Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/255

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248 PUBLIC TREATIES. Anrrorn H. Crimesfor which Persons shall be so delivered up who shall be charged,_according to d<>“V<=¤‘S’ may M the provisions of this convention, with any of the following crimes, to m“d°· _ wit: Murder, (comprehending the crimes_ designated In the French penal [Sw °°“'°““°“ code by the terms, assassination, parr1c1de, infant1c1de, and poisoning,) g§9_}845’ Pp` 248’ or with an attempt to commit murder, or with rape, or with forgery, or [See convention with arson, or with embezzlement by public oincers, when the same is ¤f 1858. P-253-l punishable with infamous punishment. Anrrcmn IH. Surrender, how On the part of the French Government, the surrender shall be made m¤d°· only by authority of the Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice; and on the part of the Government of the United States, the surrender shall be made only by authority of the Executive thereof. Ancrromn IV. Exp,,,,,, of d,,. The expenses of any detention and delivery effected in virtue of the mation and ·de1lv- preceding provisions shall be borne and defrayed by the Government in ¤ry· whose name the requisition shall have been made. Anrromn V. Fast crimes and The provisions of the present convention shall not be applied in any P°1m°°1 °*`°¤°°°· manner to the crimes enumerated in the second article, committed anterior to the date thereof, nor to any crime or offeuse of a purely political character. Anrrorn VI. 1;,,.,;;,,,, of ,,0,,. This convention shall continue in force until it shall be abrogated vention. by the contracting parties, or one of them; but it shall not be abrogated, except by mutual consent, unless the party desiring to abrogate it shall Ratincations. give six mouths’ previous notice of his intention to do so. It shall be ratified, and the ratiiications shall be exchanged within the space of six · months, or earlier if possible. Signatures. In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the plresent convention in duplicate, and have aihxed thereto the seal of ` eu· arms. Dato. Done at Washington the ninth day of November, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-three. A. P. UPSHUR. L. S.] A. PAGEOT. 1.. s.] FRANCE, 1845. Feh.24. 1845. ADDITIONAL ARTICLE TO THE EXTBADITION CO VEMB ———-*·—· 9, 1843, BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMI}?;?-GqAr§§{D0gI1gOMAJEST1Y$ TIIE KING OF THEVFRENCH; CONCLUDED AT WASHINGTON FEBRUARY iti»8*¤*;»éS$.tC€.£’é‘£1t“§‘°’ié?"{.%‘£F‘i‘駒§§t“ "““°“ ‘”· ****51% ‘““““ 5, ; . 21, 1845; PROCLAIMED JULY 24, 1845. S EXCHANGED AT AMS JUNE A d 0 i t i ¢> ¤_¤1 The crime of robbery defining the same to be the felonious and forci-

 u;';?; ble taking from the person of another, of goods or money to any value,

made_ by violence, orputting him in fear; and the crime of burglary, deiiuing tho same to be, breaking and euterin g by night into a mansion-house of another, with intentito commiufelony; and the corresponding crimes included under the L reuch law in the words vol qualmé crime, not being embraced