Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/944

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914 mnnx. rage _ _ _ · P=»s<>· Embezzlmrwnt—Continncd. Engmeer.9, Cornmwswn cj, _ knowingly, &c., receiving, &c., property to be appointed to investigate and report of United States, embezzled, &c . 479 plan for reclamation of alluvial hasm receiver triablo before or after conviction of Mississippi River, see C0mmw.s·z0n of principal .. . . ..-. 479 of Engmeera . .. . . .. .. 199 Employee of the United States, see Ojiieors and Engineers on_Stcam-Vessels, Emplgyég, certain aliens may be licensed to serve ns.. 30 repeal of law giving increased compensation Engine-House, _ _ _ to cgptgju ______ _ ____, _ _______,,___, 4 on Gapite1Hi11, appropriation for erection of. 214 Enemy Property, England, Edward, _ _ provisions concerning, in the treaty with claim of, allowed by commissioners . . . . 640 Peru ,,· _,,, , ,__,,,,.. , . . 707 Engraving, _ _ in treaty with Salvador .-.. . 732 appropriations for plates illustrating goo- Enforeement Acts, graphical, &o., surveys, &c, . . . .224, 374 appropriations for expenses incurred in exc- Engraving and Litlwgraphmg, eution of . . . . . . 206, 373 for Medical and Surgical History of the War, Engineer Corps of the Army, how may be executed. . .. . . . 224 appropriations for office of Chief Engineer. 100, 361 “Engraving," “Cut," and "I·'rmt," - officer to be detailed from, to have charge, application of words in copyright-act .. 79 &c., of improvements in the District Enlisted Men-, _ of Columbia .,.. . .  » .. . . . . 117 employed in War Department to be retained three officers of, to be assigned on board of asfar as, &,e. .._. .._ .. . ... 101 commissioners to investigate and re- to be placed on civil _11st, &c - . .. .:.. 101 port plan for reclamation of alluvial of certain companies in Texas to receive basin of the Mississippi River .. . 199 clothing in lieu of that lost by them two officers of, to be assigned on board to in suppressing a fire -..._ 287 make survey of month of Mississippi in War Department may be continued as River .. . ... 244 clerks and messengers -. ... 360, 361 officer of, to be detailed as member of board Enlistment, Navy, to determine strength and value of petty officers, &e.,to be sent home after exiron, steel, &c., for constructive and piration of, unless, &c . ... .. 484 mechanical purposes . . . ... .399, 400 discharge of, in foreign port in certain Engineer Depot, cases .. .. .. . ... . 484 at Willett’s Point, appropriation for .. 74, 454 subject to regulations after expiration of, Engineer in charge of Public Buildings and when . . . . . . . 485 Grounds, additional pay of, after expiration, &e... 485 tohavo control of telegraph-lines eonncctin g Enlistmen is in the General Service, Capitol and Departments .. . 14 of the War Department, no new, to be made. 101 to make rules for operating same . ..- 14 Enrollment and Dkzcnse, to approve location and points of• interscc- of vessels navigating waters of United tion of lateral branch of the Baltimore States . . . ... 30 and Ohio Railroad in the District of certain canal, boats employed on internal Columbia ., .- .. 84 waters exempt from ,. .. 3i to approve the route of the Washington Enrolhrwnt and Equqnping, City and Point Lookout Railroad Com- 274 appropxgatmns for troops for the defense of pan . . .. . t c nited States durin the late inand of their tunnel and crossing near the surreetion .,.. _, ..,. € , .. ,,. 224, 390 P-street bridge over Rock Creek 275 Ensor, John {Z1, et al., Engineer Officer, suretics of David L. Stanton, released from detailed for the District of Columbia, to liabilities, &e ,,,_,, _ _,__, _ _________ 419 'have same power as engineer of board Entry of Merchandise, of public Works ..·-·· - ---·------·.. 117 none to be made without certined invoice to be subject to the general supervision of or aifidavit, accounting for absence the commissioners . . . . . . 117 of invoice ____ _ _______,, _ __,,___,, _ _ 133 to take possession and preserve all instru- what to be shown in affidavit ... 188 ments pertaining to said office . .. 117 attempting to make by false invoices, papers, · to take possession of, preserve, and keep, all letters, statements, &c., penalty . 188 maps, charts, &,c., pertaining to the forfeiture by, of merchandise,. . . 188 DQS0f10F ···----~· -- - - - 1- -- -·---- .. . . 117 what other merchandise to be seized as to keep in books records required, &e .. 117 security for fines, &c., incurred by.. . 188 may, with advice and consent of eommis- release on bond of merchandise seized as * giquers, appoint ’{·,w0 assistant gngi- security, &(;, ,,,_, ,_ , _,,, . . . _ _____,, 188 neers . . . . . . . .. . . 117 Envelopes, to receive no additional compensation for appropriations for stamped .. . 144, 231,342 his services . . . . ... . 117 for official, &e .. . . . .. . . 232, 342 not to be deemed as holding a civil office none furnished by the Government to connnder the United States.. .. 117 tain any lithographing, &c .. .. . 231 Engineer Opicers in Navy, Eowoys Extraordinary, scc Diplomatic and Conehange of titles of certain . . . . 17 sular Ojteera, one to' be detailed as member of board to appropriations for salaries of.;.:-. ,... 66, 321 (]gt(·,]~;Diy](3 gfqpgpgfh g,“(1 vgh]0 of i1-;);), gg,];],]~j3g of _ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 483 steel, &c., for constructive and me- . Envoys, — _ chamccl purposes .. . ... 390, 400 privileges of, in treaty with Peru .. .. . . 712 Evguwcrs, Beard cj _ in treaty with Salvador . 740 to be appointed to make survey of month of - Equalization-, Mississippi River ...,... . . . . 244 of pensions in certain eases . . . . . . . . 61