Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/406

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334 Trrmu xxm.—THE TERRITORIES.—Ch. 2. CHAPTER TWO. OF PROVISIONS CONCERNING PARTICULAR ORGANIZED TERRI- TOBIES. . 's d bl'sh t 1926. u' 1 rono- iceso ¢P6!¤¤ Bm- f Sec. J r1sd`ct' tjust' f th 1896 Bciilldgallrdgxicibxi asm I mm 0 in New Mexico and other Territo- . f U ah. ries. _

 of Vifashington. 1927. In Colorado and Arizona.

1899. Of Colorado. 1928. Jurisdiction of district court of New . . k . M i · .

   gtizbtsa. I 1929. J uriddidtion of probate court in Col-

1902. Of Idaho. orado. _ 1903. Of Montana. 1930. Writs of error from probate court in 1904. Of Wyoming. Colorado. 1905. Elections in Washington and Idaho. 1931. Appeal. _ _ 1906. Delegate toCongress from Washing- 1932. Jurisdiction of probate courts IH ton, Idaho, and Montana must he Montana. _ _ _ a citizen of the United States. 1933. Clerks of district courts in Washing- 1907. The judicial power, how vested in ton Territory. all the Territories except Arizona. 1934. Adjourned terms of the supreme 1908. The judicial power, how vested in court of Arizona; mileage ot clerk. Arizona. . 1935. Contingenbexpenses of certain Ter- 1909. Writs of error to United States Su- ~ ritories. _ _ preme Court. 1936. Control of penitentiaries in Montana, 1910. Jurisdiction of district courts under Ida.h_o, &c., transferred tosard Ter- Constitution, &c. ritories. _ _ 1911. Writs of error, &c., in Washing- · 1937. Expenses of maintenance0f prisonton Territory, to Supreme Court ‘ ers to be paid from judiciary fund. United States; jurisdiction of dis- 1938. Contingent expenses of Washington trict courts. Territory. _ 1912. Writ of habeas corpus.1939. Expenses of printing laws, &c.,1n 1913. Certain Territories may modify judi- ew Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Dacial districts. kota, Arizona, and Wyoming. 1914. Judges ot supreme courts in Idaho 1940. InWashing1:on, Idaho, and Montana. and Montanatodeninejudicial dis- 1941. No payment of salaries in certain tricts, &c. Territories until officers enter on 1915. Jud es of supreme courts in New their duties. México and Arizona may fix time V 1942. Pay of members of legislative amemand places for holding courts. bly in New Mexico, Utah, Dakota, 1916. Assignment of district judges in and Arizona. Utah. 1943. ln Idaho and Montana. 1917. Terms of district court in Washing- 1944. Seats of government; how changed ton. in certain Territories. 1918. Assignment of jrrdges. 1945. In Idaho and Montana. 1919. Time and places of holding district | 1946. School-lands in certain Territories. courts in Colorado, Dakota, and ‘ 1947. Certain sections in Washington Ter- Wyommg; how fixed.ritory to be reserved. 1920. Secretarévo New Mexico tobesuper- 1948. Certain laws of Dakota continued inten ent of public buildings. in force. 1921. May administer oath of office. , 1949. Agencies, &c., continued. 1922. Number oi council and house of rep- I 1950. Concurrent jurisdiction over the Coresentatiyes in each Territory. l lumbia River. 1923. Extra sessions of legislative assem- , 1951. Disbursing officers in Washington, bly ;n Washington, Idaho, and : Idaho, and Montana to give secu- . on ana. rit . 1924. Restrictions on legislative power of 1952. Certgin laws of Washington con- Washington Territory.tinued in force. 1925. Of Colora o, Dakota, and Wyoming. 1953. Library for Utah and Washingtonto be kept. ${52%:2:;:3 **:)*1 Sec. 1896. All that portion of the territorly of the United States bounded New Mexiw as follows; Beginning at a point in the Co orado River where the bound-

 ary-line with the republic of Mexico crosses the  ame; thence eastwardly

4g9s 2PV-b P hg- with that boundary-line to the R10 Grande; thence following the main ’’ ’ ’ ’ ’ channel of the R10 Grande to_the parallel of the thirty-second degree of north latitude; thence east with that degree to its intersection with the one hundred and third degree of longitude west of Greenwich; thence north with that degree of longitude to the parallel of thirty-eighth degree of north latitude; thence west with that parallel to the summit of Sierra Madre; thence south with the crest of those mountains to the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude; thence west with that {parallel to its intersection with the boundary-line of the State of Cali ornia; thence with