Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/588

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516 '1‘m.n xxx1v.—COLLEC`1`1ON OF DU'.l`IES.—Ch. 2. C H A P T E R T W O. QUALIFICATIONS, PAY, AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS. 2613. Term of oH·lce of collectors, naval l 2654. Fees of collectors. officers, drc. l 2655. Division of fees and expenses be- 2614. Appraisers oath of office. tween collector and naval officer. 2615. Assistant appr·aiser’s oath. 2656. Division of drawback-fees between 2616. Oath of officeof customs officer. t collector, naval officer, and sur- 2617. Who may administer oath of office. veyor. 2618. Certification, &c., of oath. 2657. Fees of surveyors, inspectors, and 2619. Bonds of collectors, naval officers, deputy inspectors. and surveyors. 2658. Fee for entry on northern, &c., 2620. Bonds how approved and filed. frontier. 2621. Duties of collectors where naval oth- 2659. Compensation of collectors for New cers and surveyors are appointed. York and other districts. 2622. Duties of collector where no naval 2660. Additional compensation in certain oflicer is appointed. districts. 2623. Duties of col ector where a collector 2661. Collector for Mobile. only is appointed. 2662. Collector for Pearl River. 2624. Employmentoftemporarysurveyors. 2663. Collector for Saint Mary’s and Key 2625. Performance of col ecto s duties in West. case of disabilit . 2664. Collectors for Saint J ohn’s and Fer- 2626. Duties of naval ofilicers. naudina. 2627. Duties of surveyors where collectors ‘ 2665. Collector for the Teche. and naval officers are appointed. 2666. Collector for Natchez. 2628. Duties of surveyor when surveyor 2667. Collector for Newark. only is appointed. 2668. Collector for Vicksburgh. 2629. Performance of surveyor's duties in ‘ 2669. Collector for Stonington. case of disability. 2670. Collector for Puget und. 2630. Deputy collectors. 2671. Collector for Paso del Norte. 2631. In case of sickness or absence collect- 2672. Collector for San Francisco. or or surveyor may authorize, dw. 2673. Collector for Oregon. 2632. Deputies of naval officers and sur- 2674. Collector for Wilmington. veyors. 2675. Collectors for Chicago and other 2633. When deputies may be clothed with districts. powers of collectors. 2676. Collectors for Galveston and other 2634. Limitation upon number and com- districts. pensation of clerks and deputies. 2677. Collectors for Beaufort, South Caro- 2635. Table of fees to be kept posted up. lina, and Pensacola. 2636. Penalty for extorgtion y customs 2678. Collectors for Georgetown District ollicers. of Columbia, and other districts. 2637. Penalty for extortion by inspectors, 2679. Collector for eastern district of weighers, gaugers, or measurers. Maryland. 2638. Customs olncers, &.c., not to own 2680. Collectors for the districts in North vessels or engage in importations. Carolina. 2639. Collectors, naval officers, and sur- 2681. Collector for Alaska. veyors must keep and render ac- 2682. Collector for Aroostook. counts. L 2683. Collector for Willamette. 2640. Their duty in respect to accounts,2684. Collector forSan Diego. penalty for- omission. 2685. Collector for southern district of 2641. Accounts must include all emolu- Oregon. ments as well as expenses. , 2686. Division of commissions on death of 2642. Services of occasional inspectors * collector. ' must be specified. 2687. Apportionment of compensation for 2643. List of clerks and account of ex- part ofayear’s service. penditures for stationery, to be 2688. Limit to compensation of collectors urmshed. and surveyors acting as collectors. 2644. By collectors upon northern, &c., 2689. Compensation to be exclusive of exfrontiers. penses. 2645. Accounts to be rendered quarterly. 2690. Limit to compensation of collectors 2646. Book to be fumished to customs at Boston, and other specified ottlcers. ports. 2647. Quarterly account of collection of 2691. Limit to compensation of collectors fines required. at other ports. 2648. Blanks. 2692. Powers of Secretary over incidental 2649. Special agents to examine books, _ expenses. accounts, &c., of collectors. 2693. Accounts for services of clerks, must 2650. Classification and payment of agents. , be verified. 2651. Regulations for special agents; limit . 2694. Assistant collector at New York. of their number and pay. _ 2695. Assistant collector at Jerse City. 2652. Customs officers_to fo low mstruc- 2696. Assistant collector at Camden. tions and decisions of Secretary of 2697. Deputy collectors at New York and Treasury. _ other ports. 2653. Subordinate offices rn any district 2698. De uty collectors at Eureka and may be abolished. Gallejo.