Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/881

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874 INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATILS. · · ‘ Page- Portugal Continued PJ;". Pew2$foi1Kl:su13i1·!;1in1i}eiition to be formed- . .. 609 6. Exportutions in vessels ofj anhon 3Q_ Duration of treaty _ __ ____ __ ____ 609 Duties, bounties, uml iIl.1$\ no S it": Infringement of treaty ,, - ... 610 7. Coasting trade reserved . .. T:. tw v Reprisale and declarations of war 610 . 8. Stipulatxons not applica e to cernuu G2 _ Treaties with other nations not af- 610 · Wlpogtzdéli k . 0 cted .. -- .-.- -. ¢= ‘ ‘ ‘ __ Ruitiiicotions- --·-.--. . . . ---- -- - - -·-- 610 S¢=¤1¤¢¤ --------·-·-- -- - - ---- - ----· *}-*0 Pilotage, (see Rfciprocal Commercial Agree- lg. éSy;l:1l;;l10;§?2|;;; sc§:l;n§u;eE:§:. 630 ments, . on _ _ _ , ¤ Dues for, reduced on the Scl1e1dt— privileges ot . . . . . . . . .. Belgium, 1863 _ ___________ ____ ______ __ 56, 60 Commissions and excquaturg ___, _ _ _ _ brit, Limit of dues for- Withdrawalhof exequatufs __ __ ____ __ __ ______ _ ____ _ __ 244 Linbilit w en eu ra Tec In ra 0 Y. i

 _ _ _ _ _,,_______ _ ____ _ _ _ 460 Li3l)i1i¢§’for violating}; of law ______ _ 636

Piracy, (see Extradition; Letters of Marque,) Iuvnolabxhty of archives - . - - 637 Acceptance of letters of merquc, &c., Settlement of disputes between mas- B fl°'&"§‘°“°“"’ ‘°"° "°""’d ”‘ 87 ii R ti" "lq °‘°}'5‘ ".;;rz,;‘il1,1.;.‘< .;;;.1; S3? rgzl, 2 ,__.,..,,,,,_,._,,,,,, , Qc ami l()]]() QS` _[ Central America, 1825 .. .. .. - .. . -. 101 12. Disposal of personal property 637 Chili, 1832 ____ . _,__ · , ,, ,,,_ , _____ _ ____ , 109 Succession tc pgyggnnl cgtatcg _______ (,37 Colombia, 1824 ,,.,., , .,,_, ,__, ,___,. , 155 Ducg ggmc ng p;;,yg,b]c by nntiv(>g__: _ 631 Ecuadoy, 1839 ____________ _ _____ _ _____ 193 Real estate, time allowed heirs for dns- Frauce, 1778 . . . . . . 209 PQBPJ of ---- · ··—-· - ----- ·- - ; · - - - · · 637 Gpggi; Britain, 1794 _ _ _ _ _ , _ __________ , _ _ DIJIBIBS BBJD6 38 payable by 11R1C1VOS. . - Guatemala, 1849. . . .: . .. . . . . . . 384 . 13. Favors granted to other nations to be- Netherhznds,1782. .. . . 538 come common ..-. - .-.-- - - --·----- 638 Pcru, 1851 , _ _____,,_,.,, , ,,.__,,,.,.,, 620 14. Duration of treaty .. . . . . 638 P¤ru-B0livin, 1836 .,,,.,..,,.. gg; gifringementi rg tfeaty . .. Prussia, 1785, 1799, 1828 .. 646, 653,eprisn. s on ec arutions o war San Salvador, 1850 . . . . 681 Rutidcetions . T · - ·--- · --·-- - - - - ------ 638 Spain, 1795 .. . . ... 707 Claims convention, February Sweden, 1783 ... .. .. .. 728 26, 1851 . .--- 639, 640 Sweden and Norway, 1816, 1827 ... 735,741 1. Payment to United States in full of Venezuela., 1836 .. . ... 793 certain claims . . . . 639 Pirates, (see Captures,) Distribution by the United States . -- 639 Are not to be received in the ports of 2. Case of the brig “Genero1Armstrong" either party- to be submitted to arbitration 639 France, 1800 .. 231 3. Papers to be laid before orbiter .. 639 Great Britain, 1794 .. .. . . .. 279 Decision to be final . 639 How to be8punished— 4. Amlount of inflemuity to be paid for China., 1 58 . . .. . . . 132 the other c aims .-.. . L 640 Assistance to, punishment for giving—· 5. Mode of payment ... 640 Great Britain, 1794 .. . . 279 6. Interest .. ...- .. .. .. 640 Paiaaming. (See Exlradition.) Q 7. Batiiications . ... 640 Poland, I Pduonera of War, (see War,) Treaty stipulations extended i0— Stipulations concerning treatment of— Russia, 1832 .. . . .. 669 Algiers, 1815, 1816 .. . B, 12 Porcupine River, Mexico, 1848, 1853 . . . . 501, 505 Free navigation of- , Morocco, 1787, 1836 - . 519, 523 Great Britain, 1871 . .. .. .. 364 Prussia, 1785, 1799, 1828 . . 647, 654, 659 Port Dues, (see Reciprocal Comnwrcial Agree- Tripoli, 1805 ...,.. . ,,...,, ,, , , 760 ments,) Post·0_ylce Packets, Levied by Antwerp, reduction of- Privileges accorded to- B61gi¤il1, 1863 --.- · ...-- -. - .. . 56 Argentine Confederation, 1853. .. ., 17 RMB of, 1i¤11i$6d——F1‘¤¤¤0, 1822 -..-.-. 244 Costa Rica, 1851 .. . ... .. .. 159 Pork, (Sw F1‘¢¢ Pvflv,) ; Hawaiian Islands, 1849 . .. 407 Wnat, are open to American commerce- I Honduras, 1864 ... 426 Chilm, 1844, 1858 -··. ~ ·-·--... 116, 132 Nicaragua, 1867 . .. -- ..,.. , ,,.. 566 Japan, 1854, 1857, 1858 ,.,.,,, 446, 448, 450 Peru, 1851 . .. , ,,., .. . , 615 Portugal, Privateera, (see Asylum; Letter: of Marque ; Treaty oi: commerce and navi- Piracy,) gauon, August 26, 1840. .634·638 Not to be fitted out in ports of either 1. Freedom of commerce and navigation 634 party to act u. eiust the other- 2. Vessels of each nation in ports of the Dominican Repubgc, 1867. 184 other ..:-.. . . .. .. 634 Frunce,1778, 1800. . . . .. . . 209, 231 Tonnage, light, and harbor dues, &c. 635 Great Britain, 1794, 1871 . 280, 358 3, Duties on importatwns of products of Vcnczncla, 1860. ,, , , { ,___,_____ _ _ _ _ , _, 804 eitheneouutry. . . . 635 Commanders or outfitters to give bonds- Prcliibiticn cc be gcncm,l_________,__ 635 Bdivin,1858 ,_____________,__ ____ ____ 74 Duties cn cxpgrtntign of product; __ _ 635 Brazil, 1828 ____ _ ____ _ ________ __" ___, 86 Special stipulation bgtwccn Unitgd Centra] America, ]_825_ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100 Sgntgg and Fpnncc not nffcqtgd ____ 635 Chili, 1832 _ ____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ 108 109 Q, Duticc on imports in vgggglg of gither Cglombjg., 1824 _ _ _ ____ _ ___________ _ _ _ , 154 nation . . 1. I .. T .-.._. . . 635 Dominican Republic, 1867 . . . .. 183 5. Further privileges of 1mportn.tion, Ecuador, 1839 .. . ... . . 192 when ,,,,,,__,____________,____,_ 635 ¤·gncg’1800________________________" 231