Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/98

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26 Trrnn 1v.—EXECUT1VE DEPARTMENTS. T I T L E I V . PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL THE EX- ECIITIVE DEPARTMENTS. $q(~_ l Sec. 158. Application of provisions of this Title. I 180. Tempgrary appointments limited to 159. “ ord "De rtment." , WD ¤yB· 160. Salaries of lizads of Departments. 181. Restriction on temporary appoint- 161. De t ntal lations. ments. 162. Hollrrls Tebusinreesill182. Extra compensation disallowed. 163. Classification of Department clerks. 183. Oaéhs, when administered by officers, 16i. Examinations. c. 165. Clerkships open to women. 184. Suhpoenas to witneses. 166. Distribution of clerks. 185. Witnessfees. _ 167. Salaries of persons employed in the 186. Compelling testimony. Departments. 187. iroiiessionalassistlance, gpvpobtpingde. 168. Tem orary clerks. 188. `vi ence tohe rnish yt. e - 169. Autlhirity to employ clerks and other partnreutglin suits pending in the employes. ourt o aims. 170. Extra compensation to clerks pro- 189. Employment ot attorpleyfhpr counsel. hibited. 190. ersons ormer y int e partments 171. Restriction on employing extra clerks. not to prosecute clainis in them. 172. Restriction on employment of subor- 191. Certified balamces. dinate assismnts. 192. .xpenditures or newspa wers. 173. Chief clerks to supervise subordinate 193. Annual retport of expenditure of conclerks. tingent unds. 174. (`hief clerks to distribute duties, &c. 194. Report of clerks employed. 175. Duty of chief op receipt of report. 195. Time of making annual reports5e f 176. isbursingc er s. 196. epartment reports when to ur· 177. \’acancies,_how temporarily filled. nished to printer. l 178. Vacancies in subordinate offices. 197. Inventories of {property. 179. Discretionary authority of the Presi· 198. Biennial listo persons employed in dent. each Department to he filed in the Interior Department. Application of Sec. 158. The provisions of this 'l`itlc shall apply to the following p_¤j<>vi¤i<>¤=· of this Executive Depgutnientsz .]tlE‘_____ ___,_c First. The gartrnent of State. Wilcox vs.Jack- Second. The epartment of War. ¤¤¤»l3l’°*·»5l2¤l3- 'I`hird. The Department of the Treasury. Fourth. 'l`hc Department of Justice. Fifth. 'l` he Post-Oflice Department. Sixth. The Department of the Navy. Seventh. The epartment of the lnterior. Word *‘D¢-pnrt- Sec. 159. The word “Department” when used alone in this Title, and ¤¤¤¤*-' Titles live, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and clcvcn, means one of the Executive Departments enumerated in the precedin section. Salariesof heads Sec. 160. lnach head of a Department is entitled to a salary of ten efYlJ€psrt_[¤¤¢f]}·S;__ thousand dollars a year, to be paid monthly. 3 Mar., 1873, c. 226, s. 1, v. 17, p. 486. 20 Jon., 1874, c. 11, a-. 18, p. 4. 3 Mar., 1875, 6- l3O» "· my Il- 399 By the act of January 20, 1874, c. 11, v. 18, p. 4, the salary of each head of a Department was reduced to eight thousand dollars. I§§:‘,L;g‘°“t“l Sec. 161. _'l`l1c hcadof each Department is authorized to prescribe regu- {°g - ..;.L- lations, not inconsistent with law, for the government of his Department, 27 ·{uly,;g89. c- the_¢-onduct of its officcrs and clerks, the distribution and performance 4* lf8g c` of IIS l111S1I1C5S, Hlld tl]? Cl1Sl'.t)Cl}', 1180, {Mid pl'GS€1‘VB.iCl0I'l of IDB 1`8COl'dS, I4_ \._ L ,,1 G8_ ’ papers, and property appertaming to it. 7·.-\ug., 1849, c. 7, v. 1, p. 49. 2 Sept., 1789, c. 12, v. 1, p. 65. 8 June, 1872, c. 335, v. 17, p. 283. 30 April, 1798, c. 35, v. 1,lp 553. 22 June, 1870, c. 150, s. 8, v. 16, p. 163.

1\lar., 1849, c. 108, v. 9, p. 395. 15 ug., 1876, e-. 287, x. 3, »·. 18, Ii, 169,

Hoursotbixsincss. _ Sec. 162. From the iirst day of October until the tirst day of April, 4 _],,,,., 183,, c_ in each year, all the Bureaus and offices in the State, War, Treasury,

ss2,s,1u,v.s,p.112. l\avy, and Post-Oiiicc Departments, and in the General Land·Office,