Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/997

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INDEX. 967 Ps . National l?an[cs——Continue<l. _ go Nal·imu1lBank Oh¢mgoa—Continncd. Page redistribution of circulation to banks in name of Slater National Bank of North States·a.ndTemi»omeshav1nF less than Providence, R. I., to be changed to their proportion of cirenlat on ... 12,*3 Slater National Bank of Pawtucket, apportionment to be made on basis of R. I . . . . ... 520 wealth and population .. 125 Auburn City Natio¤¤1B=»¤k of Auburn, N. same powers and rig ts to, hereafter organ# Y., authorized to be merged into First _ _ ized_ .. - ... _ . . .. . . 125 National Bank of Auburn, N. Y; . 520 · limit to withdrawal of circulation . 125 name of Second National Bank of Jamesduring fiscal year ending June 30, 1875 .. 125 town, N. Y. to be changed toCity Noto reimbnrse amount appropriated for cer- tional Bank of Jamestown, N. Y. 521 tam clerks in omce of the Comptroller National-Bank Depositaries, ’ V of *1*6 C¤1`¤>¤¢Y --·--- - ------... 206 to assert and return to the Treasury, notes notes of, to be hereafter destroyed by ma· of notional banks failing to return _ eeration -. .. . ... 206 circulation as required ... . . 125 limitaiggaricof aggregate circulation of, re- 296 of bgxks failed or gone into liquidation, 20 .-·.. .. ... .. . ,... c ,,,_,, ,_,,, ,_,_ ,,, ____, ,________ 1 " may increase circulating notes without ref- National-Bank Examiners, _ erence to agiregate limit . . 296 compensation of, how assessed and fixed 329 provisions for wit clrawnl and redistribw to be paid by bank .. .; . . 329 iii10D of currency of, repealed . 296 National Bank-Note Company, when increased circulation issued to, legal- appropriation for payment to ... . . 407 tender notes in excess of three hun- National-Banlo Nome, dred millions to be redeemed in ratio appropriation for detecting, Gao., persons of 80 per cent .. 296 engaged in counterfeiting .. 375 so much of R. S.}5185, as limits circulation Nalimial (Jenwterica, · of gold-banks, severally, to one mil- appro riations for care of . 74,454 _ hon dollars repealed .. . . 302 for iieadstoncs in, continued 399 · increase of circulation of gold-banks au- Woodlawn Cemetery in Elmira, N. Y., how thorizod .. . . . ... 302 far to be deemed .. · .. 222 tax en, for upgsying out circulating-notes National (kwrency, other *1 those of national banks . . 311 appropriation lor withdrawing from circnlm returns of, how and when made; penalty tion notes of national banks which for failure to make .. . . .. . 311 have been countorfeited .. . . 92 rates of compensation to examiners of .. 329 for detecting counterfeiting, Sw. 205 compensation, how assessed and fixed; to for certain clerks in otllce of Comptroller be paid by bank .. . ... .. 329 of the Currency .. . . 206 notes of, to be printed under direction of to be ro—imbursc• by national banks.. 905 Secretary of Treasury, and on certain for expenses of making and issuing.206, 372, 407 paper ..,. . .. .- . . 372 for mnccration of notes .. . .. 205 oxpenscs of certain force employed in the act providing forredistribntiou nf nationaloffices of the Treasurer and Comp- bank currency, &c .. . .. 123,125 trollor of the Currency to be ro·i1n- notes to be liorcnfter destroyed by mucerabursed by transfers irom deposits of, tion instead or by burning`; . .- . . 206 in Treasury . . . . 399 repeal of act requiring notes to o burned . 200 National Bank Changes, provisions for withdrawal and redistribu- First National Bank of Saint Anthony may tion, repealed ... _. .. . . . . 296 change its location to Minneapolis, not less than three plate·printings in excandname t0Morchant’sNational ank curing. . . .. _ . .. . ..., 373 of Minneapolis .. . . . 3 one or more of sand plateprxntmgs to be name of Second ationol Bank of Havana by contractors . . .. . ._ 373 N. Y., changed to Havana National National Home/br Disabled Volwntccr Soldiers, Bank, of Havana, N. Y ..,... 4 Secretary of War to reserve from sale ten name of Passaic Count National Bank of thousand uniforms for inmates of 83 Paterson changed, to Second National J amos S. Nogley appointed a manager oi. . . 289 Bank of Paterson . . . 30 ropcal of part of acts to incorporate .- . . 359 Citizens’ National Bank of Hagerstown ro- how supported hereafter- .. . . .,. 360 moved to Wnshin ton, D. C., and money for, how drawn t . .. 300 name changed to 5itizens’ National receipts, &.o.,of, to he audited ..·- .. -. 350 Bank of Washington. .. . 41 dcilcxency approprnatxon for . .. 410 Irasbnrg National Bank of Orleans, Vt., certain persons reappointed managers of . . 524 may be removed to Barton, and name National Ifoaa, _ ‘ changed to Barton National Bank 52 upgropriations for expenses of, in onlces of— _ name of the “'.1‘he First National Bank or ecretary of Treasury . 2 . .. 110, {Zio Seneca" may be ohangedto the “First Treasurer .. . . .110, iii 0 Nati nal Bank of Morris " ... 84 Register .: . . . . . . 110, .i70 Farmers' National Bank of Greensburg, Pa.,First Auditor . . . .. ._ 110, J]0 ma be removed to Pittsbnniph Pa. Bureau of Engraving and·l’r1nting. 110,3iU ang name changed to Fifth ational for paper, labor, and materials for engrav- M0 Bank of Pittsburgh .. . ..277 ing and printing notes, bonds, &c.110, oi:. name of Oitizend National Bank of Sanborn- rates of pay or labor, how iixecl. . 376 ton, N. H. to be changed to Citizens? repeal of permanent appropriations for ex— National Bank o£'1‘ilten,N.H ... 332 _ pcnses of ... 109 name of Second National Bank of Watkins, detailed estimatcsof appropriations required N. Y., to be changed to Watkins Na- for, to be submitted :1nnualI_y to Lontional Bank . ... . 520 gross by Secretary of Treasury .. 109,110