Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/89

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 216, 217. 1874. 59 to firc-engines; purchase and repair of engine-bose; purchase of lumber for benches, mess-tables, hunks; repairs to public carryull; purchase and repair of harness; purchase and repair .0f 11and-carts and wheelbarrows; scavengcring; purchase and repair of galleys, cooking-stoves, mpges, stoves where there are no gmtcs; gravel for parade-grounds; repair of pumps; brushes; brooms; buckets; paving; and tbr other purposes, fifteen thousand dollars. Approved, June. 6, 1874. . HAP. 21'l. An act makin u ro tiaticns for the su crt; of tl10Militm· Acad-

 amy for the fiscal. year eudifg Jggxo-ghirtioth, eighteen lggxdxscd and saveuty§  

Be it cmwted by the Scmetc and House of .Representati*ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums bc, and Militagyiycademy, the same arc hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not ”·PP’°P“°F'°¤ W ' otherwise appropriated, for tho support of the Military Academy for the §§“{8.,?d1"g J““° year ending J unc thirticth, eighteen hundred and sevenby-Evo: { For additional pay of officers, and for pay of instaruct0rs,_;1r0fcssors, Pay of officers, incadets, audmusiciaus, two hundred and thirty-seven thousand dollars. ¤*¤‘°*°f¤»°¤d<=°¤»¢¥°· For repairs and improvements, timbeqplauk, boards, joists, wall-strips, R°P=¤F¤ Md lmlaths, shingles, slate, tin, shccvlead, nails, screws, locks, butts, hinges, P""'°'”°“°°‘ glass, paint, turpentince, oils, bricks, varnish, stone, lime, cement, plaster, hair, blasting-powder, fuse, iron, steel, tools, mzmtcls, and other similar materials, fourteen thousand five hundred dollars. For pay of citizen-mechanics and labor employed upon repairs that Mechanics and 1a-' cannot be dono by enlisted men, eight thousand dollars. **0*0**- For fuel and apparatus, namely, coal], wood, stoves, grams, furnaces, Fuel, apparatus, range-s, tire-bricks, and repairs of stomu-heating apparatus, iburteeu &¤· thousaud dollars. — For gaspipcs, tixtures,1amp-posts, gas—lamps, gasomctms, and retort , Gm-pipes, &¤. aud annual repairs, six hundred dollars. For fuel for cmlcts’ mess-hall, shops, and laundry, three thousand five F M1- hundred dollars. . ` For postage and tclcgrams, three hundred dollars. Postage, station- For stationery, blank-books, paper, envelopes, quills, steel pens, p01r <>W»&¤· oils, mucilzngo, wax, and ink, six hundred dollars. For transportation of materials, discharged cadets, and fcrriagcs, one Tmnspowmciou. thousand eight, hundred dollars. For printing-typo, materials fonofxicc, diplomas for graduates, regis- Pfi¤fi¤2· tors, and blanks, seven hundred dollars. ~ · For compensation of pressmzm and litbogmpber, one hundred dollars. For clerk to disbursing officar and quarbormasner, one thousand six Clerks. hundred and fifty dollars. For clerk to adjutanc, one thousand five hundred dollars. For clerk to treasurer, one thousand iiva hundred dollars. For department of instruction in mathematics, namely: For repairs pnpmtmoutofiu. of instruments, iifby dollars; tex;-books and stationery for instructors, struction. thirty dollars. _ For department of artillery, cavalry, mud infantry tactics, namely: Tactics. For tan-bzxrk for riding·hall and gymnasium, three hundred dollmys; repairing camp-stools, tents, and camp-fumit;um, fifty dollars; Hoouug and mans, apparatus, and repairs of gymnasium, tivo hundred dollars; clock and furniture for chica of commuudzmt: of cadets, seventy-tim dol- Iars; stationery for use of instructor and assistants, one hundred dolh·s; foils, gloves, masks, fencing-jackets, and repairs, two hundred ollars. For department of civil and military cngiucgringz For models,, C§vi1 wpd military repairs of instruments, text-books, books of refé1rc11ce>, and sba.t10u01‘y ¤¤s’¤¤¢<>¤¤s:· ibr use of instructors, five hundred dollars. · . For department of chemistry, mirnemlogy, and geology: For chem- Chomistry,&c. G icals, includiugcbomiem apparatus, glass and porculu.iu ware, paper, wiro and shcct metal and ores, had phutogmplxic umtoriuls, uiuc hundred dol-