Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/858

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mnmx TO PUBLIC monies. 851 . . . Pegs. 1* e Great Dr•lun•—Cont1nued. Great B»·i¢ain—Continued. ng Reference to Article II, convention of Claims not presented to be barred 361 1870 .. . ._. . .. 7 . . .. 354 18. See-fisheries, common rights to Ameri- 1. Naturuhzstions made prior to May 13, can citizens in .. . . 362 1870, how may be renounced .. 354 Salmon and shud tisheries excepted .. 362 When and where declaration to be 19. Common rights to British subjects.. . 362 _made .. .. 7. .. . 354 Salmon and slmd fisheries excepted .. 362 2. Lists of persons renouncing to be re- 20. Reserved fisheries .. . ... . 362 ciprocnlly communicated .. 354 I Reservations, how to be designated.. 362 3. Ratuiieatious .. .. .. . . 355 · 21. Fish and fis1i—oi1 free of duty 353 Annex, A— I I 22. Comparative value of privileges, sd- I· crm of declaration ... - . . . - 355 · justment of ... . .. . 363 Treaty for amicable settlement Compensation by the United States, of nll causes of dufen-ence, how to be determined . ass May 8,_lS7l ... . . 355-368 23. Appointment of commissioners .. 363 1. Alabamacluruis to be referred to nrbi— Organization of the commission. . 363 tration . . .._ ... 356 Agent for each government .. 363 Arbitrators, liow aggointed .. . .. . 356 24. Proceedings before commissioners 363 Vacancies, how fill .. . . . . . . 356 Documents and papers to be furnished 364 2. Meeting of erb1tru.t0rs . . . 357 Cases, when to be closed. .. . . 364 Tbempowers nn•1_dntis• .. . .. 357 Extension of period . 364 A mi-1J0T10X to decide . 357 25. Officers and records . 364 Agent of each party . 357 Expenses .. . . . .. 364 3. Case of each party, when to be given 26. Free navigation of river Saint Law- $0 arbitrators . .. . . 357 renee .. . . . . . . 364 Counter-case, when to be delivered .. 357 Of the Yukon, Porcupine, and Stikine 364 Extension of time. . ... . . 357 27. Use of Canadian and State canals 364 Documents and papers to be produced 357 28. Free navigation of Lake Michigan. . . 364 5. Areumeuts and briefs .. . 357 29. Conveyance of merchandise in transit 365 6. Bu es to govern arbitrators . 357, 358 30. 'l`ransports.tion of merchandise in bond 365 Obligations of a neutral govern- Export duties not to be imposed .. 365 ment .. 358 Suspension of privileges, when .. 365 Rules notadmitted to have been in 31. No duty on lumber Heated down the force when Alabama claims arose. 358 Saint John .. . .. . . 366 But shall govern in future cases 358 32. Articles XVIII to XXV may extend to 7. Decision of arbitrators, when to be Newfoundland .. . . -. .. 366 made .. . . . 358 33. Articles XVIII to XXV, and Article Form of decision .. . . 358 XXX, when to take effect .. 366 Tube made as to each vessel separately 358 How long to continue in force 366 Gross sum may be awarded, when 358 34. Boundary-line west of Rocky Mount- Pa. ment of award .. . . .. 358 ains, determination of . .. 366,367 Delivery of award ... . ... 358 Submission of claims to arbitration of 8. Expenses of arbitration . 358 Emgueror of Germany . 367 9. Officers and records,- - .. 359 35. Awar to be iinal .. . 367 10. When gross sum not awarded, claims Delivery of award 367 how determined . . . 359 36. Case of the two parties, when to be lmd Board of assessors, appointment of. .. 359 before Arbitrator-; ---------· - ----- 367 Organization of board ... 359 Evidence to be submitted .. . . Prgmgdiugg ______,_______,,,____ ,,_, 359 Dennitive statement, when to be inode 307 Dgcigiqys ______ ____ __,_ __ _ __________ 359 37. Papers and documents to be furnished 367

 whgu [0 bg pmggnud ,____, _, 359 Fufbhér 6V1d8DOB. . . .  . -- ... - --.·-  

Be on of assessors _________________, 359 38. Agents of each government .. .-.. 367 Delivery of report .. . ... 359 39. Proceedings of arbitrator..:... -. 368 Payment of awards. . . ,...,,,,, ,, 359 May mt in person or otherwise. ,.,... 368 Clerks and expenses _,_. , ,,,..______, 359 40, May gppo int u. secretnry 0;- clerk, ,__ , 368 11. Decisions of arbitrators and of assess- 41. Expenses of arbitration ... . . 368 ors to be 6uul ... . .. . .. 360 Q. Deliverypf award .. . . . . 368 12 glnims not presentedfto :3 barred 360 43. Ratiiications .. . . 368 . ther clsimsto be re err to commis· dd nal - I anna I °*9¤°¤ ·----- - --·-- --·-·-· · --—- Q A misses iT?.?` ...?5cse,sc9

  • §>P°!¤'·¤*°¤” °* °9¤*.¤““*°”°” —----·· 360 Reference to Article x11, treaty er 1871 368

°°°mg Pf °°m'm"’°“°m ‘•‘'*‘°‘‘‘‘' · Sessions of claimseommission, where D€Gl8I‘B.tl0l1 . . .· . . - · ··--·-- - · 360 ‘ may be held___ _ __ _ _____ _ _________ 359 13. Investigation of claims .. . ... 360 Rumcatiom ______ _ _________________ 369 Dmcodumnd--nun·--`·----·. r--.360,336} P t o respect or WP t 'orit tg wide - ..l‘0 00 I In D th ·9 Aalszd gn each ehim . 361 water bounfary, March Agent for oooh government ----.·----· 361 ‘ 10. IS73 ---. - --..- -- --..-- -...369-371 Decisions to be final .. . . . 361 Reference to Article I, treaty of 1846. 369 14. Time for presentation of claims .. 361 Reference to Article XXXIV, treaty of ( Extension of period. .·-.. .. --... 361 1871 .--.----.. .. .-..·- - -... . 363, 370 When decisions to be made .. 361 Reference to award of Emperor of Ger- Powers of commissioners ... . 361 many . . Z . . . .. 370 15. Pe ment of awards .. . .. 361 . Bounclarlyghne traced and marked on 16. Officers and records . . 361 four c ts .-._... ... .. 370 Expgnggg ____,,, ,,,__,,,,,,,.,,,___-, 361 | Cgpiggmbgmtmngd by each govern- 17. Decisions of commissioners to be iinnl 361 · ment .. . . . ·--... . - 370