Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/859

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'1`ums RELATIONS. 787 But if this is not made to appear, and such court, judge, or commissioner finds, upon the papers hcreinbefore referred to, a sufficient primafacie case that the matter concerns only the internal order and discipline of such foreign vessel, or, whether in its nature civil or criminal, does not affect directly the execution of the laws of the United States, or the rights and duties of any citizen of the United States, he shall forthwith, by his warrant, commit such person to prison, where prisoners under sentence of a court of the United States may be lawfully committed, or, in his discretion, to the master or chief officer of such foreign vessel, to be subject to the lawful orders, control, and discipline of such master or chief officer, and to the jurisdiction of the consular or commercial authority of the nation to which such vessel belongs, to the exclusion of any authority or jurisdiction in the premises of the United States or any State thereof. No person shall be detained more than two months after his arrest, but at the end of that time shall be set at liberty and shall not again be arrested for the same cause. The expenses of the arrest and the detention of the person so arrested shall be paid by the consular officers malting the application. Sec. 4082. Marriages in presence of any consular officer of the United Power of United States in a foreign country, between persons who would be authorized 2;°,_‘;“,g°;;s;j:;§E to marry if residing in the District of Columbia, shall be valid to all m,,,,.;ag,,,,_ intents and urposes, and shall have the same effect as if solemnized —~;-—;_ within the Ulhited States. And such consular officers shall, in all cases, ,7g2SJ`§f°’v18?g’;,' give to the parties married before them a certificate of such marriage, 7g_’’' ` and shall send another certificate thereof to the Department of State, there to be kept; such certificates shall specify the names of the parties, their ages, places of birth, and residence. _ Sec. 4083. To carr into full effect the rovisions of the treaties of the J¤di<=i;¤l¤¤¢h¢>fi- United States with China, Japan, Siam, 13lJg pt, and Mada scar, respec- ;{.°€l£"“dSt:(f‘*§ tively, the minister and the consuls of the Llnited States, chilly appointed Sul: Siam :2,,,,,;,, tlc reside in ezch of thlpse countries, shall, inhaddition to othfer pplwers and countries. utiesimposc upon them, res ectively, by the provisionso suc treaties, ‘·—‘_—— respectively, be invested with the judicial authority herein described, 1-,g?,,j]£l:§;?gj)·}§f which shal appertain to the office of minister and consul, and be a part 28 July, 1866, c. of the duties belonging thereto, wherein, and so far as, the same is gg;. ¤· U»V·14· P- “u°"°d bY *"°“*Y· 1.July, 1870, c. 194, s. 1, v. 18, p. 183. 23 Mar., 1874, c. 62, ·r. 18, p. 23. See Prariderafa Proclamation, No. 10, 1;. 18, p. 850. Sec. 4084. The officers mentioned in the preceding section are fully Theirjurisdicempowered to arrai n and try, in the manner herein provided, all cit1— tj0H of ¤¤‘im¢¤· zens of the United gStates charged with offenses against law, committed 22 Jun€,1860, Q_ in such countries, respectively, and to sentence such offenders in the 179, s. 2, v. 12, p. manner herein authorized; and each of them is authorized to issue all 72- such processes as are suitable and necessary to carry this authority into execution. Sec. 4085. Such officers are also invested with all the judicial author- jurisdiction in . ity necessary to execute the provisions of such treaties, respectively, in cm] mwregard to civil rights, whether of property or person; and they shall enter- Ibid., s. 3, p. 73. tam 'urisdiction in matters of contract, at the port where, or nearest to which, the contract was made, or at the port at which, or nearest to which, it was to be executed, and in all other matters, at the port where, or nearest to which, the cause of controversy arose, or at the port where, or nearest to which, the damage complained of was sustained, provided such port he one of the (ports at whic the United States are represented by consuls. Such juris iction shall embrace all controversies between citizens of the United States, or others, provided for by such treaties, resgxectively. _ _ _ ac. 4086. Jurisdiction in both criminal and civil matters shall, in all ·l°”9‘l*°*’°”·h°" cases, be exercised and enforced in conformity with the laws of the ?§,,°;;°,jS°d md °n` United States, which are hereby, so far as is necessary to execute such -—TQ—-—-- treaties, respectivel , and so far as they are suitable to carrv the same Ib‘d·· “· ‘*· into effect, extended, over all citizens of the United States in those coun-