Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/184

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INDEX. 179 . . . Page Hclmnlus Pgggcegtflclnltinnedél fm _ _ Metmpoluan Police-Continued. hm comm while on dl? m fw!} receipts, warrants, and checks, how kept, . . Y·: ··-- · ··-· · 353 49 dw . ... .. . 387 4F vlw •r• qvt •1¤mb1¤ ¢¤ ¤1»p¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤t ¤¤ the records or meetings of £LQ'¤£»1}&" '``` ass 4E P°h°° f°"°° •·•·•·-·· ~ · -··-·-·--- 354 42 books und records to be o n to lnhlr ' re¤¤¤v¤1¤.1q¤w made .. . . . .. :155 QQ % 8pm,,,,, _ _ _ _ “° P "’§§g 4, ¤¤ ro-¤m><>¤¤¢r¤¤¤¢ wer remcvnl for cause, ; returns and reporte 5 b}Ji¤Q§e[ X»§d`ni6&¤¤1 ° · . . 3*,49 ’ ’ · ~•¤:¤·¤<>¤·. ¤>s¤\¤¢i¤¤ ¤f -------- , ., 35)}; 49 ‘ pgriee nom-mg, 390 4" P¥°¤°¤t¤¤ &°·» f°\' P°h°¤ ¤°“’¤¤¤ P¤>h¤b1f¤d, rd of police mny iseue subpoenas, in _ 357 45 what proceedings. . ... . .391 40

  • {h¤¤ P¥¢¤¤¤*·¤, &¤·» ¤\¤Y N ¥0<>01V¤d· · -358 49 who may administer oaths to witnesses

disposal of presepts, dw., by order of the gw ____ _ ___ ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ __3g§ 46 board . _. ._ . . . .-.. ..,._359 42 false swearing at, to heperjnry .. ..393 46 HDOVSI fol' QBGOIVIDQ PIBSBDB, &¤., wjtb- penalty for ______ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _393 46 out notice to board. ..:... .. 360 42 grrgggg and searches, ¢i¤q•. r¤w¤rd•.fw¤.&c-, how d¤¤p<>s•=d<>f.361 49 police m have powers or constnbles 394 46 P0ll¢Cm8D’B fund, how constituted . 362 42 execution of warrants .-. .. - . 395 46 b°¤¤l of police to be U16 ¢1’¤8fo60f.- .363 42 · discriminating laws or ordinances not to how to beinvested . . 363 42 bg enforced ____ _ _______________ 396 46 expefnge; oildissbled ofiieers msy be g415d4k 4 arrests without warrant, when authorized, _ , en z . . . , 2 3 397 6 uniforms, how prescribed and provided, 365 ,43 major and lientenants may enter buildings, 4 removal for not complying with rules re- ships, &,c., at all hours, when .. .398 46 _ specting . . . 365 48 may make arrests on suspicion of felony, calorie; of mex:JhIers ofdtlhe plplige force.?76 43 396 46 u ersnm epui yt e istrict. 43 ms t k huge f suspected ro rt , special tax to pe levied for proportiongég y n 0 c 0 P N399 46 euporto .. . . . . 48 ollsrrstst be rtedtol‘ teatf cgollcctfons to be specially deposited,when, precigct wilthli: six honreojl. . fl. 63979 41} u gnu 368 43 lieutenant! to mak? wiitten report to hog, ]Il'¢¢Il¢ BIC Ons, wit in twe v ours 46 division of district into precincts-. .. . .369 48 returns toogmcifycwhat particulars ..399 46 assignment of lientensnts .. . 369 43 . penalty of cers for neglecting to make cstsbhshment of stations and station- arrests. . . . . .. . . . . .. 400 41 houses .. . . . 370 48 detention of witnesses, accommodations for, ofsnbststions and substation-honses.370 43 ‘ 401 47 station-houses to he provided hy the gi? 4 • authority of search and arrest on informa.- trict .. . . . . . 7 3 tion . . . 402 47 if authorities neglect, board toprovide.372 43 as to gambling-houses, &,c. . . 402 41 expenses to become s proper charge and as to purposes of proetitutnou, &c 402 47 _ debt, be. . 1 372 43 ns to obscene entertainments, &c 402 47 residence of members of the police force.373 _44 as to lottery-policies, &,c .. . . 402 41 no limitation orrestriotion,except,&,e.,373 44 w arrested persons to he brought before the - details to duty without regard to residence. { conrt . . 402 47 374 44 seized implements, &c., to token to changes of location, when . .. 374 44 d thedges of theobourd of g»ol1ce-.t.H.402 47 Ijcclll pllitchel u y_o major prosecu e nrres e peradditional privstes, appointment of, on ap- sons .. _ .. .:.- .. .- .. .403 47 plicstion, &c . . . 375 44 to destroy seized articles .. 403 41 expenses of, how paid . . . 375 44 to close room or house .. . . 403 47 subject to police regulations . 376 44 licensed pawnbrokers, Qc., emblems for, direction of , . . . 376 44 ‘ beard of police to have supervxsaon over powers, privileges, and duties of . 376 44 doubtful establishments 494 47 removal of, provision tfor.} ..i_.i .. 44 may elmpower mengbgrs oiufggggitcé 47 spec';}ma `nmuo,nceseo . cnrges na nies _ n. I yiglavge f . . .. 378 44 examination ophcooks and premises.. ..405 47 to serve without pay .. . . 378 44 · property an pawn, enmminatwn of . 406 48 powers, privileges, and duties of . 379 44 { not to he taken without process of law, emblems for, how provided .. . . . . 379 44 _ _ _ 406 48 lllltify ctlll II , interference of, with police, how pnmsbshle, sid to be given when! of health on ogg 44 t, d 20; 48 stolen. los and aban on detail of sanitary company .. - . 381 44 P|'°P¢NY• _ Assignment to_specie1 duties ... 381 44 property clerk? appointment and compggé 48 P""°"-°‘ “'"“" °°""’°"’ ‘‘·‘··‘‘‘ @21*22 ...t.,.f“fJ£’;‘¤§’i.,;."¤1.;,‘ ;.s,;.;.a.;;.;,;;;,;,,,l nspections sndreports .. ..,.-.-- , , 0 Y • » 409 48 houdof lice to enter eompluntsn.383 45 erty . . . . 410 48 proe$gs of court on complmnt ; wg 45 I r;>;`,ct¢;:L¤ li:!!!!::;`;;- i);`;;};-Si -;1& rv rmt . .. ...- I “ · ' i .. 385 45b1` .. . .. 411 48

 ug.- I mcypnlilrrignister what oaths, &c .. 412 48

wh°t’g°b°k°p|;______ _____,__________386 45 1 ]-${1];;-;] to Owner of- property not held gg general complaint-book, entries in . 45 I prwwdb of ¤1'5¤19 ---· -·-· · --·-· 2 registryof loet, stolen, &e.,property.. .386 45 to whom may be_ e nverehéh 41-; 48 police records, entries in .. . ... 386 45 1 proof of ownership to he ... nh 8 I coconut; of treosureqhow kept ... 387 45 property to be rcceipted for . 4