Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/774

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744 TBEATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Dao. 6, 1870. Estates of dm. 10th. They shall take possession 10**. Tomaran posesion de los dents. of the personal or real estate left bienes raices y privados dejados by anyof their citizens who shall por cualquiera de sus nacionales die within their consulate, leaving que muera deutro de la jurisdiccion no legal representative or trustee de sd consulado, sin dejar represenhy him appointed to take charge of tante legal o apoderado nombrado Inventories of his effects; they shall inventory porélparaencargarsede susbienes, ` the same with the assistance of two haran inventario de los mismos con merchants, citizensof therespective asistencia de dos eomerciantes countries, or for want of them of ciudadanos de los paises respecti- . any others whom the` consuls vos, y eu falta deestos, de cuailes- Notice of the may choose- shall cause a notice quiera otros que pueda elegir el

  • 1******- of the death to be published in consul; haran que se publique el

some newspaper of the country fallecimiento en algun, periodico (,,,,,,,0 t, 0 ,1 mm where they reside; shall collect the del pais de su residencia ; cobraran payment of dem, debts due to the deceased -in· the las deudas que sean debidas al dicountry where he died, and pay the funto en el pais en que fallecio, y · debts due from his estate which he de sus bienes pagaran las deudas shall have contracted; shall sell at que hubiere contraido, venderan Sm of 0g8c;,, auction, after reasonable public no- en publica subasta, previo el razotice, such of theestate as shall be nado aviso al publico, los bienes of a perishable nature, and such de naturaleza mas perecedora. y lo inrther part, it any, as shall benec- demas que hubiere y que sea neessary forthe payment of his debts, cesario veuder para el page de sus 0,3,,,,8 M mts but they shall pay no claims not deudas. Pero no pagaran reclamo ' reduced to a judgment for damages alguno sin que por una sentencia ‘ on account of any wrongful act al- se hayahecho `constar los danos leged to have been done by the de- que bayan resultadopordetrimento When local au-ceased. Wllensoever there és no alegaoo, hechos por el difunto. ¤¤<>1‘i¤¤¤,¢<> 8% ¤¤ consul in the place where the death Siempre que no haya consul en el "°°°"°“"“°”*“*"’* occurs, the local authority shall lugar donde tuvo lngar el fallecitake all the precautions in their miento, la autoridal local tomara power to secure the property of the todas las precaucionesposiblespara deceased, and immediamly notify asegurarla propiedad del difunto the nearest consul; of the country é inmediatamente lo notiiicara al to which the deceased belonged. mas inmediatoconsul del pais a que · pertenecio el difunto. Arrest or desert- ,11th. They may demand from the 11**. Pedir a las autoridades long wnmen- local authorities the arrest of sea- cales el arresto de los marineros mcn desertiug from the vessel of quedeserten de los buques de la the nation in whose service the nacion a que sirva el consul, exhiconsul is employed, exhibiting, if biendo, si fuere necesario, el renecessary, the register of the res- ·gistro del buque, el rol de la tripusel, her muster-roll, and any other lacion ii otro documento oficial que official document in support of this justihque la demanda. Las diohas demand. The said authorities shall autoridades darau las providencias take such measures as may be in de su competencia para la persetheir power for the discovery and cucion, aprehension y arresto de arrest of such deserters, and shall aquellosdesertores,y1os pondran a Detention sr, new place them at the disposition of the disposicion del consul; pero si el long. consul; but if the vessel to which buque a que pertenezcan hubiere they belong shall have sailed, and salido, y no se presentase ocasion no opportunity for sending them paraliacerlo partinsemantendran away should occur, they shall be en arresto, a-expenses del consul, kept in arrest at the expense of the- hasta por dos meses, y si cumplido consul for two months; and if at the este termino no se hubieren remioxpiration of that time they should tido, seran puestos eulibertad por not have been sent away, they shall las autoridades respectivas,yno pobe set at libertv by the respective dran ser uuevamente arrestados authorities, and cannot again be por la misma causa. arrested for the same cause. · . , D,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, mc,,,, 12th. They may give such docu- 12**. Dar los docuggntos necesasary to intercourse. ments as may be necessary for the rios para la comuni _'on entre los