Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/291

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28.;, PUBLIC TREATIES. difficulties have arisen with respect to the execution of so much of the fifth article of the said treaty as requires that the commissionegs appointed under the same should in their description particu arize the latitude and longitude of the source of the river which may be found to be the only truly intended in the treaty of peace between His Brxtanniek Majesty and the United States, under the name of the river St. Croix, by reason whereof it is expedient that the_ said Commissioners should Negotiations. be released from the obligation of conforming to the provisions of the said article in this respect. The undersigned being respectively named by His Britannick Majesty and the United States of America their 1 lempotentiaries for the purpcgg of trezglting oflzmd goncludinlgopimhs aatimleg as ma be ro er to be a et to e san rea y, in co i aboveymentionled stipulation,hand having cognmunjcgtejd todeéiehhgthle; . . their res ective full owers ave a ee an conc u e , an _ o e * m,0,?S';f§"}}:,2;°;’,;;? declare ig the name Idf His Lritannibrk Majesty and of the United States ticulariziug lati- of America, that the Commissioners appo1nted_uuder the i1fth article tilde ¤¤<N<>¤gi¢¤<1<> of the above-mentioned treaty shall not be obliged to particularize, in uf r"" St- C'°i‘· their description, the latitude and lopgitudetpf lthetslourpe of tgt; rivpr which ma 'be found to be the one tru y inten er in e a oresai rea .y of peace uhrder the name of the river St. Croix, but they shall be at liberty M 0 t 1, 0 (1 of to describe the said river, in such other manner as they may judge exdescription. pedient, which description shall be considered as_a compleat execution of the duty required of the said Commissioners inthis respect by the article aforesaid. And to the end that no uncertainty may hereafter exist on this subject, it is further agreed, That as soon as may be after the decision of the said Commissmnersé néeasures sliag; belgconcerteg between the Government of the United States ant is ritanuic Majesty’s Governors or Lieutenant Governors in America, in order to A monument to erect and keep in repair a suitable monument at the place ascertained be Gfevwd M the and described to be the source of the said river St. Croix, which measures °°‘“`°°· shall immediately thereupon, and as often afterwirrds asi maydbfe rehqui— site, be duly executed on both sides with punctua ity an goo air . Batiiicatious. This explanatory article, when the same shall have been ratined by His Majesty and by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of their Senate, and the respective ratifications mutually exchanged, shall be added to and make a part of the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between His Majesty and the United States, signed at London on the nineteenth day of November, one thousand ieverlrd hundred alnd ninety-féour, and shall be permanently binding upon is ajesty an the Unite States. S;g,,,m,,,,,_ In witness whereof we, the said undersigned Pleuipotentiaries of His Britannick Majesty and the United States of America, have signed this present article, and have caused to be allixed thereto the seal of our arms. Date. d Izlone gt Lonzdon this fifteenth day of March, one thousand seven hunre an ume y-eig t. GRENVILLE. L. S. RUFUS KING. [L. S.] Letter from Thomas Jcyorson to George Hammond. Pnrmnmrrrrn, Se tember 5, 1793. [See Article VII, Sm: I am honored with yours of August 30. Mine of the 7th of thet month assured treaty of 1794, pp. you that measures were taken for excluding from all further asylum in our ports ves-

  • 273, 274.] sels armed in them to cruise on nations with which we are at peace, and for the restoration of the prizes the Lovely Lass, Prince Williu.m Henry, and the Jane of Dublin;

and that should the measures for restitution fail in their effect, the President considered it as incumbent on the United States to make compensation for the vessels. · We are bound by our treaties with three of the belligereut nations, by all the means in our power, to protect and defend their vessels and effects in our ports, or waters, or