Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/383

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14·0m·Y.r¤r111z1> ccmmsss. sms. zu. cn. 120. ms. 353 blowers, coa.1-hods, hoamths, shovels, tongs, pokors, matcl1cs,and matchsafes, twelve thousand dollars. · For gas, drop-lights and tubing, gas-burners; brackets and globes, candles, lanterns; and wicks, twenty thousand dollars. , _ For carpets, oil-cloth, matting, repairs, clcaning, and laying `of the same, fourteen thousand dollars. , For desks, tables, and chadxs, and shelving for iilo-rooms, and cases; repairs of furniture; boxes, rugs, chair-covers and caning, cushions, cloth for covering desks, looks, screws, hand-saws, turpontinc, and vamnish, twenty-four thousand ilvc hundred dollars. 4 For washing towels, brooms, brushes, crash, cotton cloth, camo, chamoisakins, dustors, Hour, kcys,1yo, matches, nails, oil, powders, sponge, soap, tacks, wall-paper, and the other miscellaneous expenses required for the current and ordinary business of the Department; and for repairs of machinery, baskets, spittoous, files, water-coolers, tumblors, icopicks, bowls and pitchers, traps, thermometers, vcntilators, towels, awnings and fixtures, alcohol, window-shades and iiXCll1`0S,»WiI6-SCPCBHU, homming towels, axes, bellows, chisels, canvas, ca-ndlosticks; door and window fasteners, bells and bell-pulls, hammers, mallotss, leather, gum, andlother bclting, stenoil·pl:-whos, tools, whetstoncs, wire, and zinc, and other absolutely necessary expenses, twenty-tivo thousand dollars. INDEPENDENT TREASURY. Oiiico of tho assistant treasurer at New York: For assistant treasurer, Salaries or no oight thousand dollars; for deputy assistant treasurer, three thousand *1**}**** “°°»°“'°"*» six hundred dollars 5 cashier and chief clerk, four thousand two hundred ‘¥§}{j“* &°‘· ‘” Nw dollars; chief of com division, four thousand dollars; chief of notzopay- ` ing division, three thousand dollars; chief of nom-receiving division, Anhmo thousand dollars ;"0]1i8f of check division, three thousand dollars; chief of registered-interest division, two thousand eight hundred dollars; chief of coupondntorest division, two thousand iivo hundred dollars; chief of fract.iona1—curroiicy division, two thousand five hundred dollars ; chief of bond division, two thousand four hundred dollars; chief 0fca.ncclcd·chcck and record division, two thousand dollars; two clerks, zu: two thousand four hundred do1lzu·s·cacl1; six clerks, at two thousand two hundred dollars each ; ton clerks, at two thousand dollars each; nine clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; four clerks, as one thousand sovou hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars ouch ; two clerks, me one thousandoilvo hundred do1· Ima oacb; ton clerks, at one thousand tour hundred dollars each; thmo clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; tivo messengers, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; one messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; keeper of building, one thousand eight hundred dollars; chief detective, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant dotectivo, one thousand tour hundred dollars; three hall-mon, at; one thousand dollars each ; six watchman, at seven hundred and thirty dollars each; one engineer, one thousand dollars; ono porter, nina hundred dollars; in alll one hundred and fifty thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars. · Omoo of tho assistant troasuror at Boston: For assistant treasurer, At Boston. tivo thousand dollars; for chief clerk, two thousand seven hundred dollars; paying-tollor, two thousand hvo hundred dollars; chief interestclerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; receiving-`toller, one thousand oighb hundred dollars; first: bo0k·kc0pc1·, one thousand seven hundred dollars; second book-kocpor, “ doposit0rs’ " accounts, one thousand five hundred dollars; stamp and now-fractional-currency clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; spocio-clerk, one thousand tivo hundred dollars ; assistant speciemlerk, one thousand four hundred dollars ; two coupon-clerks, at one thodgsfhd four hundred dollars each; fractional-currency-redemption clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; rocoipb-clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant: book-keeper, A Vol. 18, pt. 3--23