Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/978

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948 _ INDEX. Page. Page. Lands, Pu0uc—Continued. ‘ p _ » Lands, 1’ubIie—Continue<l. , _ ~ _ rights of homestead, preemption, or act to ascertain posscssory I'.lg1ll2S_Qf.¥Illd·j , other claimants not atiected. . . . . 982 sou’s Bay Compauy,&c.,‘witbin limits · Arkansas ·Valley Railroad Company of award made by Emperor of Ger- ‘ granted right of. way through .. 27 4 many, see British Suyects ,- . 129-130 width of grant . .. r...- ... 274 certain jnformal eutriesof, under homeland for station-buildings, &c . 274 stead laws legalized, ... _. , 192-193 may take timber and material from pub- adverse rights not impaired . -.. . 193 lic domain L. . . . 274 rightsand title of UnitedSAtatcs to certain, _ - - site of Fort Houston, portion of,grani.e<l to in Saginaw River, Mich., relinquished Fisk University in Tennessee .. . 276 , to riparian.ownci·s, , -.. ., 198 right of way, &e., on, granted to Oregon 11ot,to allbct, rights of Stephen Mar~ Central Pacino Railway _Co1npany .. . 300 _ ston ,. . ,.. . . .,: ,. .,- ... .. . . 198 right of way, &.c.,‘ through, granted to 1mu·in_e-hospital at Pittsburgh, Pa.,preseut Daniel P. Holland, proprietor of Jack- site of, to be sold“a¤d new sito to be sonville, Pensacola and Mobile Rail- purchased .. . ... 199 road, for construction of raihoad dw. 509 appropriation,. of, ,£0l` certain fractional s actual settlers who have paid for lands J , townships in Missouri for school-pur; within limits of grants ·to railroads ’ .,poses , . ·. .. .; .. ., . 202 Iorfcited to United States by Iailiup . , to be selected hy Commissionerof Gento build road entitled toentcr unoc— · . ·era1Land·Office, how . .. ‘ 20:2 eupied lands, &c ~ -.,. ...»i.». .. . 519 . to be held by the same tenure as other ri ghtof way through, and to takematcrials sehooldands 202-203 from, granted to railroads ineorpo- time, for redemption of lands sold for di- - rated by States, ’l‘erritories, or United rect taxes extended .. 252 ‘ States .. . . . . . . . . 4H;! sale of unredceiued lands suspended for ` Homestead uml_Pre-cmption, two years ... L .. . . 252 disposscssed occupants .0f, to have sv hat purchase of certainland at-Fort Hamilton, rights and remedies i11 certain cases. 50 N. Y., eoniirmed 276-277 extension oftimeto pre-emptors in Miuuo- · title of United States to certain 1I.\8.YHll— , sota for making iinal proof and pay- land in Sheboygan County,Vt’isconsiu, A ment . . .. . . . ... 52 granted to owners abutting on and settlers on lands in Minnesota and Iowa draining same. t.. .. 293 _ invaded by g1`&BSll0p170l'S,ll1 1873, al- sales of, in Dalles district, in Oregon 295 ‘ lowodto leave lands until May 1, 1675 81 title of United States to certain, in Pima no adverse rights to attach t ... Ul · County, Arizona, relinquished to cerlike exemption to settlers of 1874 .. Sl " tain occupants ... . . . . .. ., ..., _ -. . . 305 homestead and pre-emption settlers ou, prneee•,lin gs to determine iightsof claim- » whose crops were destroyed by grass- · ‘ ants...;.. .. .-.,’.» .. . 305 hoppers in 1874 allowed to be absent, claims to be tiled within what time :105 &e .. . . . ... 294 _ not to extend to any * reservation of · adverse rights not to attach during ab- United States, ner prcjudiee adverse sence .. .L¤... .-.. . . 294 ri;;ht ... , . r-..., . ., ... 806 time for iinal proof and payincnt extended 294 when title is determined, survcyor·gen— lnisccllnncolls, °· · oral to cause claims, to be surveyed, · release of title of United States to certain, &c .. . ...¢.. t- ... ;.. 306 in Missouri, to heirs of Moses Austin. 16 patents to issue . _ . . -, . . 306 adverse titles not affected . '. . . 16 parts not shown to have been occupied . sitzooi oldlight-station atNyattPoint to be to be open to pre-cmption or homewithhold from sale .. . . L . 18 stead settlement .. . . - . . . 306 act to encourage the growth of timber on occupants for less than twenty years to . . western prairics, see ]l7IlI)(!7'—L¢Uld8.. . 21, 2:2 have priority of rights. . . .., :306 certain, in Laramie County, Wyo1i1iiig,rc— disclaimer of title to unappropriated, by served for watenreservoir for city of people of Colorado .. 475 Cheyenne - ... . ...,. 25 in Colorado, not to be taxed . . 475 release of title of United States to portion appropriation of, to Colorado for several of Rose Hill Cemetery in Tennessee. 33 purposes .. . . . ... , 475 extension of time for work on mining· of 5 per cent. of proceeds of sales of., . 476 claims .. . .. 61 · desert-lands in Lassen County, California., in Missouri, title of United States to cer- to be entered by citizens reclaiming ‘ tain private laud·elaims released to · same by irrigation . ... ..,; . , 407 holders of equitable titles. .. 62 steps to be taken, proof of reclamation. 497 valid rights and interests not aifccted. 62 desert-lands deiined .. . ., .. 497 Secretary of Interior may discontinue Secretary of Interior to withdraw from oftice of recorder of land—titlcs deliv- sale, &c., one hundred and sixty acres, ci-ing records, maps, &e., to State 62 included within limits occupied by State to provide for safe-keeping and Holy Cross Mission, Dakota. . 519 free access to books, maps, records, to convey said lands to Holy Cross Mis- &c . . .. 62 sion . ... 519 · Commissioner thereafter to perform du- Lands Reserved for Public Use, ‘ itcs of recorder .· .. . . ... 62 cutting or destroying trees on, of the United Wight street, Detroit, may be widened States, punishment -. .. . 481 through marine-hospital mounds 82, 83 destroying fences, walls, &c., inclosing, sale of propertyhelonging to so diers’ home punishment ., _ _____,_____ _ _____ {B1 at Harwdsburgh, Ky . .. .. . . 83 driving cattle, &c., into, punishment ..,... 482 Del Norte land-officettghat proofs and en- Lana, James P. and Merida A., tries to be made ui .. . .. . 12*2 claim of, allowed by commissioners.. . . 652