Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/224

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152 Trru: xm.-'l`HE JUDICIARY.-Ch. 15. Grand i¤fl¤¤ Ol Sec. 813. The grand jury impaneled and sworn in any_district_court dl”“1°“’°“"’” 'WY may take cognizance of all_crimes and offenses within the jurisdiction of

   the circuit court for said d1str1ct as well as of said district court.

court. 8 Aug.,§46, c. 98, s. 3, v. 9, p. 72. _Ar]¤ms¤-¤, west Sec. 814. In the western district of Arkansas such number of jurors fllsmch *1* H'-’l°““i shall be summoned at every term of the dlstrlctcourt thereof, to be held JPY9E` ar- at Helena, as may have been ordered at a previous term, or by the dis- 3 NM`-, l87l» C- trict judge in vacation. And a grand jury may be summoned to attend Eg “· 2> "· 16* p· any such term when ordered by the court or bybthe judge 13 ygacatigu. ` In case of a deficiency of jurors, talesmen may e summone y or er of the court. _ Juries in Ken- Sec. 815. In the several districts of Kentucky and Indiana, such numt¤ckyv-¤<ll¤<ll¤¤¤- ber of jurors shall be summoned by the marshal at every term of the 15 M,,y_ 1862 Q circuit and district courts, respectively, as may have been_ ordered of 71, s. 3,v.12,p.386. record at the previous term; and in case there is not a sufficient number 1830 Ju?. 1%), C- of jurors in attendance at any time, the court may order such numbler · “· · "· · l’· to be summoned as in its `udgment may be necessary to transact the H5' business of the couft. And a grand, jury may be summoned to attend every term of the circuit or district court by order of the court. The marshal may summon juries and talesmen in case of a deficiency, pursuant to an order of the court mage during the term, and they shall serve for such time as the court may irect. North Carolina; Sec. 816. The circuit and district courts for either of the districts of 1*1**65 at ¤P°°'“l North Carolina may order a grand or petit jury, or both to attend any

  • f"“?S;_____ special term thereof, by an order to be entered of record thirty days

before the day on which such special term is appointed to convene. 4 June, 1872, c. 282, s. 4, v. 17, p. 215. J uriqs for west- Sec. 817. The grand and petit jurors for the district court sittingiin the "“ };l锓jF'* °f western district of South Carolina shall be drawn from the inha itants Et am ma` __ of said district who are liable, according to the laws of said State, to do 16 Aug·’ 18561 jury duty in the courts thereof; and all jurors shall he drawn durlng the 119,s. 2, v.11,p. 43. sitting of the court for the next succeeding term. 21 F b., 1823, . ll, s. f v. 3, p. 25 May, 1824, c. 145, s. 3, v. 4, p. 35. V¢fm¤¤¥.<‘h¤fs¢ Sec. 818. In the district of Vermont, it shall be the duty of the circuit 3: gfzditlgginby court, at its regular sessions, to give in charge to the grand juries all %;1...#..f. crimes, odenses, and misdemeanors which are cognizable as well in the 29 PFll» 1802 c- district court thereof as in the said circuit court. 31, s. 29, v. 2, p. 167. Challenges- Sec. 819. When the offense charged is treason or a capital offense, the 8 11,,,6, 1872, c_ defendant shall be entitled to twenty and the United States to five (per- 333,s. 2,v. 17, p. emptory challenges. On the trial of any other felony, the defen ant 282. shall be enjzitled to te: and the United States to tjiree pxeremptorly chal- `_’f*r_‘ len es· an in all other cases. civil an crimina eac part s all be angbijgxggbmj entfiled to three peremptory challenges; and in all cases wllere there 480. are several defendants or several plaintiffs, the parties on each side shall be deemed a single party fpr jthe purposes of all challenges under this section. All challenges w et er to the array or panel, or to individual jurors for cause or favoi, shall be tried by the court without the aid of triers. [SM SS NW1. 4808-] Adolitionalcauses Sec. 820. The following shall be causes of disqualification and chal- 2* (;l*¤*j`“1***°*¥*°¤} leijige of grand and petit jurors in the courts of the United States, in g’:md° zngnggegt ad ition to the causes cxlsting by virtue of section eight hundred and jurors. twelve, najne1y: Wjthout duress and coercion to have taken up arms or .-.--—»t- to have jome any insurrection or rebellion against the United States; 101:7 J upe, ls? c. jo have ijldhered to spy intsurrectipn orlrebellion. giving it aid and com- » B- » V- » P· ort; to ave given lrec y or ln lrect y any assistance in money arms dg__ _ _ ,___ horses, clothes, or dnything whatever, to br for the use or benefit ,0f any U_ S_ ,._ 11am_ person whom the 0 such assistance knew to have joined, or to moud,2Woods,197. e about to join, any insurrection or rebellion, or to have resisted, or