Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/396

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336 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 129. 1875, Contingent cx- For contingent, namely: Stationery, {SWG bh0\lS3·Dd dollars-; casgg fm v¤¤¤°¤· library, iivo hundred dollars; library, ono thousand dollars; comm; oducatiouul periodicals, two hundred and fifty dollars} cqses for omoial records, two hundred and fiftsy dollars 5 current publwatxons, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; comploting valuable sets of periodicals and publications in sho library, two hundred dolhxlrg; tolcgmphing and oxprossagc, two hundred dollars; colléobing smb1st10s, a¤o wr1t;i;1g and qgm piling matter for annual and spccml reports, and cchtam g and publxshing circulars of information, eleven thousand dollars ; fuel and lights, two hundred and sovouty-five dollars; office-furn}tur0, two hundred and fifty dollars; contingencies, one thousand and sixty dollars, in all, seventeen thousand two hundred and ton dollars. ·· ···~ M — Surveyors - gon- SURVEYORS-GENERAL AND THEIR CLERKS.+FOT 00m p0DS3HO1l Of ¤¤¤L_q1¤rk¤, M-, in surveyor-general of Louisiana, two thousand dollars; and for tho clerks L°““"‘““‘ in his office, five thousand dollars. ` F1<>rid=·· For survoyo1·—goucra1 of Florida, two thousand d0lIars;¤ud fortho clcrks in his office, two thousand Evo hundred dollars. · ‘ ` Minnesota. ‘ For survoyor·genoral of Minnesota, two thousand dollars; and for tho clerks in his offico, eight thousand four hundred dollars. ` Dakota, For surveyor-gonoml of tho Territory of Dakota, two thousand dollars; and for tho clerks in his 05100, six thousand three hundred dollars. Kwsrw- For surveyor-general of Kansas, two thousand dollars; and for tho clorks in his office, six thousand three hundred dollars; and tho business of the said office shall be settled, and tho office shall be closed and discontinued, on or boibrc tho thirtieth day of Juno, eighteen hundred and sovonbysix. h Colorado. For survoyorgoncml of the Territory of Colorado, three thousand dolgarsg and for tho clerks in his offico, six thousand three hundred dollars. · New Mexico. For surveyor-general of the Territory of New Mexico, three thousand dogars; and for tho clerks in his oftioo, six thousand three hundred dollars. C¤1if¢>¤¤i¤- For surveyor-general of California, three thousand dollars; and for the clerks in his offico, twenty thousand dollars. Iam;. For surveyor-goucml of tho Territory of Idaho, three thousand dollars; and for tho clerks in his oihco, four thousand dollars. “ umm, For surveyor-gopcml of Nevada, thrgo thousand dollars ; and for tho clerks in his offico, five thousand dollars. Orogon. For survoyor·gonora.l of Oregon, two thousand iivo hundred dollars; and for the clerks in his office, iivo thousand dollars. Washington. For surveyor-general of tho Territory of Washington, tW0`;th0US3zDXd gv;} hundred dollars; and for- tho clerks in his office, tivo thousand 0 ars. < Nebraska and For surveyor-goucml of Nebraska and Iowa,two thousand dollars; I°‘“*· and for the clerks in his offico, six thousand three hundred dollars. Montana. For survoyongonoral of the Territory of Montana, three thousand dollars; and for cho clerks in his chico, iivo thousand dollars. Um;. For surveyor-general of the Territory of Utah, three thousand dol¢ gu; ; and for the clerks in his ohico, four thousand seven hundred 0 ams. Wyoming. For surveyor-general of tho Territory of·Wyomi¤g, three thousand gogars; and for tho clerks in his oilioo, six thousand seven hundred 0 ars. A¤Z<>¤¤· For surveyor-general of the Territory of Arizona, three thousand dol- Rccmwx in Mw lars; and for tho clerks in his office, four thousand dollars. scum For recorder of landgtxtles in Missouri, Evo hundred dollars. POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. P=¤y ¤f P¤¤*¤¤¤_=¤S- For compensation of tho Poshma.stor—Go11omI, oighi: thousand dollars;

 ‘£?‘*’ three assistant postmastors-general, at three thousand Evo hundred dollurs oooh ; supormtendoxmof money-order system, three thousand dollars ;

superintendent of foreign ma1ls,threo thousand dollars; topographer,