Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/20

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XX LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. P¤=¤ Goor e A. Armea. An oct euthorizin and directing the Secretary of Wn.r to give to George A. Armcs, 0 lute captain Tenth United Stxécs Cavalry, nn honorable discharge, to dnto the seventh day ot F _ June, eighteen hundred and sevengy. June 0, 1874..,... .. . . . . .. . . 554 Tlwmas 71 Crit euden. An act for the rsh or Thomns T. Crittenden, of Missouri. Jinie 11, 1874.. oo] Filzlzuyli Loo. An not relieving the political disabilities of Fitzhngh Lee. J uno 11, 1874 .. . .Edw¢n·d IL Calvert. An not for the relief of Edward Calvert, June 12, 1.874 .. . . . A ... ... its Joseph Council. An not for the relief of Joseph Council, of Mobile, Aln.b_;mm. June 12, 1874 . .. . c6; Mary B. BeUeld'a heirs. An oct for the relief of the heirs of Mary B. Beliield, of Vu·gmm.. June Mx 12 1874 . ----·- · ------—--··--—- · -----·-·--· - --·-------- — --·-·-- _ ` Bezyamioi Crawford. A11 me for the relief of Benjamin or=¤vf<>r<]- Juno 12.1974 ------ - -—------- ·- #6* Louisville and Bardstow-n iilmipike Oonipany. An act for the bencht of the Louisville and Bardstown Turnpike Company. June 12 1874 --.. . .,. . . . . 2 ... Sebastian Reichert. An oct for the reiief of Sebnstism Reichert. une 15, 1874..: . . ._ -- . S300 Natlianiel McKay. An act for the relief of Nuthoniel McKay, assignee of the builders ortho steam- r ers Ln. Portemi, Edward Everett F. W. Lincoln, Azehn, end N. P. Banks. June lo, 1874. .>07 C. C. Spaida. An not for the relief of C. Spmgls. J uno 1b, 1874. . , .. .. ;. 507 Jonathan L. Mann. An not for the relief of J onzithen L. Mmm, late o. clmplum in the volunteer service of the Army. J uno 16, 1874 .. -... ..- 7 . ... . . . . . . 507 John M. MoPike. An aet for the relief of John M. McP1k0. June 17, 1874 ----------- - -·--- --·· 568 Oyieers United States sh? Monoeaoy. An not giving the assent of Congress to the eoceptmico by the otllcers of the United States ship Monocacy of silver models presented to them by the King of sim. June 17, 1874 . ... . ... . ... . . . 5G? Ann Crane. · An not granting an pension to Ann Crane. June 18, 1874 . ... . . . ... 503 Uriah W. Briggs. An not granting u. pen ion to Uriah W. Briggs. June 18, 1874 . ..--.-- 508 Martin V. Joolewi. An act gmuting o pension to Martin V. ackson. June 18, 1874 . . .-... 509 B. W. Harris. An net for the relief of B. W. Harris, late collector of internal revenue for the second district of Messeehusetts. June 18, 1874. . . . . -. .. . . 569 Ephraim P. Showalter. An not for the relief of Ephraim P. Showalter. Juno 18, 1874. . --. . 560 Julius Gricsonbeck. An not for the relief of Julius Griesenbock, of Wateo, Texas. June 18, 1874 569 Jonathan I). Halo. An not for the relief of Jonatlmn D. Hole. Juno 19, 1874. . . . . . 570 Boch and Wirth. An act for the relief of Beck and Wirth. June 19, 1874 . . 570 Biqlor, Young and Company. An act for the relief of Bigler, Young and Company. Juno 19, 1874.. 570 Selden Cmmor. An net for the relief of.Selden Connor. Juno 19, 1874 . . . .. 570 William J2 M01 ntyre. An act for the relief of \Vil1ism J. McIntyre. June 20, 1874 . . . . . 571 Kerry Sullivan. An act for the relief of Kerry Sullivan, of Company G, fourteenth regiment New ilampsliire volunteers. June 20, 1874 ... . . .. .. ... .. 571 William B. Morgan. An not for the relief of Willinm B. Morgan. June 20, 1874 .. . 571 Robert Sutherland. An oct for the relief of Robert Sutherland. June 20, 1874 .. ..---.. . . 571 Al/red Fry. An act for the relief of Alfred Fry. June 20, 1874 . .. . . . .. .- .. ---- 572 Charles 1K Berry. An not for the relief of Charles W. Berry, late private of the thirty-sixth regiment Wisconsin volunteers. June 20, 1874 ... . ... - . . ... . . . . 572 Thomas Ridgway. An act for the relief of Thomas Ridgway. June 20, 1874 . . .. . . . . . . 572 Samuel E. Itankin. An not for the relief of Samuel E. Rankin. June 20, 1874 .. . - . 572 James M True. An act for the relief of James M. True, late colonel of the sixty-second Illinois Volunteer Infantry. J uno 20, 1874 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 573 John Horn, jr. An oct granting u. medal to John Horn, jr., for his heroic exploits in rescuing men, women, and children from drowning in Detroit River. J uno 20, 1874 ... 573 Sheridan 0. Brommor. An out for the relief of Sheridan O. Bremmor, late a. private of company E, eighteenth regiment Wisconsin infsmtr *. June 20, 1874 . .. - I ... 573 Joseph Ssllead. An not for the relief of J osepii S. Reed. June 20, 1874 . ... .. .. 573 Joseph C. Breok~inrid_qo. An not for the relief of Joseph C. Brcckinridge for services in the Army of the United States. June 20, 1874 .. - -.. .. .. . L . . .. .. 574- Thomas Simms. An not for the relief oi Thomas Simms, latte at lieutenant in the seventy-sixth regiment New York volunteers. June 20, 1874. ...,.. . . , . , , . , _,,,.,, , __,_,,,,.,,. _ _ ,_,___,, 574 D. It. Haggard. An not to compensate D. R. Haggard for six months’ services os colonel of the fifth Kentucky United States cavalry volunteers. June 20, 1874. . . ... . . ; -. . 574 Susan R. Moore. An not for the relief of Susan R. Moore, the relative and legotce of Phcehe Soilcld, u pensioner. Juno 20, 1874 .. . . . ,..,. . . ..., 57.1 Livanna Ingraham. An net granting o pension to Livnnna. Ingru.1mm.' June 20, 1874 .. 575 Margaret A. Hoyncr. An not granting o. pension to Margaret A. Hoffner. Juno 20, 1874. . . 575 Jcivrvon A. French. An act granting a. pension to Jeflerson A. French. June 20, 1874 .. . , ,. 575 Thomas Smith. An oct granting a pension to Thomas Smith. June 20, 1874 .. . .. . . . . . . 575 Andrmv J. Lacley. An oct granting za. pension to Andrew J. Lesley. June 20, 1874 . . . .. 570 John S. Long. An act granting u. pension to John S. Long. June 20, 1874 . . . - . . 576 Inborwzcr IK Brady. An act granting a pension to Ebeueier W. Brody. June 20, 1874 . . 57lS John W Truitt. An oct granting a. pension to John W. Truitt. J uno 20, 1874 .. . . . . .. . 57C Margaret E. Alexander. An set granting n. pension to Morgar-ct E. Alexander, widow of Edwin A. Alexander, deceased, late p. private in Company K, Eighth Regiment of Indiana. Cavalry Vol- ¤¤T0l§FS, kI10WI1 SLB tho Thirty-ninth In< Regiment. J uno 20, 1874 ,,,_ _,,, . . _ __, ,___ 576 Thomas Clazborno. An net to relieve Thomas Cloiboriie, of Tcmicssce, of political disobilitiesimposcd

 him by the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States. J unc 20,

_ _ . . . . . . . . 577 Wzllr.a;10Gi$2nea. An oct to relieve William G. J umm, of Alabama., of political disabilities. June _, .. . . ... _ . -_... . ... . .. . ... . . . . Mary E. Grosvenor. An act gru.nting a. pension to Mary E. Grosvenor. June 20, 1874 . .. ,. .. 577 Aim y S. Howe. An act granting it pension to Mary S. Howe. June 10, 1874 . ... . ... . . . . 577 ooncral .4._C. Vorm. An act granting o pension to General A. C. Voris. June 20, 1874.. ... 578 I} Lllmm llralkgggg An act for the relief of Willigyln W;3,1};(;;·_ Jung 20, ]_874_ _______ __ ____ __ ___ _ _ _____ 578