee s 1186.1 I ‘ I ‘ I ‘ 143. 28 Feb., 1871, c. 99, s. 15, v. 16, p. 438. Suits for penal- Fifteenth. Of all suits to recover pecuniary forfeitures under any act

$;‘0‘lf;';l°;,L“;¥’?`i‘; to enforce the right of citizens of the United States to vote in the several

lf?-EF.i‘lM_..- S““"*‘ 31 May, 1870, c. 114, ss. 2, 3, 4, 8, v. 16, pp. 140, 141, 142. 28 Feb., 1871, c. 99, s. 15, v. 16, p,438.-U. S. r. Reese et al., 92 U._S., 214; U. S. r. Cruikshank et al., 92 U. S., 542. d Smtsrto re<lreSe Sixteenth. Of all suits authorized by law to be brought by any peison ri3’tl'S' ,;’y to redress the deprivation, under color of any law. statute, ordinance. the C,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, regulation, custom. or usage of any State, of any right, privilege, or amiiawsmpmcns immunity, secured by the lonstitution of the United States, or of anv withinjurisdiction rig t secured by any law providing for equal rights of citizens of the 0* Umwd Sm"- United States or of~ all ·‘ ° i ‘ . ., persons within the Juiisdiction of the United . , s 5; s . a. 20Apnl,1871,c. Sums l"" “" l 22, s. 1, v. 17, p. 13. 31 May, 1870, c. 114, $16,.18, v. 16, p. 114. 9 April, 1866, c. 31, s. 3, v. 1;, 27.:{Mgl¢gJ·. gl}? Mayor of City of New York, 13 Blatch., 469; Illinois v. Chioago ton . . ., iss., 07. [Suits 9¤ ={)<·$=¤¤¤¢ Seventeenth. Of allseits authorized by law to be brought by any per- §pi;‘3g;°fn C; ion onf account of any inyury to his person or property, or of the deprivacasm ion o any rig t or privilcve of a citizen of the United States bv an ·é·"—20 Ami, ,87, (__ act done in furtherance of ahny consipiracy mentioned in section iiirieteeh 22,,,_2_,,_ {7_ ,,_ Q3_ hundred and eighty, Title "Crvu. 1ou·rs." 1 Mar., 1875, 0. 114, a.3,1·. 18,p. 336.·—Blyew wi. U. S., 13 WalL, 581. Suitssgainstper- Eighteenth Of all suits authorized by law to be brou h ' . v_ . _ g t a mst an =;%;;lg?X;’;€l;?r::; person who. having knowledge that any of the wrongs meftiioned ai &c.section nineteen hundred and eighty, are about to be done, and, having ‘;,‘A·J, ,87, ci power to prevent or and in preventm the same. neglects or refuses so 22,s_6’ ,·_ {7, i5_ to do, to l‘€C0vol‘ damages for any sucg wrongful act. {scc 5 msi.] 22 Feb., 187g, c. 95, .1. 4, r. 18, p. 333. S¤l*¤¤t¤¤i¤¤*0m· Nineteenth. Of all suits and roceedin s arisin under t' lift * ¢·=¤·=·¤·* ·>W¤·=*=··* three immir .1 1 r - r ir ·· ·g` ·» g 8** `°" " Vg8ms_ e auc oity- our. itle (,mMr:s, for the punishment of

 officers and owners ofyessels, through whose negligence or misconduct

s_ 5-,, ,,_ ,6’,,_456_ the life of any person is destroyed. {BSS13H8S and of- Twentieth. Exelusive cognizance of all crimes and offenses cognizable

 under the authority of the United States, except where it is or may be

20, S_ ,,l‘y·,,p_ 5;: otherwise provided by law. and concurrent jurisdiction with the district 9019 Felt, ]815' ,-_ COUl'tS of CFI1H6s and offenses cogmzable therein. ,s. 7, r. 18, p. 331.-U. S. r. Hudson and G l *i ,7 Cr., 32; U. S. ·.C led \V . 415; U: S. v. Sevans, 3 Wh., 336; U. S. v. Co(d(ihbis,"12 Pet., 72; State 'of i,’(;nnsigylx·inniahvi ‘:X;1>€§ll§g.B{$t1% liu-1`ow., 563; U. S. v. Jackalow, 1 Bl., 484; U. S. v. Holliday, 3 Wall., Hmhp; 4;/i, nc;. b2 S v. '1`a·wan—ga-ca, Hemp., 30-1; U. S. v.Terre1l,