Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/183

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 287. 1876. 157 roizlning and partiu g of bullion shall be carried on at tho mints of theUnited Rqfin i ¤ g_ an d States and at tho assay offioo, New York; and it shall be lawful to apply tho P‘”""“‘g b“u‘°“· moneys arising from charges collected from depositors for theso operations . pursuant to law, to tho dofraying in full of the expenses thereof, including labor, materials, and wastago ; but no part of tho moneys otherwise appropriated for tho support of tho mints and assay offico at New York shall be used to defray tho oxponsos of refining and parting bullion. Muw AT PmLA1>EL1>urA.-For salaries of tho superintendent, four Philadelphia. thousand iivo hundred dollars; for tho assayor, moltor and roiiuor, mimooinor, and ougravor, four in all, at three thousand dollars each; the assistant assayer, assistant ooinor, and assistant moltor and roiinor, at two thousand dollars oooh ; cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ; bookkoopor and deposit clerk, at eighteen hundred dollars each; weigh-clerk, two thousand dollars; and two clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; in all, thirty six thousand and fifty dollars. For wages of workmen and adjustors three hundred and twenty thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses eighty flvo thousand dollars. For ireight on bullion aud coin, tivo thousand dollars. MINT AT SANFRANCISCO,CALlFORN1A. For salaries of suporiutond- San Francisco ent, tour thousand five hundred dollars; assaycr, moltor and rofinor, and ***1***- coinor, at three thousand dollars each; chief clerk, and cashier, two ’ thousand Hvo hundred dollars oaoh, four clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each ; in all, twenty four thousand nino hundred dollars. For wages of workmen and adjustors, two hundred and sovcnty iivo ahousaud dollars. For matorial and repairs, fuel, lights, chemicals, and other ncoossarios soventy-tivo thousand dollars. Mmm mr CARSON, N mvA1>A.—For salary of superintendent, three C=¤¤¤<>¤ wintthousand dollars; for assayor, moltor and roiiuor, and c0ino1·,at two · thousand Iivo hundred dollars oach; chiof clerk, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; cashier and bookkeopor, at two thousand dollars each ; weigh-clark, two thousand dollars ; voucher-clork and computing-clork, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; assa.yo1·’s clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars ; in all, twenty three thousand tivo hundred and fifty dollars. For wages of workmen and adjustors, eighty thousand dollars. For materials and repairs, fuel, light, charcoal, chemicals, and other nccossarios, thirty tivo thousand dollars. Mmm AT DENVER, COLORADO:--FOP salaries of assayor in charge, D<>¤v¤¢ ¤¤i¤¤· two thousand tivo hundred dollars; moltor, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; two clerks, at ono thousand six hundred dollars each ; lu all, sovon thousand nina hundred and Bfty dollars. For wages of workmen, ton thousand dollars. For fuel, lights acids, chemicals, cruoiblos, repairs, and other necessarios, three thousand dollars. Assn; ormou AT NEW Yomc:-—For salary of superintendent four New York assay- thousand two bundrod and fifty dollars; for assayor, three thousand °“‘°°· dollars; for moltor and reiinor, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand flvo hundred dollars; woighing-clerk, two thousand tivo hundred dollars; paying-clerk, two thousand dollars; bar-clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; warrant-clork, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; two oaloulati11g—olorks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; assistant woigh-clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; for assayo1·’s first assistant, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; for assayo1·’s second assistant, two thousand ono hundred and fifty dollars ; for assayor’s third assistant, two thousand dollars; in all, thirty two thousand nine hundred dollars. For wages of workmon, twenty two thousand dollars For acids, copper, coal, load, light, and for miscellaneous itoms and repairs, aight thousand dollars.