Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/154

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M ILITIA. 149 Sec. 128:. The persons of officers, non-commissioned officers, anu E xempmm or privates of the militia shall be exempt from arrest and process in civil P°¤‘°°“° f*‘°'“» eases while going to, continuing at, or returning from musters and ——;t.~wl'°"‘ while in actual service. ’ 203 lg;·*¤l¤;,180‘·;bg· Sec. 1288. The Secretary of Nar shall cause a sufficient number of ei copies of this chapter, together with Title XVI of the Revised Statutes, militinlaws. •= {frm MlL1TIA,” and the articles of war, to be printed and distributed throughout the District, so that every general and Held-officer therein, " ’p` ` and every brigade-inspector and captain, be furnished with one copy each. [mx s., u. s., 55 mum; 1:42-im.; WZEIEN CALLED INT0 ACTUAL SERVICE. Sec. 1289. The President is authorized and empowered, on an inva- When President sion or insurrection, or probable prospect thereof, to call forth such a my _<=¤U <>¤¢ Mw number of militia from the District, and in such a manner, whether by ““l‘°‘°· routine of duty or otherwise, as he may deem proper. 1bid.,s. 24,p. 223. Sm. 1290. For the accommodation, equipment, and support of the Equipment and militia so at any time called forth, the President may appoint such quar- ¤¤b¤i¤*»¤¤¢=¤- termasters, com missaries, and other stall` as to him shall seem proper, and WW tix their pay and allowances, and shall also take such measures for procuring, transporting, and issuing all orders which may be necessary. Sec. 1291. Orders for the militia to be called forth as provided in sec- Orders and dotiou twelve hundred eighty-nine, shall be sent to the commanding officer tailsof the District, with a notification of the place or places of rendezvous, `@"“`"""` who shall immediately take measures for detaching the same, with the necessary number and ranks of officers, by detail and rotation of duty or otherwise, as he may be ordered. _ Sec. 1292. Whenever any militia shall be called forth into actual serv- To be governed ice, they shall be governed by the articles of war, which govern the by artivlw ¤f WM- troops of United States. And courts-martial shall be held as providedIbm_ by the articles of war, to be composed of miltia-officers only, for the trial of any person, in the militia; but for cashiering any officer, or the capital punishment of any person, the approbation of the President of the United States shall be necessary. [ma s v. s, pp m-241.1 Sec. 1293. If a sudden invasion shall be made into the District, or in pom.-, of mm. case of an insurrection therein, the commanding officer of the militia of manqiug omccr in the District is authorized and required to order out the whole or such °°’°‘““ °°°°'· part of the militia as he may think necessary, and in such manner as he 1bid.,v. 2. pp.223, may think best, for repelling or suppressing such invasion or insurrec- 224- tion; and shall call on the commanding officers of the adjacent counties for such aid as he may think necessary, who shall forthwith and in like manner furnish the same. Sec. 1294. In the event of any militia being ordered out_by the com- Noticg to the manding officer of the District as authorized by the preceding sections, President. such officer shall immediately notify the same, and the cause thereof, "—'*"Ib,d__p_2.z4_ to the President of the United States.- _ Sec. 1295. When the militia shall be in actual service, they shall be pay ,..4 rations, allowed the same pay and rations as are allowed by law to the militia of the United States. [set it s. II.B.,§§l650—l658.] ’_ Sec. 1296. All acts of Congress passed prior to the iirst_day of Decem- _ Repeal provisbcr, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, relating to the Dis- ¤°¤°· trict of Columbia, any portion of which is embraced in the foregoing revision are hereby repealed; and the section applicable thereto shall be in force in lieu thereof; and this revision of the acts of Congress relating to the District of Columbia shall be subject to, and governed by the provisions of chapter seventy-four of the Revised Statutes of the United States, entitled “Repeal Prov1sions.” [set it s. u. s.,55 nm-noi.] Approved, June 22, 1874.