Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/855

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848 INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES. gage_ Page. Great Britain—Continn0d. Great Bntam-Continued. 5. Boundary from source of river St. Convention respecting tlslnerlos, Croix ______ _ __________ __ ____,, 269,290 boundary, and slaves, Rgfemnqg of clgiing __,___,,,, ,.,,. 289 Octobgr 20, ]_§ ]§ , ..__,, _ _ _ _ 297-300 Commissioners to be appointed 289 1. Common r§ht of fi¤l¤¤g ·-------~--— 298 Proceedings of commissioners,. 289 Rights of udson s bay Company - .- 298 Map and dgclugtiqn ____ __,,,, _,, E0 Rgpnuciatggu by United Stotgg ______ 298 Disugrccmontof tho commissioners- 290 2. Northern boundary of United States Bofcronco to a. friendly power . 290 defined .. . . . . .. . . 298 6. Boundary from a point in tho forty- 3. Country westward of the Stony Mountninth degree of north latitude. .. 290 . ams -; --------··----- - -··-- ; ----- 299 Reference of doubts .. .. ... 290 4. Convention of 1815 fonrognlatxon of Commissioners to be appointed 290 commerce continued in lorco .. 299 Proceedings of commissioners . 290 5. Claims for slaves under Article I, Report or declaration . 290 treaty of 1814 ------ -- ----·· : --·-. 999 Disagrocment of the commissioners 290 Diifcmnces to be referred to n friendly Reference to a. friendly power.. 290 power .. . ... . . -... .- . 299 7. Boundary to water communication 6. Ratiiications .. - --.299, 300 between Lakes Huron and Supc- Decision of|50IIIIIIi!Di0I\0l‘S, Jllnc rior and the Lake of the Woods.2W, 291 IS, 1822 .. . . . . - . . . 300-302 Commimioners to determine bound- Decision of comrnisgiczners under Artickw

. - . .-. .. ...-... . , treaty 0 .-. 3 0-3

Dezgou of the commissioners. 291 Description of tho boundary lino. 300-302 ggagrecmentogtheézommissioncrs. Islands belonging to (im? Britaén 302 erencc to u. 'en ly wer . Islan s be ongin to the nitcd totes. 302 8. Secretaries andsurvcyorsg . .. .. 291 Treaty mlauvg to Indemnity E¤:>¤¤¤¤¤ <>f ¤¤¤¤¤·i¤¤i¤¤¤ ---- - -----—- 291 mmm- award or nmpmu- V¤=!¤2¤i¤¤» how mid -—-- - ---· -- -- -- 29* or mmm, Jury 12, 1822 .202-sos Vwdpw of 1=~¤<i-gr=a¤¢—·¤ ---- ;--;-- ---- 291 Roforenco to mms , convention of 9. Termination of Indian hostilities . ..291,292 1818 ______________________ 303 10. Abolition of the slnvc·trade . .. .. 292 To award as to true c0¤su.uc}{(;I1` 11. Rutifications .. .. .. .. 292 Article I treaty of 1B|4 303 Convention for regulation of Further mediation ____ _______ til 3(B ,°°mm°'cc» Jaw 3r 1815··292'295 I. Arbitmton and commissioners to bo 1. Liberty of commerce.. . . .. .. 293 appointed 304 2. Duties on products of either country. 293 -`°``°`°``` "" ' "" Prohibitions to be general 293 M°°°’?'g° °f °°"d ‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘·‘‘ ‘ ····· 30* Equality of port am [ZZ]: I ZZ]: 293 §§§,‘Q‘§§'£'}f,§(fm“°”°“" ‘··· · ···· · · gg: mgmm i¤ *¤¤¤¤¤¤ <>f <>i=¤¤¤ 2% vmums, how mi.Q&ZI11II1ZI111IZ11 304 E¤¤»¤w»¢·¤¤¤i··~¤¤·»=¤»¤rt~ -------- Ml ”‘ £££§§Z%{2,Z‘?L‘2;L£‘2}?'.¥?;.“°Z2.i€§$.‘1"‘ 3.% B°‘mti°° aud drawback' ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘·‘ 293* 294 3 Co mi ioners to coustitgxrtg b I - . . . . . m ss u card E==·=·=v¤<·¤¤ ·· *¤ B¤*·¤h Wm 1¤¤·¤¤ for examination of claims 3415 and North American possessions. -. 294 E · °` ‘ '' 3. American mas with must nm 4 E;‘d°{'¤°°t?° b°fP§‘;[fjd ······ · ····· gg? India, 294 . sm n.1ouo 1 .-.-..-... .» Cocsgug-trade in the British East 5 ¥;?;£im$s'%'& Elisa'.;' ‘‘ m n ics . . . . .. . 294 - · · I' Wggg Ah¤¤;¤gg¤ v¤¤¤¤*¤ mw *¤¤¤*~f<¤ 29 6. ln?L?1.a°$ZZ`*II$’L'Z1£l¥é ``‘`‘' ‘ ‘‘'‘°°'`‘ W cs on - 4 `* '' "" '‘‘' 4. Consuls, appointment of ... 294, 295 7 gtmaztx-tzams '"-' `I °'' g Commissions and excquatnrs ..-.. 295 cop; of ° :?mmt1:°{;°h‘it'‘‘‘ Withdrawal of oxcquatnrs .- -... 295 goes - is°:’°v°iP Kzrn. ° "°r°d 5. Iéuration of convention . ..-. 295 Ratmmlao r ° m I mg Pawn" x tiiications . . . ... ... ... 295 c. us '''`‘‘‘’ " ''' D°°‘“’,?‘§;’“ °* “‘° B"“*°" cmgé "°*‘ Dcgginnséigazhidgmr.Mma1m¤...a0c,a0v Dcggfggm of SL Helena for the Award of Emperor of Russia. . 307, 308 residence of General Bonaparfa Count Ncssolrodo to MF. M\(1d1Bb0D . .. . United States vessels excluded from s“PPI€m°|"¤l 00nV¢n¥|0¤• N¤• approaching the island.- .. 295 V¢|||b¢|' 18s 182]} ---·-·-· ·-·308·310 Arrangement as to naval force R°f°¥°¤°° to *¤?¤'>5' of 1822-- ;--:-- --.. 308 pn _ me lakgg, April gg, 1. Sum to be paid by Great Britain. 309 [Q1] _____, ____ _ ______ _ _____ 296 2. Treaty of 1622 annulled, except, &c . 309 Naval fores to be maintained on the 3- P¤Y¤¤¤1i of Q¤¥¤ » ¤16}!10d of -...- 309 American {aku ___________________ 296 4. To be a fnll liquidation of all claims. 309 other vm1s to bs dismantled .. .. 296 D¤¤t¤b¤¤¤¤ by the United Sums.. .. 309 Duration of stipulation ... - . . . 296 0¤ !¤¤dy 9f d0¤¤m6¤t¤ Mid PSPOIB--.. 310 Restriction on scrvices of naval force., 296 6- B¤¢16¤3i·l0¤8 .. -. .. - . 310 Declaration o commissioners, Convention relative o north- November 24, 1817 296, 297 west boundary, kugugg 3 Dgclgrgljlou of gommiggjgngrg under __ __ _____ ____ ______ __ ____ Article IV, trsatypfi 1814 . 296 1. Articlo III, convention of 1818 cou- , Decision of the commissioners- , tinncd in ihrca . . , . 3 11 magdgémt belong to the Unitod  ; gurstionff this convention . 311 · ----·-·- - ---·- · --·-- - ------- · . or nm c · Islands that belong to Great Britain. .. 297 i 4. Ratincntidlnglé ?({t.???c.t?f1