Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/157

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1 52 INDEX. P¤:¤· . Pm A ricultural Co oraiions, Appeals-Contmucd. %uuy be orgugacd under general law, (see wxtbout regard to amount, when 848 100 Inwrpcnwion. General) -------.-- 553 67 ¤¤p¤r¤<>d=¤¤ 0¤-- ------ —- -----·-· 849.850 100 Aiding, Abctting, 4*::., _ . Apprauaers, _ in forgery, counterfeitmg, &,c., pcnalty for, :.0 assess damages for land taken by mal- 1157 138 road company, how appomted ..654 78 in sending challenge, or lighting dnel.1164, assessment and return by - 655 78 1165 134 { Approprfa_twns, Alimony, i icgislauve assembly muy make, for repairs may be allowed to wife in case of divorce, of roads. _ 67 7 745 SS for repulr and conssructuon of bridges may be allowed wife during pendcucy of outmde of Washmgton and Georgepetition for divorce .. . . 746 Us f90W¤ - ·--· ;· ·; --···---·--· _ --·--. 67 7 wife may be deprived of, for adultery after for expenses of Dlstnct, bow provnded. 110 I2 dworce from bed and board. ..749, SB, S9 amount not beincreased, except, &,o-1l0 12 Alleyg, when 1,9 uxpng .,____ , _, ,,____ _ __,____ 1],1 [2 repair and improvement of . ... .77, 78 B g no money be drawn from treasury, oxto be laid out m subdivision of squnres.477 57 § cept nu Fursuance_of.. .. .. . . 112 12 to remain open to the public .. 480 67 I by Congress or tlge Dxstrict, restrictions Altering, Forging, Cwnterjeiting, 4c., · upon oxpendxture of. ... 114 13 gold or silver coin, paper writing, or for school pugnoscs, how applied -.115 13 printed paper, &c.,punishment for, Aqueduct, (see alomao Water; Water Tax; 1157 188 Fire Plugs,) aiding, a.bctti¤g,&.c., in, punlshmentlloa; 1 water-supply from, how regulated,. . 83 ns, as Anacostia Engine-House, Arbitration, l Bm department to have use of .. .. 192 22 as to encroacbments by partxgalls, Answer, , 483 5S of defendant in divorce cause, admissions by boards of trade, provisions concerning, in, not to be proof .. . .. .737 S7 613-616 73 Appeals, of railroad land-damages 654-658 78, 70 in supreme court, right of, not afected, Arms, l10W .. . .. . . 753 D0 of militia-men exempt from taxation or from special to general term,bow regu- execution .. . .. 1286 IIB lated .. . ... 770 99 ; Arrests, when such appeals lie .. . . ..772 99 members of metropolitan police-force on on motion for new trial,may be had, * duty not liable to .. . ... 353 AD when ····.---·--- · ----- -- --..-- 805 06 * by police-force, general powers of. . 394 46 from justice of the peaceto supreme court, » execution of wgnguag of, ,__________ 395 46 when allowed . 1027 120 without warrant, when .. . .. 397 46 appellant to furnish security for costs, T by private detective, regulation of 429 60 _ _ 1028 120 under capius ad satlsfaciendum, proceedongmal papers and docket entries to be ‘ ings on .. . ... . .795 94 nled ...,.. . ... 1029 1 20 power ot judge of police-court to issue prodockgt ofqgusg .,,,. , ,,,, . ,,... ,-,.774 92 can of ,..,,, , ,_.,,, ,.. .,., ,-.,1050 1Q] summons of appellee . . . . 774 92 Arson, ¤[¤¤1¤1¤·1'Y H68H11g ------ -- --.--- -- --775 92 punishment of, for tlrst ofen g ,.,,,,_ 1151 [3Q extlwr party may demand trial by jury, for second offense . 1151 189 776 92 accessory to, punishment for being .. .1151 189 when appellee does not appear, proceed- . Articles of War, jugs --•·· ·· ··-_- -·-·-- · --··- ----777 92 distribution of to militia olllcers . 1288 149 when appellant fsu1s to pr0sscute,p;;>- ] militiabin actual service to be governed ¢¤•=¤¤¤ ---·--·---- - ---- - ----- 8 02 .. . . ... 9 not prayegaforto next tcrm,uo1: to be I Artillery, {seo Militia.) 1292 14 dismissed, when ..,.. 779, 92, 93 Art Sockiu, in actéon for unlawful detainer of real i may be incorporated under general law es a o .. ... . . . . 688 89 see Inca i ,, ’ 66 I defendant appealing to give bo¤d..689, 89, 83 Assault, ( www O", General) M5 rom po ipe court to supreme court .. .1073 124 . u n an elector na ... [ how med : . . . . . 1 ... 773 92 onopolioe olicer; renalg lg: ... do party takmg, to give security for ap- [ by odlcer on prisoner, penalty for . 434 61 neurance and prosecution .. 1074 124 { action of damages for, not triable before on gnvma secunty further proceedings { justices of the peace .. . . 997 ll? m pcice court stayed . . 10 5 124 with intent to kill, punishment for.. :1150 I3! party failing to gxvo security committed with intent to commit rape punishment WJ3i! ·· -----— · -·--- - --·------ W77 124 fo1‘ ------------ · ----- -------- 1163 189 court below to send up complaint and i for refusing to Bght a duel punishment record . ,_,,.,..,.. , , ,.,, .,1078 124 I fm- ,.._, , ,_,,_ , , 1166 184 in prosecugons for conducting gift-enten ] Assault and Battery, "·• l--- I `°` u" pmse usincss . .. . . 1178 136 ¤ olli r si nneosssa so ` judgment of supreme court final 1178 186ca dzenlllgd Tzuiltv of . . 51 from Commnsuoncr of Patents, how b¤3r7gl6 9 . action for damages for, not triuble by 8 `u i pqmg from sugrelme tcolugtg to duprome Court of · Asmmsistst ws of the nu hu H-.997 ll, o ni e ntes, 10wmade.846,09, 100 ro 1 ‘ a mount rcquircd for .. - .-... 847 100 l of P gang: . E? . §.t.f?¥$8?¥3g I0