Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/980

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‘ 950 mnmx. . .Page. , _ Page. , Legal Rights, , . · .» _` · _ _ ‘ Legislative, Qc., Fkcpcmes-Cpntmued._ · . act mprotect :1.11 citizens in then civil and,] - addgtionul force required fox; uewbmldsee Civil Rights...- ;z::"S?t'C”f‘3*..t3”35-337 j ing.,.. . ... ..;*2 . . 349 LegaI—T<mdor Nom, . _ publication of the Inws. .. . 90, 349 redemption of, 111 excess of three hundred _ proof-rezndmg, stamonery, books, maps, millions, upon issue ofiincreused cir- . &0. ··----... e ..·- p -··.--- 90, 349 - culution to national banks, in ratio eontingent expenses, rent, fue], &,c 90, 340 ‘ of 80 per: cent ...,... . - ,- ._ . ..,... 296 hthegmphing .. . . . . . . 90, 349 redemption of, in coin, after J amuary 1, _ official postase . , . 90, 349 1879 . .. . .; . 296 , _ . editing, &c., laws and statutes 4... 349 U00,_Edwm‘d - _ _ · Treasury Department, Dctrniin of, allowed by commissioners 638 Secretary, mg?? €]81iksi{&z _ ___90, 349 .¤·>·1·»¤·} of ¤<>¤¤¤1¤#·-·‘· ·-··--·- . ·-·-------·· 60 c?::;:£ii;€¤, cftsnmfég . mj asc Lv11M·»¢iv<=, EM·¢¢v¤, wl J¤~M¤lF¤1»¤»¤¢¤, · i Commissioner or customs, clerks, &c..s>1,2w deiicieucy appropriations for . 133-146 Auditors, clerks) gw ________ ____g1,gg’·35g, gm appropriations for, for years ending June BQ MSM-mm of Ij0“-0m,,B m(m6y.m~d6m_ _ _ gg Sc 182;:1,11d June 30, 1876 .. 85-111, $43-370 }{·m¤Sg·0r’las£gstg;1:, clerks, &c ____ Bné, na ‘ .. . . , [my SI15. mileage of Senators. ., . 85, 344 _ C§£;tr:g]&:;f the Currency, clerks, &w_92, 351 of °m°°¥`¤» &°·: of S°¤“°»-·¥ ·-·-· ·85‘86·344 withdrawing n0tes·0f national banks KMB D¤d¤<>¤ —··-~-----·--· ~ ·-··------- 86.344 which have tm couuterfeited nz 8mm0D9f? mid l\0W$P¤·P°1`¤¤· -··---···· 86·‘345 special examination of national banks.92, 351 - clerks to committees, and pages .. . 86, 345 Ljg·ht.H0usG Bond ______._____________ g3_ 3;,2 _ horses and mail-wagons . .. 86, 345 Bureau of Statistics__. ___· gg 35Q · ¤¤i¤¤¤11=w¤<»¤¤ ¤=<1»¤¤¤¤¤¤-:-- ·--------- -·86» 345 stationery forDep1u·tment ¤{¤Idi2£rHié¤ZfiéZ93’ 352 Cl'0p0IiJi¤g debates . . . . . . 5, 145, 345 Ogjcm] Postage ____ _ _ _ _; _ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ 93: 352 upitol police ‘ * t' t ... 9 2 353 pay 0; c6ice§si¥rivzt¤s, anid wutalzémeéx.86, 345 ilssgrzgzn r;?;;:;, , 93* 4* 35 · ‘”"’ SAK'?} scullk ¤3‘3?HE§S£.-`}T'. .%,6, 345 °¤¤~;;g;¤ig;;,;{;Sdggg*i¤¤» *¤·=¤¤¤ 0* dim-,,, ,,5, H muse of Representatives, dm 9;* Br mh Bti; { ‘····· · ······ 93· 551 pay gmc} mileage of Representatives snag); Q Y mmhgs gu:] expenses (1; f —é6ilé&L;_é ·-—- Q3; 35;, eegates. . , . .4.; 4 ·. , ‘'‘' ’ " Hof otiilgers, {hc., of Hpuse. ..,. 87-88, °f£é‘P°"*°°”» 8t°*'°·k°?P°Y$», ¤S°P‘*¤»93 352 ~¤*>* wg M —----—·— ‘ -- ----—- · —···· #4 1 mt;1;"Aa"‘ ;;fir}.L"e‘ `° ’ clerks to committees and pa, es- ..88, 346, 347 ( ° . 3 u B · °° ° 9919, }°°° . mmug ao¤um¤m..Z ... { ... ,88,247 °* ’“”°’““£’°"°““° 1““’°·r ··:~ ···· °“• 3** horses and msil·wu,g0ns ... 88, 347 '!NK€P€¤d¢||¢·T!Q!S¤fY» ‘ I fuel, furniture, and repztirs 88, 347 °m°° of mistmt tmwmr **7* · __ pqcking—b0xes_ and cartage .. . . 88, 347 NGW York---: --q ·;·-···->···,---»-~ ·--- ~·9§» $55*3

  • —m1sce11aueous1tems.. ..‘..;.,..88,347 B0¤t0§— ·--- _ ~·-·¤--;--¤··-·»·-_ ··--·- -9·>,3g3

nizvspapers mul stationery .. . . 88, 347 §jE;I3~;1!;3;i{;>° --·----····- · ····--· --g§» pu I c printing , . . ·--·-·= , ---- e ······- · ---- ·>»_ pay og Cengressimaual Printer, clerks,88 347 _§*;$té§;?§é ------·--··· , · -··~·· r -·-· dg: · an messenver., . . ... -. , _ —···--··-·-·· - ~·-· — ··-· — Lcontingcnt expgnscs of office .. 88, 347 _ Egggglgign ~· ·-·· q-- · e ·• --·- -, ·--·-·- gg ihrar of Congress , ,-··~·· - —··-· · ·-—-- — -—--· --. » J pay of {dbrariau and assistants . .. 88, 347 (;!U°?·£° · -_- · --·- · · ···--- · · -·-·-· - · - - 96, 354 purchase of books and periodicals .. 88, 347 Pmcmnati · g ···· ~ ·--· · - - · ·- e -·--·- - 96, 355 exchange of public documents . ,88-89, 347 °m°° 9f f19D0mm?? ***7* contingent egpenses"-., .. .- .. 89, 347 {;$;u*iV1u‘k- ----···-····~·-·--··--- Z 99 copymglnt-business . ... 89, 347 * ts WK ---·-- - -·•-• · ·--···· - ·--- 96, 350 Botanic Garden, _ §?”**’· F6--:-- -‘-··· - --··- · ·-··-· ··--96» 3§5 improvement and purchase of trees and 1,“°s°“r Arm · · ~:·· ~, ··--— _--:- ~··- -··96w3°5 struts, its , . . . .. , ..,. 89, 347 d<>¤¤g¤=~tq<i <1<>p¤¤¤i¤m<=¤ at Buffalo, pay of superintendent, assistant, and L°“'S“ll°: and Pittsburgh, f°F °0m· - lnvborers . . .,.. ;, 347 p<¤¤¤=w<>¤, M-, of -------- - ··-~ _ .-96.355 public buildings and-grounds, contingent ezgpenses for the collection, clerk and messenger., . . . . 89, 348 ”f°’k°°Pmg»l"“‘{¤f°Y: wd *b¤bm`¤°‘ ganlencrs, fOl'Bl]JLtl.l,_ mul laborers .. .89, 348 ment °f the Public mm-my ···- ··- - -96: 355 lulrorcrs ut Capitol ll»I'l¢rf\l1`llilGC-l(00])€f.89, 348 Chgcks mid °h6°k‘b°°k¤ ·~··~· --·· ~·-» 96» 355 heating-alupurzmtus ‘0f Libmmy of Con- · BPWWI agcuts ·--- ·· -·-··---·· 4-‘-· ·-—· 96,355 guess. ... . ... 89, 348 mints and assay-ollices employes at Exccutiye Mansion ... 89, 348 Director of the Mint, examiners, clerks, , almxv-bridges and lbrxdge-keepers. , 89, 348 &c. . . ,,,, .,,,,, , ,,,,,,,__ 96, 355 wstchmen for squares, reservgttious, dw.89, 348 contingent expenses .. · .·. 96, 356 contingent and incidental cxpenses 89, 348 recoinugle of5e1d coins .. ., .. 97, 356 Executive ‘ _ Imint at hil el h'aé.— . . 97, 356 President and Vice-President . s . i . . . , . . 89, 348 · · at San Francie12s0T.. . .. -3 . 97, 356 privnte secretaries, clerks, steward, &c. 89, 348. · at Carson .,.. , ,. . . r . __,,,_.__, 97, 356 contm gent expenses . . . . . . 90, 348 , at Denver. -·. . ., . . .. . . ..., 97, 356 oihcml postage .. . . . .. 348 at New Orleans.. . ‘..‘. 97, 356 State Department, , - J . assay-office at New York. . . . ,97, 357 Scpretury, assistants, clerks, &c ... 90, 348 r at Boise City .. ‘ ...,...,.,., ,..98, 357 cbwfs of burwus ..-. . 90, 349 at Charlatte. . 98