Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/857

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850 mnnx T0 Punmc '1`REA'I‘IlnS. yagm Il I‘n;:<·. Great Brita€n——Continued. G-reatBr1tq:n—Cont11:11od. _ H P 6. Provisions may be extended to New- Lll.lll[80fBt’21l'Cll and elownntnmi r-xn:¤·lerl .:!.» fnundlnnd. . . . . ... 332 Edeet 0[.&LddlUOUG.l.1ill`[lCl€ .. . . :· »;» 7. Ratifications . . . - . - . . 332 Ruuhcatnons _.,_,_,_____,__ _ ____ , ,‘ ,_,. $1.,; Convention extending duration Treaty for settlement or clnnns of claims commission, B of l:t|dsgn’s dBn`3ér_n:••i Jul 7, {864 . .-.. 31 I ugc s Qlllll | · ;!· Reference? to claims convention of * tural C0lll|.I3lll(‘S• July I. 1853 . . . . .. . .. 333 1 1863 . - .' .. {MG, 347 1. Timo for termination of commission I 1. Reiereuce to Articles III and U, _ extended .-.. ... .. 333 I treaty of1H4G ----·- -----· - ----· Bib Time for presentation of claims nn- - Appointment of commissioners . 346 changed . .. . . 363 2. Meeting and qualification of commis- 2. Rntifications . . . . .. 333 S sioners . .. . . 3-ttl,:?'? Treat for s · pression 0 the e ectiou 0 umpire. . . ~ . . . : 7 Yifricnn :;3ve—u·nde, April Decisions to be conclusive . .. 347 7, 1862 . . . 3.%-345 3. Records and clerks..,.. . ... .. 347 1. Search of suspected vessels .. 334 Salaries and expenses ..- 347 What vessels may be visited. 334 4. Payment- of awards .. . . . 347 {Mode of fsearchb 334,®5 5. Rotiiicntions .. . . . . . . 347 imitso senrc a 0 ommi i n ’ S .. 2. Instiructions,&,c.,tobefurnished ships 335 { Aw rica:-bg'. [0, iggg _ fvgqy 34;; o war .. . . . . . S . · _____ ______ Ncncs of vcsscis &c» to M communi-Eglglé Eilwntgaggsggisisy csmpssy ... gi; °“t’°d · --·-· --·- ·—----··- ··· ····-· 335 · For Puget’s Sound Avrieultuml Com- Bnnk ofcommanders . . . . 335 { pany _ ____ __ _____ ____ ______ 348 Swcu ··fv¤¤¤ci¤ under mrow- ------ **5 1 nssss sb he sséssis.1 .. . .. sis Compliance with instructions ... 335 ¤ , . 3. Damages for wrongtnl detention 335, 336 ¥ c°nv°nt“!n rciutive t° “u"“°“l';48 349 4. Mixed courts to be instituted 336 za"°“• may .-8* 1830**:1 * Jurisdiction of courts _ ____ __ _____ ___ 336 1. Who to be deemed naturalazed cm- 3 9 5. Wron ful acts of officers, reparation ?°“’ ······ :···. ···· ·· ····· ·· ··*··· 4 angpunishmont for ____ _ _____ ____ 336 2. PE10I' natnrslizetnons may be re- 6. geusles for detention of vessels . .336, w;§::;;%£é:éébLB· L é··· on emnstion as rize .. . ‘ _ · ·· ‘ 7I No damages for degmtion, when . 337 M““"",°f, d€°1“"“€‘?n ---· ;· · - -·-·-·· 349 8_ Proceedings on condemnation ____ ____ 337 , 3. Re-ndnnssions to citizenship. 349 9. Ownlerg, officers, and crewsto be pun- 337 I A R“t‘6°“t‘°““ ··-··-— ·--- ~ -··· - 349 is e . . . . E d itional convcn ion or sup- Persons md proofs to be sent to thei;37 338 1 pression of the African nation . ... . . ‘ , { slave-trade, une 8, 10. Negroes found on board, disposal of,. 338 , 1870 ..350-4353 11. Instréuments annexed to treaty ... 338 1. Reference to treaty of 1862 .. 12. Rati cations .. . .. 338 , Mixed courts abolished .. Instructions for ships of wsr- { Unfinished business to be concluded . . 350 1. Authority of search and detention . .. 338 ‘ 2. Jurisdiction to be exercised by prize- Vessels to be sent in forjndgment ... 339 L courts .. . . 350 2. Search, how to be condno .. .. 339 Appeals .. . . 351 3. Proceedings on detention 339 3. Disposal of detained vessels ,,..,. , . . , 351 D6cl8l‘Bti0¤ of cuptor ... 339 Witnesses and proofs to be sent in . . . 351 Certificate of officer in charge . .. 339 Disposal of negroes, &c., found on 4. Disembarkstiou of negroes . 339, 340 board ..,,,,,,.,, ,_ ,,,,__ _ , , , 351 5. Abandonment, &c., of unseaworthy 4. Instructions annexed to convention,. 351 vessels .- .· .. . 340 5. Other parts of treaty of 1862 to re- Proceedings upon abundonment . 340 main in force. ;.. . . . .. ... . 351 BBIUIBHQDB for mixed courts- 6. Notice to mixed court; _ _,_____ _ __,,, 351 1- J udgss and arbitrators . . .. .. 340 7. Duration of convention .. . .., :151 OM of 0H40B- ---·-.- - ..-... . . .. 340 Ratificstions .. . . 351 Secretaries or registrars . 340 Instructions for ships of war- Salaries und 0XPO¤¤0¤ -~--·- - ····- ‘.-340, 341 L Authority of search and detention 352 2. Expenses of condemned vessels .. 341 Vessels to be sent in for judgment . .- 352 Expenses when vessel released .. 341 American vessels, where to be sent. . . 352 3- Jurisdiction of courts ... 341 British vessels, where to be sent . 352 Decisions and sentence . . .. . . 341 2. Conduct of search .. . ..- . 352 gang of parties ... 3. greosceedin gs ir; case of detention . 352, 353 0 -—·--- - --·----·-----·--· --·- eration c ca. r . . 353 4. Procedure .-.. - - . -.-..- . - . .341, 342 Csrtiiicstc of officle? in charge .. 5%,2, 353 6- Wbcu vcsccl rcctorsd. procccdin .. . 342 Witnesses and proofs. ..,,.,. ass 6. When vessel c0ndemned,procee¢§;1gs. 342 4. Negroes, &.c., found on hoard 353 7. Claims for damages . . ... 342 5. Abandonment of nnsesworthy vessels. 353 Indemnity, how awarded.. .. . . .. 343 Proceedings on abandonment- . .. 353 Demnrra ge, schedule of _ Z . . . . 343 Adjudication by court .. . . . .. 353 8. Jndges,_&.c., not to receive Ffts . 343 Persons intended for slaves to be 9. Yacancies in courts, how fil ed. . 343-345 handed over to British authority.. 353 Addnioggl nrticle l`ebrum·y 17, Mr Convention relative to renun- »---; ------ - ---- -·-·-- o = cun na urnlizn `ons Reference to A.rt1cle I, treaty of 1862. .. 345 l Efeltlrilug; 28: 1871 .. 354, 355