Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/939

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INDEX. 909 . . p District of COZumbia~Continucd. um District of C'olumbia»—Contiuuod. PMB commlssmncrs, _ _ to receive ue additional compensation 117 three persons to be appointed by the Prem- not to be deemed to holdts civil office 117 -d<>¤*>_¤¤<1 Scnutc -----· - ----- - ------- 116 joint select committee, to eiroreise powers heretofore vested in to consist of two Senators appointed by - governor and bozml ot public works Presi<1ing0filcer of Senate and two °X°¤P§, Gw -··--- -; - 1-- - -: ..·-.. .. 116 Representatives appointed bySpc:xkor 118 to be subject to restrictions imposed on to prepare s suitable frame ot governgovernor or board .. 116 ment and draught of statutes to carry to apply taxes or other revenues of Dis- it into effect. . . ... . . 118

  • ¤°*, hvw, -·-- · ···--- ~ ·---- · ---··-· 116 to report some to Congress on in-st dey of

to mkg possession and supervision of ul] next session .,,, _ .,, __,,__ _ _____ ___ _ 118 0f11C8s, books, papers, moneys, credits, to prepare und submit to Congress statc- — dce,, belonging to District. . . 116 ment of proportion of expenses to be restrictions upon, in making contracts. -. 110 borne by District and by United not to anticipate taxes by sole or hypothe· States . .' .,.. 118 cation . _ . . . .. . . . . .. . . 116 muy employ ussistouee ut expense not to may abolish, consolidate, &c., offices, and exceed $5,000 . . . . 118* make appointments to and removals uppropriatiou for . 118 · from cmce  : . 116 board of uudlt, to reduce compensation of officers ond First und Second Comptrollere of Trcascmployés, except in schools and fire- ury constituted u . .. 118 department, twenty per cent,. ._. 117 to examine and audit for settlement eerto reduce, adjust, and equalize salaries of tain unfunded or fleeting debt of Disotllcers nucl employes, payable out of triet or board of public works.. 118-119 fjmds of ·---·-...·..·. . . 505 olnims for damages for improvements to sulsnes not to be changed from standard be severally audited und exnmincd iixed by act of June 20, 1874 . . .. 376 without regard to any other examineosth of office of .. . . . ... 117 tion .. . . . . . . .. .. 119 to give bonds ...‘ . . .. . ... 117 to make detailed uml tubular statements compensation of, to be $5,000 per annum. 117 of claims presented, poisons owning process may be served on any one of, in same, ond amount due on each . . 119 suits against the District. . , 117 tubular statement of funded debtof Disto signervise end direct officer of Engineer trict of Columbia and cities ot Washorps, dsc .. .- . . 117 ington and Georgetown, of every kind assent of, necessary to appointment of whatever .. ... .. . .. .. . . . 119 engineers from civil lite by engineer to ascertain undmnke tabulated statement oilieer .. .. . . . . . . 117 of amount of sewer-taxes paid .. 119 to execute deeds conveying property sold to issue to each claimant cortiticu.te of for taxes. . 118, 419, 502 amount iound due, &.e - . 119 to psy accountants and assistants of to keep end report to Congress register of board of audit .. . . . . 120 certiticates, &o .. . x . 110 luxe! and Nsvclllllts, to report to Congress amount equitably mx to be 1evied,to refund appropriation c srgeeble to street-ruilwny compefor payment of teachers ,... 32 nies for pavement along trucks, &c.. 119 assessed and due prierto June 20, 1874, to excmine and audit accounts of the euhow`to be collected . 116 clitor and treasurer of the board of tax-levy for yeur ending June 30, 1875 117 public works, and auditor, treasurer, amendment M mt.; _,.,.. , ... 419 collector, end comptroller of District not imposing taxes on rcul und personal of Columbia . _ . .. 119 property in, for support ofJgoveru- to lmve_power to subpcnne witnesses, udment oi, for year ending une 30, min1stcroetl1s,exumino witnesses un- 1876 ..,.,.. . ... 501-505 der oath .. . -.- .. 119 taxes collected, how to be depositodund to have occess to all books, records &e., dmwpout ,,,,.,,,,,.. . _ 505 of bourd of public works or of Dis- · uct or August 10, 1871, of legislative as- triet of Columbian . . ..---..-.--. 119 sembly of, as tosssessment for special shell procure inspection of such bunk impmvgmqutg, amended ,,. ..,... 505 books, &c., es may be necessary . 119 no property to be advertised or sold for muy employ accountants and assistants, gqwgymxgg __ ___, ,, _,,, _,,,,, _.,,.,. 120 51,0 .. .: . . ... 119 further issue of certificates of, prohib- duties and oath of uceouutunts _ 120 ited . , . . 120 to give notice for presentation of clanms. 120 0 dll0B!' to audit no claims not presented within egcs: oi lhigliieer Corps to be appointed ninety ¢lnys_0f notice .. ,- ... 120 by President and Senate 11*7 to report to President, to be by hun trousto be subject to general supervision und mitted to Congress. -..- . ._ ... 120 direction of commissioners .. 117 to receive each $2,000 for services-. ., I .. . 120 gmcmj duties of ______ _ _____ _ ___________ 117 time extended for reeslvnng unclsuclitiug, to have possession of and keep &c., all by board of audit,` of cer-tum classes r instruments, books, records, mups 0 claims- ----- _ ·--- · ----- · -----·-··· ow., belougingto office of engineer oil bocrd of audit continued. , .. oz.! boar;] of public wppkg ________ _ _____ 117 time fm- ppgggmting qlmiyig before, ex- ru to keep certsiu records required by regu- tended . . .. ._- .. _ .. , , . .>.2J lation of commissioners . '117 jurisdiction of suits involving title to may appoint, with consent of commission- cleims novrpending not uifectecl .- .2 . 523 ers, two assistent engineers from civil certificate to issueto successful party in _ ]ifo,, ___, , ,_,,,,,, ,, ,,,, __, ____ ,,_, 117 guitw ____ _ ________ ,,, _____t__.,____ u23