Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1041

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INDEX. ‘]()l 1 `Pn ro. Pogo, Stapley, Sgraq, L States, · c sim o , at lowcd by commissioners 591 o ro riotionsforex nsesofenrolliu &c. Stanton, David L., pp {troops for clefeigse of United Staines. .9%, 390 suretlcs on bond of, released from llobillties, to lnwo credits for sums charged to them for &c .. . .. . ... 419 arms, &c. issued to them between Stanton, Jowli W.,January 1861, and April 9, 1865, on elmm of illimn L. Pelmcr und, allowed by , proper shelving, &,o .. 455 comrnissioners . . . . . . 586 so much of appropriations for smns, dzc., Staples, Milha, during some period, ns would lmvc . c wm of, allowed by commissioners 595 been expended for distribution to Starue, Jelin E., States in rebellion covered into elmm oi, ellowgd by commissioners _ , , . , , , . 654 Treasury ,..., . ,,,,,,,____,,,, _·_ _ _ _ , 4% Star of the West, State, War, and Navy I)0paa·tnwntBulIdl11g, American-built Peruvian stesmship Reyo to opproprmtionrter continuing construction be registered under nmne of .. .. . 32 of .. . .. . . ..229, 391 State Banks, for furniture for State Department wing. · 2% WX 011 clfclllvmillg-H050B issued, Gw., by 311 for heating xmd lighting .. .. 229 on circulating-notes out by, other Stationery, than these of national banks .. .. 311 appropriations for, for Post-Oiiico Departreturns ef, how und when made; penalty ment . . . . . . 232, 341 for failure tomsko .. 311 for Executive Departments, limitation on State Courts, contracts for, not to apply to certain legal debts of bankrupt not exceeding $500 articles for Post—Ol}lco e >o.rtment.. 286 may be collects in .. . . . 178 collectors of internal-revenue to lbs paid for coneurrcntjiwisdiction oiwitheircuitcourts eertnin; account of, how mode ond of United States . . . 470 verified .. . ... . . 309 what causes mey be removed from , into cir- Statistical Allaa of the United States, cult courts, ond by whom. . 470, 471 upproprlcticn for printing end binding 208 prowodings for removal. . . . 471 Suzmticv, Bureau qi} nttnchmcn ts, Ste., in, of defendants prop- eppropriotions for sclnrios ond expenses of. .93, $2 erty to 1iold,&e.,ofter removal .. 471 dlllcer in charge to collect statistics, &.c., of bonds, &e., given in, by either party, to commerce with foreign nations, &e.. 352 remain vulid ..,... . . . ... 471 of railroads and cost of transporting injunction und other ipreceediugs by, to freight, &c . . . ... 352 · Emma in force u ter removal, until, 4 montliliy report ol`, to be published quux- gx H c . .. . . . ... 71 ter ·. . s. 25.. copy of record ef, to be filed within twcn- Statistics ¢¥’ honnuercv, ty days in cermin eases ... . . .. 472 to be eo lected for transmission to Congress. 352 refusal of clerk of, to furnish copy of Smiiatica of Italians, record, punishment . 472 zipproprintloins for collecting .. . . .. 141, 448 writ of certiorari to, from circuit court to Staaarwu of Life-Insumnce, make return of record -- 472 unexpendccl bulemcc of appropriation for State Department, printing end bindinp e reulors and appropriations for salaries of Secretary, ns- report eu, mode evoi ublc ... 209 sistiint secretaries, clerks, &e. ... 90, 348 Slavistica, Medical, for six chiefs of Bureaus - .. ..90, 340 appropriation for completing of the Profor publishing lows, . . .. . 90, 349 vest-Mnrslml-Ge1ierol’s bureau .. 224 ferproof-reading, pa.cking,stntionery,&c.90, 349 Smmtics of Jljinca and Mining, for contingent expenses end litliogruph- appropriations for collecting. . . .. 207,374 ing . . . .. .. . .90, 349 Statistic, Vital, _ _ _ for omciol postsge .. . 90, 349 board of health of District of Columbm. to for printing and bindinig for 204,371 moke ond enforce regulations to sodeiieiency nppropriotions or . 133,134,404, 414 cure full and correct record oi. . . 26:9 third assistant secretory, to be appointed. . 90 Smmtca at Lm·g<·, _ _ I chiefef Bureau ofAccounts may be appointed npipropriotions for publishing ___. . . . .. 90, ,349 as disburing clerk ..., , ,,... ,., . 349 or ediliiug ,.,... . .,,., . .. ,‘., , , , ,210, M5) Secretary may prescribe duties for assistant termination of contracts ruth Little, Brown secretaries, dw., ond make changes & Co. for publication of _ . .. . 113 and tronsfe1si1iDoi>nrtme11t . 90 dcilcicney uppropriutieuto puy Little ond F passport-fees to be collected ..- . ... 90 Brown for ppbnsluug .. . 4(lo coconut to be kept, und nniouut pold into tosccureowners iporstcreotype plates of. 405 Treasury____ _ ,_,, ; ___, ,__. .,.,, ,,., 90 not to be published lll u6W¤p&p6l‘S MKSOi' records documents, papers, &c., relating to Merch 4, 1875 .. . _ 90 Khbsme. elsuns to be turned over to Secretary of Stete_to cause to be edited, ‘ Court of Commissioners of Alubomo pnutcd, published, and distnbuted Chimp__________ ________________,,, 247 Pg,mDhlg{; qgpggg gf, of prgggmig nm] 0 State Lunatic Asylum, Auburn, of ouch future session of Cougéressn 11e for insshe e0nvicts,eppr0priotien for kccp· ond bound copies of lows of one 1 Cen- d ing of George Sheppard ond James gross to number of 2,000 .. . . 11,: ·_ Blowers at ______ ____ ____ ____ _______ 386 to be uniform with Revised St¤·¤11£0§-· 11·» State Pm·iitentim·ics Secretary of State, st close_o1E each session appropriations flarmointensnce, &,c., of mil- of Congress, to distribute pamphlet » itsry convicts. .. . ...224, 300 copies of nets and resolves for that Staten Iskmd, _ session tu, &c. .. . . .., .. .113, 114 _ board of engineers to exomine and report to nt close of each Congress to distribngié Congress plsn for improvement of bound copies of Statutes et Largo M chnnnel between, und New Jersey,. 463 such Congress te, &e . . ...· 1