Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/580

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NIOARAGUA, 1870. 573 NIOAR AGUA, 1870. CONVENTION WITH NICARA UA RE 1 it sumti JUNE e, mt. Rithiifkdf f§?§t£‘i$?‘it%%*iE;Lt’}i¥i‘i gmngipéaggggsmégggggéiegi ; _{_tAT1Fu1D BY 1jR1·;s1DENT APRIL 1,1, 1871; SEPTEMBER ig, mh- i A MANAGUA JUNE 24, 1871; PROCLAIMLD Ertradition Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Nicaragua. The United States of America and the Republic of Nicaragua, having , C¤¤*¤·°**i¤8 P’¤‘· judged it expedient, with a view to the better administration of justice, °'°“‘ and to prevention of crimes within their respective territories and jurisdiction, that persons convicted of, or charged with the crimes hereinafi ter mentioned, and being fugitives from justice, should, under certain circumstances, be reciprocally delivered up, have resolved to conclude pconvention for that purpose, and have appointed as their Plenipotennames: . The President of the United States, Charles N. Riotte, u citizen and Negotiators. Minister Resident of the United States in Nicaragua, the President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Mister Tomas Ayon, Minister for For[eign] Relations ; Who, after reciprocal communication of their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles, viz : Anrrcnm I. The Government of the United States and the Government of Nica- E¥¤‘¤•mi¤¤ of ragna mutually agree to deliver up persons who, having been convicted °“"""“1“‘ of or charged with the crimes specified in the following article, committed within the jurisdiction of one of the contracting parties, shall seek an asylum or be found within the territories of the other: Provided, that E vi ,1,,,,,,,, cf this shall only be done upqn such evidence of criminality as, according criminality. to the laws of the place where the fugitive or person so charged shall be found, would justify his or her apprehension and commitment for trial, if the crime had been there committed. Anrxcma II. Persons shall be delivered np, who hall have been convicted of, or E¤¤¤·¢liti¤¤ be charged, according to the provisions of this convention, with any of °“'"°“· the following crimes: 1. Murder, comprehending assassination, parricide, infanticide, and M¤¤i¤r· poisoning. 2. The crimes of rape, arson, piracy, and mutiny on board a ship, Rape, arson, whenever the crew, or a part thereof, by fraud or violence against the Pi¤¤y,&»¤· commander, have taken possession of the vessel. 3. The crime of burglary, defined to be the action of breaking and Burglary and entering by night into the house of another with the intent to commit ¤¤l•l»¤¤‘y- felony; and the crime of robbery, defined to be the action of feloniously and forcibly taking irom the person of another goods or money, by violence, or putting him in fear. 4. The crime of forgery, by which is understood the utterance of F¤¤‘s¤17- forged papers, the counterfeiting of public, sovereign, or government acts. 5. The fabrication or circulation of counterfeit money, either coin or counmrtiuhg. paper, of public bonds, bank-notes, and obligations, and in general of all titles of instruments of credit, the counterfeiting of seals, dies, stamps, and marks of State and public administrations, and the utterance thereof'. 6i The embezzlement of public moneys, committed within thejuris- Emneyismwt diction of either party, by public omcers or depositors. by P¤l>l¤¤ ¢>m¤¤¤‘¤· 7. Embezzlement by any person or persons hired or salaried, to the E'“b°"]°!“°';“ detriment of their employers, when these crimes are subjected to infn- :,§£.°,;°f_°° hu-°d r mous punishment.