Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/727

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PUBLIC TREATIES. Form of inscrip- The ibllgwing is the form, or model, of the IUSCPIIJCIOLI 2 tion. N0_ Renta perpetua de Espana, Cupou de pagadera en Paris pesos fuertes de a razon de 5 p. 0-0 al aio, · I renta pagadero en inscrita en el gran libro de la Deuda consolidada. ‘ J I d —· (183 B Esta Inscripcion se expide a consecueucia de un con- , ~ Cupon No. 1°. venio celebrado en Madrid en de do ‘ I entre S. M. Catolica la Reyna de Espana y los Estados ,Y——···i? Unmos dg Amgpiga, pam, el page de las reclainaciones [ de los ciudadanos de dichos Estados. A Iusciur-cron N0. Capital. Renta. Pesos fnertes Pesos fuertes 6 sean francos 6 sean francos El portador de la presente tiene derecho a una renta anual de pesos fuertes, 6 sea de francos, pagaderos en Paris por semcstres, eu los dias de y , de por los bauqueros do Espana en aqnella capital, ` a razon de 5 fraucos y 40 centimos por peso fnerte, con l arreglo al Rl. decreto de I5 de Diciembre de 1825. · I Consigniente ul mismo real decreto se destina cada I uno f. la amortizacion de esta renta uno por ciento de su r valor nominal, 6. interes compuesto, cuyo importe sera empleado en su amortizacion periodiea al curso corriente [ por dichos banqueros.-—Madrid, de ‘ de iEl Secretario de Estado y del Dcspacho de Hacienda. I I . El Director de ln Rl. Caja da Amortizacicn. l In witness whereof we, the undersigned Plenipotentia-ries of H. Catholic M. the Queen of Spain and of the United States of America, have signed this model, and have aftixed thereunto our seals. Done at Madrid, this day of Joss DE HEREDIA. L. S. O. P. VAN NESS. L. s. SPAIN, 1871. [pcb_ 12 1871_ AGREEMENT FOR SETTLEMENT OF CERTAIN CLAIMS OF CITIZENS OF THE ..._...L..._ UNITED STATES ON ACCOUNT OF WRONGS AND INJURIES COMMITTED BY AUTHORITIES OF SPAIN IN THE ISLAND OF CUBA, CONCLUDED AT MADRID FEBRUARY 12, 1871, BY DANIEL E. SICKLES, ESQ., ENVOY EX- TRAORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES AT MADRID, AND HIS EXCELLENCY SENOR DON CRISTINO MAR- TOS, MINISTER OF STATE OF SPAIN. Memorandum of Memorandum of an arbitration for the settlement of the claims of citi- ¤g¤>¤¤¤>¤¤- zens of the United States, or of their heirs, against the Government of Spain for wrongs and injuries committed against their persons and property, or against the persons and property of citizens of whom the said heirs are the legal representatives, by the authorities of Spain, in the island of Cuba, or within the maritime jurisdiction thereof, since the commencement of the present insurrection. 0],,;,,,,,,,],6 sub- 1. It IS agreed that all such claims shall be submitted to arbitrators, mitted to arhitrn- one to he appointed by the Secretary of State of the United States,

  • 0*8- another by the_Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of

Spain at Washington, and these two to name an umpire who shall de- Selection of um- cide all questions upon which they shall be unable to agree; and in case PM- the place of either arbitrator or of the umpire shall from any cause become vacant, such vacancy shall be filled forthwith in the manner herein provided for the original appointment. Meeting of Mb;- .2. The arbitrators and umpire so named shall meet at Washington tracers. within one moutnfrom the date of their appointment, and shall, betore proceeding to business, make and subscribe a solemn declaration that