Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/96

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J UDICIARY. 91 J'URISDICTION—ORIGINAL. _SEO. 760. The supreme court shall possess the same powers and exer- *‘ ·7¤¤i¤<li•=ii¤¤ nf eise the same jurisdiction as the circuit courts of the United States. mw “¥‘p'°.‘f° °°‘}f° [see u s. u. s., 5 eos, et seq.] "“ “ °"°"‘ °°“’ · 27 Peh., 1801, e. 15, v. 2, p. 105; 3 March, 1863, c. 91, s. 3, v. 12, p. 763. United States rs. Hemegan, 1 Crunch, C. C., 50 ; Mechanics’ Bank of Alexandria rs. Withers, 6 Wheat., 106; Mckenna vs.F1ske, 17 Peters, 245; same case, 1 Howard, 241; United States vc. Tarlton, 4 Craneh, C. 0.,682; Kendall rs. United States, 12 Peters, 524; Decatur ea. Paulding, 14 Peters, 497 ; Berry’s Petition, 2 Crancb, C. C., 13; Custis er. Alexandria and Georgetown Turnpike Company, 6 Crunch, 233; Thompson va. Tolmie, 2 Peters, 157; Cannon es. Davis, 1 Crunch, C. C., 457; United States va. Wright, 1 Cranch, C. C., 123_; Hard ca. Stone, 5 Crunch, C. C.,503 · United States va. Jack, 1 Craneh, C. C.,44 ; United States ve. Louder, 1 Crunch, C. C., 103; Exports Magruder, Am. Law Reg., vol. vi, N. S., p. 292; Bradley ve. Fisher, 13 Wall., 336; Catheart vs. Robinson, 5Peters, 264; Er parte Watkins, 7 Peters, 568; Rutter vs. Merchant, 1 Crunch, C. C., 36 ; Ridgway vs. Pancost, 1 Crunch, C. C., 88; United States va. Porter, 2Cranch, C. C., 60; Experts Levi S. Burr, 2 Crunch, C. C., 379; same case, 9 Wheaton, 529; United States vs. Williams, 4 Cranch, C. C., 372; United States ex rel. Stokes vs. Kendall, 5 Cranch, C., 163. ‘ SEO. 761. The justices of the supreme court shall severally possess _Power ofjusthe powers_and exercise the jurisdiction possessed and exercised by the *'°°°· judges of circuit courts. my Van Ness rs. Bank of United States, 13 Peters, 17; Voss va. Luke, 1 Cranch, C. C., 331 ; Woods vs. Yonn , 1 Cranch,C. 0.,346; Parks, administrator,¢·a. Willis, 1 Crunch, C. C., 357 ; Lewis ragdandeville, 1 Cranch, C. 0.,360; Pierce vo. Turner, 1 Crunch, C. gq sggarnes ru. Lee, 1 Crunch, C. C., 471 ; Georgetown T. R. Co. ra. Custis, 1 Crunch, Sec. 762. Any one of the justices may hold a special term, with the jurisdiction os s same powers and jurisdiction possessed and exercised by district courts d"“"°* °°“"· of the United States. mes u s. u. s., 5 tm, ec seq.] _ Ibid, Sm:. 763. Any one of the justices may hold a criminal court for the M ¤· criminal trial of all crimes and offenses arising within the District. EFL___ _ _ _ [Bse§0l. Seo]!. 8. 0.8.,55 8400-3494.] Ibid, Sec. 764. The supreme court has jurisdiction of actions, suits, contre- Jurisdiction uuversics, and cases, as well in equity as at law, arising under the copyright 0** ¢¤>W¤zb¤ ¤¤d and patentdaws, and for damages for the infringement of any patent, by action on the ease, in accordance with the provisions of sections 8 July, 1870, c. Iorty-nine hundred and nineteen, forty-nine hundred and twenty, and %g• :°·1g5· 56·2ggtiutymine hundred and twenty-one, of chapter one, Title LX, of the 207; 2i5_ * PP‘ * Revised Statutes, •• Psrnnrs, ruins-msuxs, AND c0PYR1GHTS." Kn. u,1¤.,m, 2 (see B. B. I!. 8., p. 960. Bee B. B. IJ.I.,5691!.] C;-MCE, Q_ (gw 205 , Turner va. Johnson, 2 Crunch, C. 0.,287. Sec. 765. All the jurisdiction, power, and authority conferred upon Jurisdiction as a and vested in the district courts of the United States by Title LXI ‘:":&y°* M ” k' " BANK1zUP1‘oY," of the Revised Statutes, are conferred upon and vested in the supreme court when the bankrupt resides in the district. I-,1, ,_ 49, {,_ M',,: [see B. s. IJ. s., 55 608, 4912, es seq.) ML ’ Sec. 766. The supreme court shall have jurisdiction of all applications L1 diV¤¤=¢ <=¤¤¤¤- fol‘ divorce. [8es5§7Il—740.) 19 June, 1860, c. . 158; s. 1, v. 12, p. 59. Sec. 767. No action or suit shall be brought in the supreme court by _Qriginnl actions original process against any person who shall not bean inhabitant of, 1::;*;;* *° D¤¤*¤°*» or thund within, the District, except as otherwise specially provided. _+__ 27 Feb., 1801, c. 15, s. 6, v.2, p. 106. Vasse vs. Comegyss, 2 Crunch, C. C., 564; Vaughan es. Northup, 5 Cranch, C. C., 496. _ Sec. 768. The supreme court has power to proceed in all common law °,§;:;{;:.]?1f·;:°d and chaucery causes instituted before it, in which either ot'_the parties .__._._; reside without the District, in the same way that non-residents were 3 May, 1802,9; proceeded against in the general court or in the supreme court of chan- m- “- »'·”» P- · eery in the State of Maryland ou the third day of May, eighteen hundred and two. ‘ _ _ . Sec. 769. The justices of the supreme court shall not hold original mA";:;-‘*i Eggiiigg plea of any debt or damage in cases within the jurisdiction given to ,,0,, justices of the peace, which shall not exceed ilfty dollars, exclusive of

 [lss5IN.] 24, 8. 6, v. 3, p. 744.