Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/6

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vi LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS. ~ _' . . Page. Additional bounty. An act to extend the time for filing claims for additional bounty under the act of July twenty~eighth, $66, which expired, by limitation, on January tlnrtieth, 1875, until July 74 iirst 1880. Jul 5 1 6 .-.. .. .. . . ..-. . . . . ` Army fears for coileggn. ,An act to amend section 1225 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. 74 u] 5 1876 ._,, _. ,_.,. ,. .. ...-.;... . ..-···--—·--·· ·-·--- - -·--- Kansas lnzlidn lands. An act providing for the sale of the Kansas Indian lands in Kansas to actual settlers, and for the disposition of the proceeds of the sale. July 5, 1876. .. .. .. ..-._.-:--·_ 74 La Grosso bridge. An act to authorize the construction of a ponton bridge across the M1ss1ssipp1 River from some feasible point in La Crosse County, in the State of Wrsconsln, to some feasible pgint in Houston County, in the State of Minnesota. July 6, 1876.: . . . . ., . -. 76 Nebras Oily Bridge Com ny. An act authorizing the Nebraska City Bridge Company to construct a ponton milwayfbiidge across the Missouri River at Nebraska City, in Otoe County, Nebraska. July 8, 1876 .. . . . . . . . . . 76 Temporary a iaticms. An act to continue the provisions of an act entitled "An act to provide temporari ly for the expenditures of the Government." July 10, 1376 - -.-... - ---—-·------- 78 Postal-service appropriations. An act making appropriations for the service of the Post-Omce Depa.rtment for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, 1877, and lor other purposes. July 12, 1876.. . 78 Taxes in District of Columbia. An act for the support of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year endin June thirtieth, 1877, and for other purposes. July 12, 1876.. . . . 83 · Documentary stamps. An act rglative to the redemption of unused stamps. July 12, 1876.. . . -.-. 88 . Indian supplies. An act to authorize the Commissioner of Indian Adairs to purchase supplies for the In ian Bureau in open market. July 12, 1876 .. . ... I . . .. , .. ... . 8B Pcnitentiaries and jails. An act to amend seetlou 5546 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, providing for imprisonment and transfer of United States prisoners. July 12, 1876 ... 88 Noriluvestern Improvement Company. An act to authorize the Northwestern Improvement Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin to enter upon the Menomonee lgplgan reservation, and improve the Oconto River, its branches and tributaries, July 12, 89 Custom-house permits. An act to exempt vessels engaged in navigating the Mississippi River and its tributaries above the port of New Orleans from ent-ries and clearances. July 12, 1876 . . . . 90 Iadecent publications. An act to amend sections 3893 and 3894 of the Revised Statutes, providing a · penalty for mailinglobsceue books and other matters therein contained, and prohibiting lottery— circulars passinp t rough the mails. July 12, 1876. . . . .. . ., ... . 90 Rockland custom-house ot. An act to amend an act approved April seventeenth, 1876, providing for the sale of a part of custom-house lot in Rockland, Maine. July 12, 1876 . . . -.-. 9l Public An act to continue the act entitled "Au act to continuethe public printing." July 91 t •¤·-•• ·•·••~• <•••¤¤ nu-··· ·•·¤••• ••»¤•• un--•• ·¤-- •• ••¤¤¤n nn-- ••-i-» •••¤•• ¤••• •···• ·~¤• "D0Qo};gnig7é&n not to change the name of the steam—barge “Dolphin," of Clayton, New York. July 91 Arizona laws. An act relating to the approval of bills in the Territory of Arizona. July 19, 1876. .. 91 Pennsylvania avenue. An act authorizing the repavement of Pennsylvania avenue.· July 19, 1876. . . _ 92 " Senator Mika Norton."An act for changing the name of the steam-propeller “Senator Mike Norton ” to “America.” July 19, 1876 .. . .. . .. .-- . . .. ..-. .-.. 94 Fort Kearney military reservation. An act to provide for the sale of the Fort Kearney military reservation in the State of Nebraska. July · 1, 1876 . -.. ,. . . . . . 94 Iemporary appropriations. An act to continue the provisions of an act entitled "An act to provide temporarily for the expenditures of the Government." July 21, 1876 .. . . . ... 95 Paymaster- General. An act establishing the rank of the Pa master-General. July 22, 1876 . . .. . 95 Military pom. An act to provide for the construction ciy military posts on the Yellowstone and Muscleshell Rivers. July 22, 1876. ... . . . .. .,.. . ... . . . , .,,,,,,_ 95 Key West reservation. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to purchase a parcel of land on the Island of Key We t, Florida. July 22, 1876 -. ..._ .--,,. .. . , . . . . .,.. 96 · Alabama Claims Commission. An act to extend the duration of the Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims. July 22, 1876. . . . . ..,... . ...,,, ,. , .,,,,.,,. .,-, ,,,, 1 ,,,,___ 96 . Army appropriations. An act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the iiscal year ‘ ending June thirtieth, 1877, and for other purposes. July 24, 1876 .. . . ...,.. ..., 97 Kansas lamlgrantfor railroads. An act to declare forfeited to the United States certain lands granted to the State of Kansas in aid of the construction of railroads by act of Congress approved ` Merch third, 186%. July 24, 1876 .. . . . . . . . .. . ... . ... 101 Public printing. An act to continue the public printing. July 24, 1876 . . . .. . . . 101 Bankruptcy. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to amend and su lenient an act entitled ‘An act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the lynited States} approved ligréch second, 1867, and for other purposes}' approved June twenty-second, 1874. July 26,

, . . . ,, , ._,,, . .,... . ...,. , . ,._,...,.., . ,..._,,,.. , . - ,  ,, 102

Leaves of absence, Army. An act to amend an act approved May eight, 1874, in regard to leaves of absence of Army omcers. July 29, 1876 .-. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . 102 Sundry civil expenses approprmtiom:. An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the fépgernment for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, 1877, and for other purposes. July 31,

· · ----· · ----·--.. . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ..,.. 102

Temporary appropriations. An act to continue the provisions of an act entitled "An act to continue the provisions of an act entitled ‘An act to provide temporarily for the expenditures of the G9v•5rnm5¤t.’” August 1, 1876 ,,,, . ,_,,,__,. , _,,__,, ,,_, ,_,, _ ..,.,, . . . .,.,,.,, ·_ 122 Public priming. An act to continue the public printing. August 2, 1876 .. .. . . . 122 Washiggqzégéuonummt. An act providing for the completion of the Washington Monument. August , ··-- - --·-- .--. . . . ... .. . . . . . . . -. .. . . . 123 ~ Chinese ijmmiqration. An act making an appropriation to defray the expenses of the Joint Select Com- · mittee to lnvesvgate Chinese Immigration. August 2. 1876 . . . ... . . 123