Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/943

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Trru: Lm.—MERCHANT SEAMEN.——Ch. 1-2. 871 the Atlantic to a lport on the Pacific, or vice versa, from performing, himself, so far as is vessel is concerned, the duties of ship ing-comm1s- sioner under this Title. Whenever the master of any vesselshall engage his crew, or any part of the same, in any collection-district where no shipping-commissioner shall have been appointed, he may perform for himself the duties of such commissioner. Sec. 4505. Any sbippin commissioner may engage clerks to assist 9l9fk¤ of wmhim in the transaction of the business of the shippm —office, at his own proper cost, and may, in case of necessity, depute sugh clerks to act for 7 ·l°¤°» 187% ¢· im in his official capacity; but the shipping-commissioner shall be held %’ °‘ 3* "‘ 17• P· responsible for the acts of every such clerk or deputy, and will be per- ` sonally liable for any penalties such clerk or deput may incur by the violation of any of the rovisions of this Title; anal, all acts done by a cErk,_as such deputy, shall be as valid and binding as if done by the s in -comm1ssioner. gil:}. f50G. Each ship ing-commissioner shall providea seal with which _S¤¤l of commishe shall authenticate all) his official acts, on which seal shall be engraved 'E€;___ the arms of the United States, and the name of the port or district for Ibid which he is commissioned. Any instrument, either printed or written, purporting to be the official act of a shipping-commissioner, and purport— mg to be under the seal and signature of such shippinicommmsioner, shall be received as resum five evidence of the official c aracter of such instrument, and of the truth) of the facts therein set forth. Sec. 4507. Every shipping-commissioner shall lease, rent, or procure, _0f‘5¢<¤<>f<><>mmi¤- at his own cost, suitable premises for the transaction of business, and .'E‘E;___ for the preservation of the books and other documents connected there- Ibid-. ¤· 4. P- 263- with; and these premises shall be styled the shipping·commissioner’s Omce. • Sec. 4508. The general duties of a shipping-commissioner shall be: P*}*l°$ af <‘0¤¤· First. To afford facilities for engaging seamen by keeping a register of their names and characters. Ibm- Second. To lsuperintend their engagement and discharge, in manner rescribed b * aw. p Third. Toyprovide means for securing the presence on board at the pro r times of men who are so engafge . Fhiirth. To facilitate the makin 0 apprenticeships to the sea service. Fifth. To perform such other cfuties relating to merchant seamen or merchant ships as are now or may hereafter be required by law. CHAPTER TWO. SHIPIENT. Sec. Ser. 4509. Apprentices. 4517. Shipping seamen in foreign ports. 4510. In entures of apprentices to be pro- 4518. Pepe ty for violating preceding secr. ion. 4511. Imam ; 4519. Posting copy of agreement. 4512. Ru es for shippingsarticles. _ 4520. Shipping-articles for vesselsin coast- 4513. Exceptions as to _ ippipgiarticles. mg trade. _ _ _ _ _ 4514. Pena ty for shipping wit outagree- 4521. Penlalty for shipping without arti- _ . C PS. 4515. Pehzlly fpr knowingly shipping sea- 4522. Penalty for omitting to begin vgy- 4516. Lolstesleaiiihldohlilhyrhdd { 4528. Unllgivful shipments void. Sec. -1509. Every shipping-commissioner appointed under this Title Apprentices. shall, if applied to for the purpose of apprenticing boys to the sea-serv- ice, by any master or owner o a vessel, or by any person legally quali- 322, ,_ g,’,,_ 17; pf lied, give such assistance as is in his power for facilitatinlg the making 263. of such apprenticeships; but the shipipingmommissioner s all ascertain that the boy has voluntarily consente to ebound, and that the parents or guardian of such boy have consented to such apprenticeship, and that s·r—03--60