Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/922

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892 xunsux. Page. Page. Comptroller of 0urr•mcy—Continued. Congress-Continued. to issue circulating notes not exceeding, &o., distribution of bound volumes of Statutes at “’ ““E"$§““"i““* it "*“€f’ "’“" ”’°'.’2“°` as TE ez; 1 nr u-` my.; “"‘ ries a n css eir ropo ion copicso v' . u so e is ue with Secretary 0% the Treasury, go fix com- to membersof the present; number of penaiption of I·‘reedma.n’s Savings- 13 Icgpieg ., . .,.1..% . { kg · 329 Bam commissioners . 2 repec. o acimo ore ec ion o recompensagponl of bank examiners, when to 329ientgtlives groin California for Fogty- 48 be .. . . . ou . when S00I‘6:i13I'§’ of Cgreasury to Hx on rec- `330 electiofnl ofelgzpmseptativescto Fgrty-Fourth, 78 ommen ation 0 ...--. . ... . . om erms vauia, imo 01: .. ... salary of . . . . . ... . ... . 398 from Mississippi, to Forty-Fourth, time for. 116 of odipers, clerks, and employes in Omcggs 399 of mdi;piona1‘ Rtelprgseptativm to, from ul o .. . . . , a alma, me o o .. . . Comptrollera of the W, rate of postage on public documents mailed appropriations for pay , and for clerks, doc., by members of .. . ... ... . 237 in offices of. . . . - ,. ... .. 91, 350 public documents, how certified by mem- First and Second, to constitute a·boar<l to bersof ..,. ..,., .,.. ..- .. . 237 examine xand audit the accounts of actions against officers of, for acts done in C d %e District of Columbia . . . 118-119 of official duty, Jw., how 401 cmu , ner, A _ e en ... _ ... .,... ,... claim of, allowed by commissioners 597 removal of suit, withholding execution, Cowscntrated Mclada, payment of judgment, by whatformer shall be hereafter classed as sugar, dutiable acts governed .. . .. . . 401 according to oo1or,by Dutch standard. 340 defense to be under of Attorney- Conccntralcd Molaaaes, General -; ...-,. ..,-.. .. 401 additional duty on . . . ... .. 340 Congressional Cemetery, Concrete, appromiiaation for monuments inytodeceased shall hereafter be classed as sugar, dutiablo prosentatives ..- " .,.. 376 according to color, by Dutch standard. 340 Congressional Directory, . Condemned Ca/nnon, see Cannon, 4-0., appropriation for comp ,, -.,,_.. ..204, 345 granted to various associations . - . . 55, 200, 506 Congressiemal Documents, 860 H6 Dlwfnvlh. Condon, Sarah M., two sets of,to beeompleted by Idbrarim of ' claim of, allowed by commissioners . . . . 650 Congress . . -.. . .- . . . 209 Cocfederatcd Iwbca a Bemis of India/rw in Mid- certain in charppof Secretary of Senate d dle Oregon, Clerk of ouee, may betrannlorreduto appropriation for payment of installments Librarian . .. ,.. ;;.. ,.._._.,.. 209 C jk to .. . . . . . - ... . -153, 428 Congreambnagl Libérary, see Ihrary of Congress. on cation, appropria 'on or. . .. ..;,..88-89, 347 provisions conceming, intreaty with Peru.- 712 Oemgrcaaional Printer, see Public Printer, . in treaty with Salvador . . .. -.. . . 738 appropriations lo: oomco of. .,4 ,..`,_ .. , , ,., 88, 347 Conjisoation of Merchandise, not to be deemed an olilcer of the §enate laws providing for the, of entire invoices after vacanc occurs .. ._. ,... 88 when items undervalued, repealed. .. 188 title chan ed to Prgiiic Printer.,.. L., . ..,., 88 Congress, Congressional Rewrd, · appropriations for reporting debates and appropriations for printing the debates and proceedings of . . . 5, 145, 345,403 proceedings of Congress in. ,.,., .. ,204, 371 for printing and binding for both House;04 371 for o erk tic keep; account: of5R; .k1... 223 o . » . .-¤. .. . ... , se arate an exac ncconn in " 0 exfor lithographing for .. . . ...-’.. .204, 371 P penditures for the, to be kept by Con- Ior lithographing, mapping, &c., for . 204 gressional Printer . . . . . .Q. .. 288 for publishing laws of the Forty-third.- .90, 349 amounts expended for, to be lpublished sepano expensive maps or illustrations to be rately in annual repo . . 228 printedwithout special order of .. 204 to be earned in mail free, under frank of repeal oi law increasing compensation of member of Congress &.c , . .. ... , 343 members of ,. . .. 4 rate of postage on copies ot, mailed as tran- ¤ salary and allowances of members of, estab-sient matter ., . . ._,.. 257 lished .. . ... 4 Public Printer maopeprint extracts from, on certain moneys not drawn, &c., to be cov- pigment th or .. ..., ,,,,,, g,..,. 347 ered into the Treasury . . . - . . 4 Connaaut, Mo,` " ‘ f _ ‘ not exceeding $42,000 to be paid for report- approprtation for improving harbor at;;Z`,388, 457 . inghpéoceedings of each House for Connecticut, mm f 0- _ ‘ ih .’ $18 219 eac on ress. . . . . ...,. 5 a ropria' s or _ ia;. , pay for reporgng proceedings of, to be plogt-roads establi£l:.£hiu .. ._..;,,2..,;,,%7; 487 $50,000 for each Congress . . .. 145 Connecticut Hiatorical Society, ,· _ . debates of, to be printed under direction of papers of Silas Deane,im be delivered {33,});* - J oint Committee on Public Printing. . 5 Secretary of the Treasury..,. ._.,,é,, g 233 each Hopse of,hmay employ an Ipperator for Connecticut { · te egrap conuectin epartments appropriation im royingu ,,, .`..:,.Qf,;B41., 460 and Capitol . ... g... _, 14 0onner,U’a1us M., J- ,‘*j` ' assent of, .given to Kesheua Improvement claimo£estate0fWest1ey 4 Company to improve Wolf River W commissioneri":. J5_;,'; 2..2... ii.650 through Menomonee Indian reserve- Conner, cathy P., _ tion, &,c. . . . 6 claim of estate oi', allowed by commissionacts and resolves of each session of, to be ers .. .. ,;. .,,.-.',..,-., -, 650 distributed to certain officers, &c., at Gomwlly, R. A., ’ _ * close of sessions in pamphlet form --113-114 appropriation for payment to . ... . . . . . 408