Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/831

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00NVENCI‘ION—NliWVFOUNDLAND. Ana. 21 A1~m_SErr. 15, 1873. 80] Additional articles of agreement between the Post-Office Departments o the A _· 21 _ United States of America and of N ewfonndland, establishing an ewctange ug 15, lg/(i‘».SBpb of postal cards between the two coantries. j‘—"" Ancriomi I. For the purpose of providing additional facilities of mail communi- poses1cm4g_ cation between the United States and Newfoundland, it is hereby mutually agreed that United States postal cards mailed at any postoifice in the United States and addressed `to Newfoundland, and Newfoundland postal cards mailed at any post·office in Newfoundland and addressed to the United States, when prepaid an additional postage of one cent, by atlixin g thereto an ordinary one-cent postagestamp of the country of origin in addition to the stamp printed or impressed on the card, shall be reciprocally forwarded and delivered in the country of destination, free of charge. Postal cards not so prepaid will not‘be.for— warded in theniails between the two countries. p · l Anrrxonn II. - The regulations and instructions governing the use and treatment of Reaiulutious for postal cards in the domestic mails of the United States and of New·1><>¤¤ .¤Md¤· ` foundland, respectively, shall apply equally to the postal cards mailed in either country and addressed to the other count-rv. _ ‘ Anctionn III. Each country will retain to its own use the postage it collects at the Postages. prescribed rate on postal cards forwarded to the other country. Anirionn IV. The present articles shall be considered additional tothose agreed In addition to orupon between the two offices on the g?) of November, A; D. 1872,_and gems 133 TS1; S 22. shall come into operation on the Ist of ctober, 1873. _ x;’g°;° 9*2 _ ·*°‘ In witness whereof the Postmaster-General of the United States of S,gu',mm_ America and the Postmaster-General of Newfoundland have hereto set their hands and aliixed their seals, at the date set opposite to each respectively. [sun.,] JN O. A. .T. CRESWELL, Postmaster-General of the United States. Aoeusr 21, 1873. . ~ JOHN DELANEY, Postmaster- General of Newfoundland. Smrcrnmsnme 15, 1873. ~ I hereby approve the atbregoing convention, and in testimony thereof Approval. I have caused the seal of the United States to be atiixed. ‘ U. S. GRANT. By the President: . { . W. HUNTER, · {situ. or} _ ‘ Acting Secretary of State. U. s. Wnsnmo-cron, September 26, 1873 ` Vol. 18, pt. 3—-51