Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/932

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902 x INDEX. Dejicwnoy Appropriations Continued.Dq/Money Appropriations-Continued. Pam Treasury Department, Robert B- Lacey. . . . .. 410 expenses of,&c., notional our- Dudley Observatory at Albany.! .. 410 reney . 137,407 claims for expenses in suppressing Incemmissions to collectorsef customs .- 137 dian hostilities in Montana.. . 410 achiusting internal-revenue accounts. . - 137 Dempsey & 0’Toolo . . . 411 · si ewelk on Fifteenth street .. 407 harbor of New Castle, Del ... .. 411 furniture and repairs . . .. . . 407 back pay of Army . - . - . . - - 415 stationery .. . . . ... . . . . 407of volunteers - . - .. . . . . - . 415 Jemes S. Deen .. .. 407 bounty tovolunteers ... ... 415 advertising for rations for revenue- subsistence stores for 1871 and 1872..415, 416 vessels . . . . 407 superintendent of Subsistence Departtmnsportntion of securities .. . 407 ment building .. ..- . .. . .. 416 National Bank-Note Company .. . . . 407 Army clothing _ - . .. . . . . . - - . 416 Adams Express Company . . 4 . ... . . 407 pure of horses forcavalry and artilclies, paper and stamps for Internal lery .. .. 416 Bevenmlsepuhneut -... ..-. 407 stoves . . . . . ... -... 416 internal-revcnne oilcors and service 414 claim of Oregon and Washington Terri- E. Boyd Pendleton. . ; . 415 tory volunteers . ... . . 417 prosecution of internal-revenue ofenscs 415 settlement of claims ... Z .. 417 Independent Treasury, Arlnly contingencies - .. 417 for s¤fe·keeping, transfer, c., of pub- su stence o odlcers .L . .. 417 lie moneys .. .-.. .- 134,406 medical and hospital supplies . 417 designated depositories .. 134, 405,409 exgxenses at arsenals . . . ... 417 contingent expenses .. ...- ..:. 134 or ence stores und sugplies , 417 topey Charles Clinton, assistant trees- suplport ci ireedmen an refugees . 417 urcr ct New Orleans .. . . 134 bu1 dings at Ssn_An1¤mio .. . .. 1 418 to repay assistant treasurer at Philadel- .Nuvy Department, ‘ phia for loss on unparted gold bar. .. 406 ·N¤vsl Observatory ... ‘. 411 mints and assay otllccs, _ clothing Navy . .. . . . . 411 Director of Mint, salary hom April 1, MST1DOOC10S  ;. ... 411 1873, to July 1, 1874 . . ... 134 Francis Son a . .. _ . .,... . .. 411 examiner of mint, salary ot ... . 134 Interior Department, - loss in recoinege .. .. . . . .. . 134 Navy pensions .. L ..-. ,.-.142, 411 mint at Philadelphia -. ... 134, 406 Army pensions . . . . 139 mint at San Francisco... .. . ... 134, 406 salaries of deputy commissioner of pen. mint at Carson, Nevada .. -- . . 134, 406 ‘ B101I medical referee, and surgeons, 142

2 say-odlce at New York .134, 406 John W. {Wright for rent, , ,,,...,.,.. 142, 409

, assay-oliioe, Boise City ... ... . 134, 407 commissioners to ascertain value of cerincidental smcl contingent expenses of tain lands in Iowa, uy of . 142 mints and essay-omces .. 135 _ Soldiers' and Sa.ilors’ 8rpha.ns’ Home, » Alexander Rossi, as asseyer .. . .. . . 135 District of Columbia. . 142 freight on bullion aud coins .. .. J. . 406 Livingston & Schram .. 143 transportation on bullion and trade-doL - Hu.yden’n survey ... ; . , ,.,, , , , , `, , ,Q 143 lars. . .-,. .. . ... 406 Government Hospital for Insane in Dispublic bulldings, ‘ . mot ot Columbia,. 143 court-house and post·oEloe at Omaha.. 408 Columblalnstitution!o1·Dee.tandDumb, at _India.ns.p0lis . . . . 187, 408 District of Columbia _, . 143 custom-house sand post-oiiloe at Port- bronze statue of Jeferson . . 143 1end, oreg.._ ... .\ . . . . 408 Capt. J ames L. Fisk, of Montana, ,,,.. 143 furnishing custom-house at Milwaukee. 408 pedestal for statue to General Jolm A. at Boston .. ..., . 408Rawlings ... ... . . . 143 · · st 'Tcledo . .. 408 Zebulon B. .. . -. . . 141 post—o£fice at Boston .. .. . . 408 distribution of ocuments, .,.,.,,,_,__ -41], old mi,ut-building at Sen Francisco ‘ 408 public lands, · lot of lansdégi, and furniture for court- surveying in Kansas .,1, ,. 142 house _ -post-oilloe at, Columbia, in Minnesota. -.-.. .. .;...1.. 142 ‘ 8.9 ... -¤--._ .. .. 408 ’ _ in Oregon.  :...;.142,411 repairs of cust0m·hq¤se ond public in New Mexico. - . - . -- 411 store et Newport, R. 1, . . .. 408 in Washington ... · ‘.; .. - 411 vaults sefcs;&.o..`{...L... ..-.. 408 · . `iu Dakota.-.., ... . .-.. ;..·.·.. 411 fuel, Hights, &¤ .-.· ·-., . .- _ 408 in Montana ... .£.;..*.L-i.;... 411 tore-imburseSa.nFrnucisoofcrign;greve~ in Utah -. .. '. L.; -.;. ;... r-.. 411 ment of streets, dsc .. {L:.'.; -1.;-. 409 in Nevada,,,,,,, ,_,,,, ____;.f_; ,;,,·,_ 41] War Department, ‘· _ ‘ ‘ office of surveyor-general in Cs1i£c1•nie:142, 411 quartermcstefs‘supplies;,..-.‘.-., . 137, 416 · · Washington Territory ..., ;..’. ::..;.142, 411 incidental expenses .. ... .1.3137, 409, 416 Louisiana .. . , .,,,.. ·..;..;J.. 142 ‘ transportation of the Army, &,c,,no psy- Oregon ... - , , , . ; . 142, 411 ment to certain railroayls. ..L.·..‘ 138, 416 closing accounts of receivers "of public . — and quarters. ..`J..` ... Z . ..138, 416 moneys acting as disbursing egentsn 417 ‘ srgna.1—serv1oe-‘. - ,- . . - L . ;.`.L . . 138, 410 samries, &.c., of registers and receivers. . 417 Benn Pitman, for copying record of Indian service, . · ‘ ‘ Buell court of inquiry.,..-. 139 incidental expenses cf, in California. .. 141 military Edson board . . . . . . 139 in Dakota .. ...1 141 John B. ugene lieutenant volunteers. 407 in Montana :. .'.‘...L.`.·;;:i. . r. . . 141, 412 subsistence of the Army ... 410 in Nevada..-.·.~-.¤. ...-; L. 141 disabled. volunteers in national homes. 410 in New Mexico. . . 4., . . L. . . . .. 141