Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/222

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192 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 392, 393, 394. l874_ Accounting om- Sm:. 2. That the accounting officcré of the Treasury be, and are ¤•>r¤ af T¤;¤¤¤¤g ¤°* hereby, prohibited from making any allowance ge any Bflicer of the Navy

  • ‘? “.°W ° ° ?°" h has been or may-hereafter be, dismissed 0m the service and m.

(x:;':;?-:;(};¤urg&1¤?£:;;;;vw2ed to the game under the provisions of the twelfth section of the act 13qs,e>h.Zg9912,v¤lé of Marc}; third, ehghgeexi huétgred audséxg-i;¥§h3nt;t;ei{*Au ¤¤¤»P· . mu, . dt era acs ere ore pas 0 0 eeuro m ‘ “ “ “ gggleallinz Tun; the national forces, and for other purpo ¤es" to exeegg gzgxaséled tria,1,&c. more than pay as on leave for six months from the dalbe oi? dismissal, unless it shall appear that the 0m06T dGm&DdGd in wrnbmg, addressed to the Secretary of the Navy, and continued to demand as often ars once iu six months, a. trial as provided for in eaid act. Repeal of pm of S11:0. 3. That so much of the act enutaled “An act 1:0 uuthomze the 1$$i·*» 9h· 25% ***1- Secretary of the Navy to provide for the education of naval construct.

  • ‘“·¥’· $9* orb and steam-engineers,mad for other purposes", approved July fourth,

eighteen hundred and sixty-four”, as provides that cadebengineers,

£=;d;;;g€&g °u;° net Jo §xceed igfby Ju nu:;;;?, shagl ga; éwppognted bi 31; Seeggaiy

· '0 te avyis ere yrep ·a.n c e-eugmeerssa, 6108 1- o mhgghzo exon 4,1 appointed annually by the Secretary of the Navy, and the number aptwenty-ave in num- pointed each year shall not exceed twenty-Eve; and that all mcs or bw al X parts of mts inconsistent with the provisions of this act be, and the »~*’·*~~¤* “°°“ “ my msn? pprove , une , . June 22, 1874. CHAP. 393.--Au acttore ealsomuchcfthe actapprovedMayei hheighteenhuudred

 and ¤eveuH—two, eutit1e¢£'An act makjug a.p£r0priabi0uq for the geghslatiye, executive,

xvii ’ 69]smdgudici expenses of the Government or oyear onding June thuby,eighteen huu·

  • PP ’ dre aud seventy-three, and for other urposss ” as provides for the employment of

persons to ::•i:§Ltheg1h£pe1££>Ec0rs of {ge Govemmeufiu discovering and collecting . D.\0D.0yB W1 811 I.' 0 B1' p|.1I‘p080S. ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofltqpresentativoc of the United Repeal of mt w States of America in Congress qcsembled; That so much of the act entai- };¢¤é§ M; ;;>:¢¤¤;:3 pleq f‘An act making appropriations for the legislative, executiyehand 651 Muff: g°m0§1 ey B _;qdLma.1 eipexésg; of tgw Govermggent for she yeég ending June thxmethi · h exg teep un an seven y- ree an or 0 er purposes approve Fgaggggzgs t 6 Ma eighth eighteen hundred and seven -two ds roviées for the . Y g 1 1 P , employment by the Secretary of the Treasury, of not more than three persons to assist the proper officers of the Government in discovering end collecting any money belonging to the United States when the same _ shall be withheld by any person or-eorporation, be, and the same is commu to be hereby repealed; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed ¤,¤¤¤£e<1 a. ud re- to gevekefgd &H IiH13g10gHh%0W§0I the collection of such taxes made vok - _ un e1·.a.n y au _01‘i y o said ac . · t §¤¤=g;gg;~g;;g;g sm 2. mm me com or cmms shall have no authority wemaaor fm. gmagw or decide upon ay claims for damages by reason of the discontinuance ` of the contracts oresaid, or for any profits or per-centagcs under them. Approved, June 22, 1874. , June 22, 1874. CHAP. 394.--An act to legalize entries of public lands under the homestead laws in 'i;"-_"" certmn cases. _ · Be it by the 8'ehato-and House of Bcpresentatvvee of the United Cami, camo, of States eifzimerica in Congress assembled, That in all cases of entries ef Eublic xmas under public ands heretofore made under the act entitled “Au act to secure g§¤:£¤¤¤_¤W¤ 10- homeqteads ’b0’ actual ebtlersg 011 d16 public domain," approved May g 1862 ‘°b .,5 v0l twent1eth, eighteen hundred and sxxty-two, where the aihdavitz required xii, Pegg, . by section two of smd act was made before the clerk of the county of the residence of the person making the entry, without having Bret made the settlement and improvement required by the provisions of Section _!864é5¤h· 38- W1- three of the act entitled "An a.ct·amendutory of the homestead law, and x"* P' ‘ for other pm·poscs,” approved March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and