Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/100

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70 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 275. 1874. Sec. 2. That there shall be allowed for the hire of clerks when act roxldlntsainlzggiltmg? nelly expended Itherefor, as fpllowsz To tthe congubgeperal fir Hagan; d consul at iverpoo eac a sum no excee ing e ra e 0 ree {thousand dollsgssilpr ariyone ylpar; and tz the_c0(psuls£gleueraé of? Iyop. don Paris, an ang ai eae a sum no excee ing e ra o wo thodsand dollars for any due year; to the consuls-general at Berlin, Vienna, Frankfort, and Montreal, and to the consulsat Hamburg, Bremen, Leipsic, Lyons, Manchester, Beirut, Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Ghemnitz, Sheilield, Sonneberg, Dresden, Havre, Marseilles, Fayal, Nurembgrg, LEith,lNa1pl;:s, Stuztgart, and Tunstall, each a sum not exceed. ing ii teen unc re co ars or any one year, _ Appointment or Sec. 3. That the President shall be, and is hereby, authorized to apinterpreters to con- point interpreters to the consulates at Shangha1,T1en Ts1n,Fowchow, ¤¤l¤¤¢¤ l¤ C 1* ln 8 and Kanagawa, and to allow them salaries not to exceed, in either case, ‘“‘d J“P”‘“‘ the rate of two thousand dollars a year; and to appoint interpreters to the consulates at Hankow, Amoy, Canton, and Hong-Kong, and to al- Salaries. low them salaries not to exceed, in either case, the rate of seven hun- Discretionary ¤l— dred and fifty dollars a year; and also to allow, at his discretion, a sum l°W¤¤°°- not exceeding the rate of five hundred dollars for any one year to any one consulate in China or Japan, respectively, not herein named, for R_ S_,16gy ,,_ 30;; expenses of interpretation; and that section six of the act entitled “An RWM, of 6 6 act to regulate the diplomatic and consular systems of the United 185G,ch,1‘27,vo1.xi, States," apprpved August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and nity-six, is p. ns. hereby repea ed. Necessary time Sec. 4. That the Secretary of State shall, as soon as practicable, esf¤ ¤ ¤‘¤V¢l¤¤s Nj tablish and determine the maximum amount of time actually necessary P‘”°°“ °‘*”°""“‘° to make the transit between each diplomatic and consular post and the and consular posts . , . . . ,,,,,1 w,,,,hi,,g,,,,, ,0 city of Washington, and vice versa, and_ shall make the same public. be determined b y He may also, from time to time, revise his decision in this respect; but S¤¤¤`¤¤%’5I °* sms in each ease the decision is to be in like manner made public. And the pulggggggfe t° l’° allowance for time actually and necessarily occupied by each diplomatic Auowancc of um., and consular officer who may be entitled to such allowance shall in no tqdiplomatic, &c., case exceed that for the time thus established and determined, with the 0*]******* ¤`¤¤*¤<='>°d· addition of the time usually occupied by the shortest and most direct mode ofsconveyance frog Washington to the place of residence in the _ United tates of such officer. Salary oreonsnisr Sec. 5. That trom and after the ilrst day of July next, the annual clerks eerrwg fre salary of consular clerks who shall have remained continuously in erv- Wm ““d “P“’“"d· ice gstsucp for; thelpepiod of live years and upward shall be one thousan wo un re dollars. _Yicc-cousuls not Sec. 6. That any viceconsul who may be temporarily acting as couc¤me¤¤,w1¤¢¤¤<>¤¤¤g sul during the absence of such consul may receive compensation, not-

;C’]f,E,;;jj wiphstanding that he IS not a citizen of the United States.

1,,,,,,, by ,,,,c,,,,,,g,,_ or loss by exchange on the above, forty-eight thousand dollars. Rep rt y in on t to For repayin g to the Government of Brazil, money erroneously claimed Bmw- (liylfnnd paid to tllie United States, fifty-seven thousand Eve hundred o ars or so muc thereof as may be necessary. I¤terpr¤}f·er¤_ to For interpreters to the consulates in China Ja an and Siam includ- 1st cir · ’ P ’ > 3;;;*; ;:1‘g,8m{““» ing loss by exchange, five thousand seven hundred dollars. M,,,;,,,,,,, fo, ,,0,,, For marshals for the consular courts in Japan and China, Siam, and suisr cern-ts. (Tmpkey, including loss by exchange, seven thousand seven hundred o ars. ptgpptiugent cx- Tor contigngeplt explenses of foreign intercourse proper, and of all the · missions a roa suc as stationery book-cases arms of the United hR:g<>¤1» 28;; 1>¢>·‘i*» States, seals, presses, and ilags, rent,,fl‘eight, postage, and other neces- ° · ·’°· l’· · sarytlmiicellanipliis inagters,Nin:lud1ing1 lo? by excnange, one hundred _ an: ir y-one thousand eig un re an nity dollars. Tgzpshuéglgfusogs For interpreters, guards,_and other expenses at the consulates at Con- ‘ stlangnople, Smylpna, $nd1a, Jerusalem, and Beirut,‘in the Turkis omimons ree thousand dollars.

 °m°°"° For payment of consular officers not citizens of the United States

ten thousand dollars.