Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/208

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` 182 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 289. 1876. For iron and steel for shop, two hundred and seventy dollars. For wagonmaker, six hundred dollars. For educational purposes, one thousand dollars. _ 11 Smt.,v01. For five per centum interest on two hundred thousand dollars, for purposes of education, per sixth article of treaty of August seventh, . M St t ,,86 eighteen hundred and iiity-six, ten thousand dollars. " " ‘ For interest on six hundred and seventy-Eve thousand one hundred . and sixty-eight dollars, at the rate of five per centum per annum, to be expended, under the direction of the Secretary having jurisdiction of Indian aiiairs, under provisions of third article of treaty of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, thirty-three thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight dollars and forty cents. · _ C¤¤r¤- _ oaows. . 15 Smt"6°1‘ For eighth of thirty installments, to supply male persons, six hundred in number, over fourteen years ot age, with a suit of good substantial woolen clothing, consisting of a coat, hat, pantaloons, flannel shirt. and woolen ocks, as per ninth article of treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, eight thousand four hundred dollars. For eighth of thirty installments, to supply each female, seven hundred in number, over twelve years of age, with a flannel skirt, or the goods necessary to make the same, a pair of woolen hose, twelve yard of calico, and twelve yards of cotton domestic, as per same article, eight thousand four hundred dollars. For eighth of thirty installments, to supply three hundred and fifty boys and three hundred and fifty girls, under the ages named, such fiannel and cotton goods as may be needed to make each a suit as aforesaid, together with a pair of woolen hose for each, per same article, five thou- ` sand nine hundred and twenty-three dollar . For eighth of ten installments, to be used by the Secretary of the ln- - terior in the purchase of such articles as from time to time their condition and necessities may indicate to be proper, the sum of ten dollars for each Indian roaming, as per same article, thirty thousand dollars. 16·S*’“*··652· Fo; pay ofla physician, per tenth article of same treaty, one thousand four undre dollars. . 15 S'°"·• 65r For seventh of twenty installments, for pay of teacher and furnishing necessary books and stationery, under seventh article of same treaty, two thousand dollars. _ 15 S“"*··652· For pay of carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, as per F tenth article of same treaty, four thousand five hundred dollars.- ‘ 15 S‘°°··6·’r For pay of second blacksmith, and iron. and steel, as per eighth article of same treaty. two thousand dollars. Prcviw For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to furnish subsistence, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That the River Crows shall share alike with the other Crow Indians in the subsistencethus furnished. · ollgiyzdih tgbeg D’WAMISH AND OTHER ALLIED TRIBES IN WASHINGTON jing Wg? 1» i ¤ g t 0 n TERRITORY. ' OH'] Ol' . · 12 S,,,{_,g2g_ For seventeenth of twenty installments on one hundred and fifty · thousand dollars, under the direction oi the President, per sixth article of treaty of January twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. 12 $*>=>»*¤·»929· For seventeenth of twenty installments, for the establishment and support of an agricultural and industrial school, and to provide said school with a suitable instructor or instructors, per fourteenth article of same treaty, three thousand dollars. _ For seventeenth of twenty installments, for the support of a smith (and carpenter shop, and furnishing it with necessary tools, ive hundred ol ars.