Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/844

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IN DEX TO PUBLIC TBEATIES. Darwen of 1w¤¢M—¤o¤ti¤¤•d· I Duration tj as-mee-continued. m` GHI40ml}!! IB49 -·-- - ----· - ----- · -···- 378 To wntinue until January 1, 1860, and to Pow-Bollvm. $36 -----· - -----·--··- ·- 602 terminete on twelve months’ notice Venezuela, 1836. .. . . . . 787 thereafter- Tregtieg with no fixed period; for their 31111011, 1851 __ ____ , _____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _____ 31 duration- To continue until July 4, 1872, eftar which grgentlneggnfweration, 1853 .. -. . 15, notice gt', twelve months muy be evans, .. . . . . .. eu ntenti n to re ' geélgiumigg?3 . . . 57 T J npcs11i71E5g .. . 2 . . . . . . 440 l'¤•¤. --·--·-·---· - --·--.·----.. 79 o continue our years- Bnzll, 1849 .. .  : . 90 I G et B ‘tein, 1815. . . . 292 Chinn, 1844, 1858, 1$8 ...116, 129, 137,146,],47 To ggutinge eight yearn- Coetn Rica, 1861, (except u to Articles France, 1800 .. . . . . . . . . 224 D IV, X, 55:3) . . im T Sweden end Norwey, 1816. .. . . 731 enmer , , . , ntinue ten een- Frence, 1778, 1782, 1783 1803, 1831 . . .201, 203, ‘1>‘:-nuie, 1785, 1799 .,. 641, 048 213, 214, 232,235, 237,245 To continue ten yeue,•fter which notice ' Great imma, 1182, usa, 11e4,(Amc1.» of twolvo montbo my be sivov of I to X,) 1790, 1798, 1802, 1814, 1817, _ ¤¤¤¤¤l·i0¤ to *9**56* 1e1e,1e22,1e26,1e42,(1¤p¤¤,,g}e46, S¤¤m._18-66 --·------- - ··--·------·-.-.. 695 P ___ , ’ ’ I , ’l E. '·•...·•·:••••••••·•¤••e---

    • 1*35 ‘°*§s."é‘£* é.7°t.b*"’.%.‘2.é‘L3. .4., T°¤‘i°?.°Jé"1’>3¤"°"° ’°°"` M

231, ggg, ggy, 30;;, 303, 315, , Great rntem, 1794, (nn put) ... r .269, 281 3g;, 353, 340, 348, 3545*3.55 To continue twelve ys•re,1n all relntmg to commerce an mvi tion- §:::,'8';_t?,$11ékk ····· · · ·············· g Centn.l_Ar¤erle•, mss .. .. . . 95 Houdurns,1864,(ingpErt3:::::;:;:::::426,430 .,.,f’*],{j’,'j*;}’,{{,·,*"§},;,,;,~ --,;;-;,1;,;-;,,;,,,, 1*** 3p•¤&1854,1g5;7, 1 . .. 446, 448, 458, g l may b°',.°Mw°dy_ ’ w ew, .. -.- . I ¤···¤~1¤·¤ -------------·----------- ol T.f’;'..°.3'i£:."£’?.·.; ···· my ······ 1.:.; ····· '” nmtgum wm . . . . . 464 1 ° ° F" K Y"'}: """ . • terminate at the eud o fourteen Mexico, 1828, 1831, 1885 1839, 1843, 1848, | or wont {no . on tm,," 1853, 1868 .. .- . . ul, 415, ms, 48:, 4g•&4e£§ , mum, ul,,,, ’°'“"· ' Ottomsu Empire, HB2 .. .. 55 Muscat, 1833 ... .. .. . . 528 . ·r ufjnug mq, un. Nunn, 1846 . . 531 1 lhcsmm, 11815élG __________,_ , ,,____ 515, 521 Nnthntlblldl, 17Q.. .. .--. .. ... ..-533, 591 Tgymingblg? 011 uqtigg- Ottomn Emu. 1830 ------ - -·--- 583 Greet Bntsm,_1B42, (Article 1;) seo Plmgugly, 1 .--··- · --·---··-· -· ·-·· 692 Terminable on six months’ notice- Porn. 1 1. 1666. 1862. 1868 ---- 611. M . 627. 660 mance, 1843, 1845, was .. .- . .241, 248, css Portugal, 1851 .- --·- ·-·· · -···· 639 , Sweden sud Norwsy, 1860 .. . .. 742 §¤¤¤1¤·. 1%,45 1854. 1867 ---·-·-·--· 664. 670. gg-, I Teélminablfsgg twelve months' notice- ,53 BIO!] , ,.·..••••a-·. [nga, ,.,,,,,_,,,,..,,.,,,,, sim, less .. . . . ... 693 cme mime, 1m .,.. . ... su Spain, 1795, 1802, 1819, 1834, 1871 .5ié704é7_11b 11.;;,,0, 1361 _ __,, ,,__,, , ,,,,, 506 . · Runnin, 1868 .. . ... 674 TGXIL 1838.. . ... 753; 754 Terminuble on gi; meuthy notice Alter m 1‘,17 1806 .. .. 7 758 two yearn- Tumg,‘179g?1 . .. . . 55,763 , FXQDQQ, 1522 ,,,,,, , ,,,.,,__,_, Z, ,..,,, 243 Two Bicillee, 1832, 1$5- . . 771, 777 Termineble ou twelve months' notice after ¥&’l‘§.1“°‘.‘2‘“‘§°Su ‘···‘ · ‘···· · ·····  % 1 Sife'? t. m 1 ·-·-·---·•-•··-•---• ul -···~•·-••~·-·- ··-·~•·-·- To co:$_inue;E1nt)l1 tgflive months' notloe T Netherlsnclz 1852 ... .3; .. 544 . 333.. ermma e no ice, utter cinn- Great 1827. ., .. 310 Greet gritain, 18:2, (Article Y II) . YL. 319 ' un euuny 1, 1,839, md to na c on no nee glveu mx mon e To w¤:ei·‘nl11n•t:i hn, twelve months' notice pz? to the expiration of each llfth Rus:; 1832.. .. .. . . · . ..-.. 666 1,1515*, 1868, .. . .. ...· 436. gg? To utinue untll J anne 1, 1 and to uu, .. . . ' w terminate on twdvgmoum notice g T¤|‘¤|;: 1•;o¤ ¢W•1V• ¤4}¤*•h¤’ ¤°1·'°° JW ere•fte1~— . ° °*“*

 lm"""""""""' °""' g   """'°""° """" Q

.,..-•••. ·••••• ••¤¤¤• U """"""°,'°""' ms: . . - . . . . . . 92 Termineble on twelve mouths' notncedtcr Hnnover, 1856 ..----·· - ----- - ···-- 396 , ”" °““"" M en arg-So e, .. 472 _ Putt ,1840 .. . . 1. .. 834 Mgxhlenhu -Btrle‘Iit;T . . 473 _ Terminln lc on twelve monthe’ notice alter Oldenbnrgr¥853 .. .- .. .. .. 579 : seven years- Prueels and other Stetce, 1852 660, 6G! l Costa Rico, 1861, (Articles IV. V, and Schaumburg Llppe,1854 . . 692 VI)---I ----- •L:',;·i --·iv·V---·& 159 T Wllrtemberg,1t83.lj. ... d .;,2) 810 Hongngus, 864, (, no ee , , nn 426 f l ¤¤o . .•¤ _ -------------- - - ------ z- —----- 0 cognmigegon twelve mouths' notice Termngstle gnéwclve mouthe’ notice efter lleoglhsnburg-Bchwerin, 1847 .. 467 Dominican Republic, 1867 . .. . . 178